Please indicate theScholarship you are applying for:
Sister Mary Dorothea Sheehan - Professional Development
Margaret Sullivan - Research
Dorothy Clarke Scholarship - Western Australia applicants only
Have you received an ACCYPN scholarships before? Yes No
If so, please provide the names of the scholarship and year awarded.

Family Name
Given Name
Address / Phone ______
Fax ______
Email ______
Are you a current member of ACCYPN?
Yes No / What year did you join ACCYPN or a previous state organisation?
Which State are you currently employed in? ______
Are you an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident? Yes No
Please provide a brief description of your professional role
Please outline your contribution to ACCYPN
Please attach a your CV

Please attach the following informationrelevant to the Scholarship you are applying for.
Research Scholarship
A research proposal study, no more than 5 pages, including the following:
  • Background to the study
  • Literature review
  • Significance
  • Research question/s
  • Aims and objectives of the study
  • Design and method
  • Data collection - outline how data will be collected and by whom. Please attach a copy of survey, interviews questions etc (if applicable)
  • Data analysis
  • Ethical considerations
Scoring Matrix for Research Scholarships
Criteria / Points
Quality of Research Proposal - the proposal is relevant to Professional Nursing Practice related to Children’s Health and Wellbeing / 10
Potential for Proposal to Impact on children and young people’s nursing practice / 10
Total points / 20
Professional Development Scholarship
  • A copy of the conference/seminar or course outline
  • A statement describing the activity and the objectives you wish to achieve
  • A statement outlining how your attendance at the conference/seminar or course will contribute to your professional role?
  • If you are presenting a paper/ poster please attach a copy of the abstractwith your application.
Scoring Matrix for the Professional Development Scholarship / Points
Quality of Professional Development Proposal - the proposal is relevant to Professional Nursing Practice related to Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing / 10
Potential for the Professional Development to impact on children and young people’s nursing practice / 10
Total points / 20
Please attach a detailed budget for the scholarship for which you are seeking funding.
Are you receiving funding from any other sources:
Yes No
If Yes, please identify the source: ______
Conditions of receiving a scholarship
  • All scholarship recipients must submit a written report and proof of scholarship/grant expenditure.
  • For professional development scholarships a report is required no later than two (2) months after attendance/completion of the conference/seminar/course.
  • Seventy percent (70%) of the grant will be paid when the grant is awarded and 30% will be paid on receipt of the report
  • For research scholarships a progress report regarding research activity funded is required twelve months from receipt of the scholarship.
  • Reports will be published on the ACCYPN website with a summary printed in the ACCYPN newsletter
  • Scholarship recipients will be required to return all scholarship monies if conditions of scholarship conditions are not completedin full.

Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ / Please send signed copy with the relevant attachments to:
Australian College of Children and Young People’s Nurses
  • Email:
  • Postal address:
    The Secretary
    PO Box 206
    Wynnum Qld 4178

Reviewed May 2015