I. Background

In March 2000, the Transition Age Youth (TAY) program began in Anne Arundel County. The program initially served ten youth ages 16 through 22 and included social and housing supports. Through a series of budget reductions, the program was no longer able to offer housing supports, but continued to offer social supports to the youth enrolled in the program. The program had an enhancement in 2014 when the University of Maryland in partnership with the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) trained all the TAY staff in an abbreviated version of the Transition to Independence Process (TIP). The program was also expanded to serve twenty youth ages 16- 25. Over the past 16 years, the program has demonstrated that the additional supports that youth receive enhance the transition to becoming a successful adult.

The Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency (AACMHA) desires to identify an Evidence Based Practice (EBP)- Supported Employment (SE)vendor to provide Supported EmploymentServices and clinical supportthat can servethe Transition Age Youth population.

II. Program Model

Transition Age Youth services in Maryland are designed to provide each individual with a positive, appropriate, and culturally-competent, youth driven and developmentally appropriate services through Assertive Engagement, Person –Centered Care Planning, and Community Based Skills Teaching and Development. The model promotes self-sufficiency, self -determination and empowerment by providing services that are accessible, age appropriate, strengths-based, and person-centered, with a strong emphasis on a youth voice.

Anne Arundel County Transitional Age Youth services center on youth and young adults ages 16-25 with emotional and behavioral health disorders with a focus on education and employment.

The program staff will actively participate in the development of a Training Plan, to include a schedule and timeline of training, technical assistance, coaching and mentoring activities, content and skills domains to be covered, and the mode of delivery.Staff are expected to enroll and complete training provided by the University of Maryland Transitional Age Youth identified Consultant/Trainer.

III. Scope of Work

A. Overview

The Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency is seeking a single Evidence-Based Supported Employment provider to serve the TAY population in Anne Arundel County. The provider shall:

i.provide services at, or above, the standards included in the Federal Medicaid requirements and State Medicaid Plan requirements for the type of service; the requirements of the Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency, Inc.; and

iii. adhere to statements made in the reply to this RFP.

The AACMHA will oversee and monitor compliance with all contract requirements in order to ensure procedural requirements and contract deliverables are met. The offeror shall ensure that the AACMHA will have full access to and copies of any and all materials to fulfill this contract oversight role. This should include but is not limited to, consumer records, case ratios, staffing levels and patterns, organizational parameters, service requirements budget and financial records.

B. Overview of Program

The TAY-EBP SE program will serve youth and young adults ages 16 to 26, who have been diagnosed with an emotional and/or behavioral health disorder.The TAY-EBP SE provider will identify appropriate youth and young adults for admission into the program. The selected provider will submit an authorization request to Beacon Health for reimbursement for Evidenced-Based Practice Supported Employment Services.

The TAY-SE provider will assist and encourage the youth or young adults in developing goals related to education, vocational training, community integration and employment.

C. Staffing Requirements

The Staffing for this program includes a dedicated .75 Full Time Employee (FTE) licensed mental health professional, and at a minimum, a dedicated .5 FTE Care Coordinator.

D. Deliverables

The major outcome for this population is to reduce the use of inpatient and other institutional-based care, obtain and maintain employment, completeparticipant education,ensure participant satisfaction, maintaining entitlement and having a safe, clean stable living situation.

Program Deliverables

1. Submit required TAY-SE data to the AACMHA on a monthly basis.

2. Submit fiscal and programmatic reports to the AACMHA on a monthly basis.

3. Maintain a database of all youth Purchase of Service requests and receipt

verifications and submit to AACMHA on a monthly basis.

4. Track the number of youth who are employed, in school or college, living

independently or in a stable housing situation, and highlight any youth

achievements or successes.

5. Track the number of youth who are admitted to inpatient psychiatric units,

Residential Treatment Centers, or are arrested.

6. Develop and implement a plan for outreach and recruitment.

7. Develop and implement plans in cooperation with the family and treatment

team that are youth driven.

8. Prepare and submit a bi-annual report and narrative to the AACMHA on

January 10th and July 10th that assesses and summarizes progress in the

implementation of the approved training and technical assistance plan,

identify any barriers to the implementation of the identified model and,

based on the nature of the barriers identified, recommend any amendments

to the approved training and technical assistance plan for review and

consideration of AACMHA.

9. Attend provider meetings organized by AACMHA.

10.Meet with the AACMHA on a monthly basis and as requested by


11. Notify AACMHA staff of significant changes with program participants,

i.e., hospitalization, job changes, arrest, school suspension or expulsion,

loss of a job, interruption or change in living situation, within 72 hours of

the care manager being notified.

12. Meet with and prepare reports as requested by the BHA/AACMHA.

13. Ensure appropriate staff are trained by the University of Maryland.

15. Adhere to staffing ratios.

16. Complete monitoring tools as determined by the EBP selected by the


17. Submit an annual training and technical assistance plan for the

development of staff competency and organizational capacity for the

delivery of the model.

18. Maintain a cooperative agreement with the Department of Rehabilitation

Services (DORS) for the provision of SE services.

19. Submit timely TAY specific evidence-based practice outcomes quarterly

to the University of Maryland Evidence-Based Practice Center.

IV. Mechanisms to Integrate with Existing System

The selected vendor will be required to sign a contract with the AACMHA. This contract shall address, at a minimum, collaboration, sharing of information in conformance with applicable laws and regulations, grievances and complaints, dealing with non-compliance of children, youth and families, and consumer and family input into Treatment Plans. Involvement in hospitalizations and education must be addressed.

V. Procurement Process (Attachment 1)

Issuing Office

AnneArundelCounty Mental Health Agency, Inc.

1 Harry S Truman Parkway, Suite 101

Annapolis, Maryland21401

410 222-7858

Issuing Officer

Adrienne Mickler

Executive Director

VI. Pre-Bid Conference

A pre-bid conference will be held on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Partnership Conference Room at 1 Truman Parkway, Suite 101, Annapolis, Maryland, 21401.The purpose of the conference is to address questions concerning the expectations of the project. All interested parties should register with the AACMHA by Friday, September 16, 2016,via email to .

VII. Closing Date

The deadline for submission of proposals is 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, Friday, October 21, 2016at AACMHA 1 Truman Pkwy Suite 101, Annapolis, Md. 21401. Please submit an original and seven (7) copies each of both the Offeror Qualifications, Technical Proposal and Budget Analysis, as well as an electronic copy.

VIII. Duration of Offer

The Offeror agrees to be bound by its Offeror Qualifications, Technical Proposal and Budget Analysis for a period of 60 days from the proposal closing date during which time AACMHA may request clarification or corrections for the purpose of evaluation. Amendments or clarifications requested by AACMHA shall not affect the remainder of the proposals, but only that portion so amended or clarified.

  1. Timetable

If it is deemed appropriate, Offerors submitting proposals in response to this RFP may be required to make oral presentations or negotiations of their proposals. AACMHA will schedule the time and place for such discussions, if any. It is expected that this will take place approximately two weeks after the proposal deadline, depending on the number of proposals received. It is planned that the selection of the contractor will be announced on Wednesday, November 16, 2016, and a contract will be executed approximately within two weeks of the announcement. The announcement will also be available to Offerors on the AACMHA website at under latest news.

The project will commence on or about January 1, 2017.

  1. Cost of Proposal Preparation

Any costs incurred by Offerors in preparing or submitting proposals are the sole responsibility of the Offerors. AACMHA will not reimburse any Offeror for any costs incurred in making a proposal or subsequent pre-contract discussions, presentations, or negotiations.

  1. Selection and Ad Hoc Committee

A committee will be formed to review the proposals, score them, and recommend a selection to the AACHMA Board of Directors Contract Committee. Final acceptance of the deliverables will be made by the AACMHA and the AACMHA Board of Directors

  1. Proposal Submission
  1. Form of Proposal

Proposals must be submitted by each Offeror in separate sealed packages, grouped and marked as follows:

  1. Transition Age Youth – Supported Employment Program – Qualifications Proposal

Offeror’s name and date of proposal

  1. Transition Age Youth- Supported Employment Program – Technical Proposal

Offeror’s name and date of proposal

  1. Transition Age Youth – Supported Employment Program– Price Proposal

Offerors name and date of proposal

  1. Freedom of Information

Offerors should give specific attention to the identification of those portions of their proposals that they deem to be confidential proprietary information or trade secrets and provide any justification why such material, upon request, should not be discussed by AACMHA under the Maryland Public Information Act, State Government Article, Sections 10-611 et seq. annotated Code of Maryland.

Offerors are advised that the mere assertion of confidentiality is not sufficient to make matters confidential under the act. Information is confidential only if it is customarily so regarded in the trade and/or the withholding of the data would serve an objectively recognized private interest sufficiently compelling as to override the general disclosure policy of the act. In determining whether information designated as such is proprietary, AACMHA will follow the direction provided by the AACMHA attorney when responding to requests for information contained in proposals.

It may be necessary that the entire contents of the proposal of the selected Offeror be made available and reproduced for the purpose of examination and discussion by a broad range of interested parties.

X.Proposal Format and Content

A. Overview

The proposal should address all points outlined in this RFP, and should be clear and precise in response to the information and requirements described. A transmittal letter should accompany the proposal. The sole purpose of this letter is to transmit the proposal. It should be brief and signed by an individual who is authorized to commit the Offeror to the services and requirements as stated in this RFP.

  1. Qualification Format

Experience and Qualification of Offeror

References and descriptions of previous similar engagements should be provided. All references should include a contact person familiar with the Offeror's work and the appropriate telephone number, with authorization for AACHMA to contact any reference provided.

Proof of entity being in good standing, and notification of all lawsuits pending or in process shall be provided. The Offeror must not be listed on the Federal disbarment list.

The Offeror shall provide a Medicaid billing number for each service referenced in response to the RFP. Preference may be given to a Minority Business Entity and/or Not for Profit entities. The Offeror shall provide its contact information to include contact name, address, and phone and fax numbers.

Each Offeror’s submission must bear the Offeror’s name, the closing date for proposals and “Evidence Based Practice Supported Employment – Transition Age Youth – Offeror Qualifications” on the outside of the package. This package shall contain an original and seven copies and an electronic copy of the Offeror’s submission..

  1. Qualification Content

Response to each qualification required.

  1. Technical Proposal Format
  1. Each Offeror’s submission must bear the Offeror’s name, the closing date for proposals and ““Evidence Based Practice Supported Employment – Transition Age Youth – Technical Proposal” on the outside of the package. This package shall contain an original and seven copies, as well as an electronic copy of the Offeror's Technical Proposal.
  1. Technical Proposal Content

i.Executive Summary -The Offeror shall condense and highlight the contents of theTechnical Proposal in a separate section entitled "Executive Summary.” The summary shall provide a description of the objectives of the RFP, the scope of work, the contents of the proposal, and any related issues which should be addressed.

ii.Proposed Services - Work Plan

The Offeror shall provide a detailed discussion of the Offeror's approach, methods, techniques, tasks in a Work Plan that addresses the requirements outlined in the scope of work, and any additional requirements that might be identified by the Offeror.

The Offeror shall fully explain how the proposed services will satisfy the requirements of this RFP. It shall also indicate all significant tasks, aspects, or issues that will be examined to fulfill the scope of work, as well as, include a time-phased schedule by tasks for meeting the proposed objective, a breakdown of proposed staff assignments, and time requirements by task.

The Offeror shall demonstrate a full understanding of the purpose, expectations and complexities of the project and how the objective may best be accomplished. The total scope of effort and resources proposed by the Offeror should be convincing and consistent with the view and nature of the engagement.

iii. Project Organization and Management

The Offeror shall demonstrate the capability to successfully manage and complete the contract, including an outline of the overall management concepts and methodologies to be employed by the Offeror, and a Project Management Plan including project control mechanisms, and describe the quality control procedures of the Offeror. Key management individuals responsible for coordinating with the AACMHA should be identified. The Offeror must meet periodically with the AACMHA staff and render periodic progress reports for the purpose of administering the contract. The Offeror shall also participate in the consumer tracking process approved by the BHA, collecting and submitting relevant data as required by BHA. The Offeror also shall address the transition and employment of existing agency-based case managers.

iv.Personnel Capability

The Offeror shall clearly identify the proposed project team, the assignment of work activities, and the experience, qualifications, and education of the staff to be assigned. It is essential that the Offeror assign and provide sufficient qualified staff assigned in an appropriate mix who has experience in aspects related to the objectives and scope of the proposal. The Offeror should explain to what extent backup professional personnel are available to substitute for loss of professional personnel identified as necessary in the proposal. Continuity of staff is essential and needed for consistency with the youth and family.

v. The Offeror shall have demonstrated knowledge of the Health and Human Services Agreement Manual and demonstrate knowledge of billing Medicaid.

  1. Price Proposal Criteria

A. Overview

The price for the TAY contract is $134,560.00. A Minimum of $32,000.00 must be allocated for consumer activities that will assist with consumers’ goal attainment. The remaining $90,560 may be allocated for salary, fringe and operational costs.

The proposal should address all points outlined in this RFP, and should be clear and precise in response to the information and requirements described. A transmittal letter should accompany the budget analysis. The sole purpose of this letter is to transmit the budget analysis. It should be brief and signed by an individual who is authorized to commit the Offeror to the services and requirements as stated in this RFP.

The Offerors must address their financial ability to provide the scope of services requested at the quality desired, and address the legal liability issues associated with the provision of the proposed services. Applicants having current contracts with the BHA or the AACMHA must have demonstrated success by meeting deliverables in current contracts.

B. Format of Price Proposal

Each offeror is required to submit a Price Proposal which must bear the name of the offeror and the closing date for the proposal on the outside of the package. This package shall contain an original and seven copies, as well as an electronic copy. For purposes of scoring the price proposal, “offer” is considered to be DHMH grant funds only. The budget in its entirety, including all other revenue, will be considered as part of the technical submission for completion and qualitative elements.

  1. Overall Budget

An overall budget (on the appropriate forms) shall be submitted. All sources of revenues anticipated should be detailed in the submitted budget. All anticipated revenue via Fee for Service system should be broken out by procedure type i.e. Case Management, PRP.

  1. Personnel Detail Page

A personnel detail page (DHMH 432 D), including the qualifications, licenses held and titles of staff, the hours/days of employment anticipated, the salary per hour/day, and any agency adjustments should be detailed. There is no allowance for vacancies; work is based on 2080 hours. All consultant costs should be detailed, including type of consultant, if known, and an hourly rate for each consultant hired.