January8-9, 2016
January 22-23, 2016
413 Ryan Drive Brandon Miss. 39047
Ph: 601-479-5089
This course focuses on the pastor’s formation and competency in fulfilling the role of pastoral administrator, so that a unity is achieved between the pastor’s doing and being. The development of administrative skills in keeping with the theology and polity of The United Methodist Church is addressed.
- Examination of the nature of the church as foundational for the development of mission statements, administrative decisions, and leadership styles
- Clarification of the respect of leadership roles of laity and pastors
- Introduction to planning, coordinating, decision making, conflict management, and evaluation in the church setting
- Development of skills for, and understanding of, the dynamics involved in the small church and multiple- charge setting
- Enhancement of the student’s understanding of United Methodist structures and administrative procedures
Required Texts: #1-6
- Lovett H. Weems, Jr.- Church Leadership: Vision, Team ,Culture and Integrity ( Abingdon Press, 1993; ISBN 9780687133413)
- The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2012 (UMPH,; ISBN 978-1-426-71812-0)
- Norma Cook Everist – Conflict: From Contention to Collaboration (Abingdon Press, 2004; ISBN 9780687038015)
- Carl S.Dudley- Effective Small Churches in Twenty-First Century ( Abingdon Press, 2003; ISBN 9780687090907)
- Laceye Warner- The Method Of Our Mission ( Abingdon Press or
- Lovett Weems- Leadershipin The WesleyanSpirit (Abingdon Press or
Recommended, But Not Required: These Books Below!! #8-12 Good for Library!!!
- Norman Shawchuck- Leading the Congregation: Caring for Yourself While Serving Others (Abingdon Press, 1998; ISBN9780687495672)
- James L.Killen, Jr.- Pastoral Care in the Small Membership Church (Abingdon Press,2005 ISBN-13:978-0-687-34326-3
- Norman Shawchuck- Leading the Congregation: Caring for Yourself While Serving the People (Abingdon Press, 1993; ISBN 978-0-687-08420-3)
10. F.Belton Joyner- Pastoral Prayers in Public Places (Abingdon Press, 2006; ISBN 9780687495679)
- Sara Webb Phillips- Pastoral Prayers For The Hospital Visit( Abingdon Press, 2006; ISBN 9780687496587)
- Ken Haugk- Antagonists in the Church( Augsburg Fortress Press, ISBN 9780806623108)
Due January8,2016
Church Leadership and Pastoral Care in Small Membership Care
- Based on your reading material,summarize the ten observations about Leadership and how it affects you.(Weems,p.21-26)
- Describe the Three common confusions about leadership and how they can affect a Leader to lead. (Weems, p.29-34)
- Describe your style of Leadership as you lead your congregation. What are your strong points as a leader and what are your weakpoints?
Due January22, 2016
Based on the 2012 Book of Discipline
- Review parts IV, V, and VI of the Discipline (pages91-215). Information on structure and organization of the local church. Look specifically at paragraphs 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 201, and 202. These paragraphs address the mission of the local church. What is the mission of the church according to the Discipline?
- Review Chapter 6 of The Book of Discipline (pgs.721-763). Discuss how you can lead or maintain your church into compliance with the Discipline.
- The skills and abilities require for administration and leadership to have constant growth. Describe how you will continue to nurture your gifts for leadership and administration.
The class will use small group conversation and a variety of resources to help each pastor explore the ways of leadership.
The student will be evaluated in three ways:
- Completion of assigned reading
- Completion of written assignments
- Class participation
All work submitted must be Typed (doubled spaced) 12 font
Email to:
Mail to:The Rev. Kevin A. Carter
413 Ryan Drive
Brandon Miss. 39047