CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Consistent with the College ofEducation’s Conceptual Framework focusing on State Department of Education Content Standards (CFSDECS) 1.1, 1.4, this course is designedto provide instruction relative to athleticperformance involving the analysis of the role ofsocial institution on sport development andscientific behavior of the athlete. This courseaddresses the NASPEsport psychologycompetencies,sport personality, altered states ofconsciousness, anxiety and arousal, attention,assertion and aggression. Sports as a sub-systemand social problems are reviewed in relationshipto sport and culture. Praxis II Categories IV, V
TEXTBOOK:Bryant, J. & McElroy, M. (1997). Sociological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise
Englewood, CO: Morton.
OFFICE HOURS:To be Announced
ATTENDANCE POLICY: University Policy
Prepared by Dr. Pat Floyd06/2007
Approved by______
Department ChairpersonDate
NOTE: Any candidate requiring alternative formats for testing, handouts or other types of accommodations, due to a disabling condition, should advise me within the first week of classes.
Revised 06/2007 by DorisScrews/Pat Floyd
This course is designed to provide the candidate with an understanding of the discipline of psychology, sociology and sociological study. The roles of athletics, sport, coaching and the athlete in North America will be examined with special emphasis on the role of blacks and females. SDECS (1) (a) (3)
Upon successful completion of the course, the candidate should be able to:
1. Present concepts underlying the relationship between sociological thinking and the study of sport and exercise. CFSDECS 1.1, 1.4
a. Define the terms psychology and sociology.SDECS(1) (a) 3; Praxis II category (IV)
b. Identify the forces that influence one's personality.
c. Identify and describe the basic human needs developed by Abraham Maslow.
d. Explain the paradoxical nature of sport and exercise.
e. Identify three examples of dominant culture and subculture in sport/exercise contexts.
- Identify four assumptions underlying the study of social action.Praxis II category (IV)
- Identify the five characteristics of organized sport.
- Identify the four levels of health-related exercise. Praxis II category ( III)
- Identify what is meant by positive and negative social technology.
- Distinguish between the structural-functional conflict, symbolic interactions, and social critical paradigms.
k.Identify two recent frameworks sociologist use to study sport and exercise.
l. Define the Psychological and Sociological terms in Appendix E. Praxis II category(IV)
2.Present concepts underlying the relationship betweensocialization in sport and exercise.
- Identify the three categories of the social learning framework used to predict sport and exercise participation.Praxis II category (IV)
b.Identify the components of the role transition model.
c.Define de-socialization and give one sport/exercise example.
d.Define aversive socialization and give one sport/exercise example.
e.Define re-socialization and give one sport/exercise example.
f.Identify two dynamic exercise models.
g.Identify the five decision-making models.
h. Construct a profile of an at risk sedentary health adult.
- Identify three trends associated with patterns of exercise behavior.
3.Present concepts underlying the relationship between sport, values, and the American Dream.
a. Define what is meant by the American Dream.
b.Identify five values associated with traditional American core values.
c.Explain the meaning of the American sports creed.
d.Distinguish among the cultural symbols reinforced by the sports of baseball, football, basketball, soccer, and running.
e.Describe the ethic of over conformity.
f.Explain the new definition of individualism in sport and exercise.
g.Explain the political correctness debate.
h.Identify four trends leading to disillusionment within American society.
4. Present concepts underlying the relationship between the dynamics of social class and social mobility and social
problems in sport and exercise.
a. Identify the three social statuses that define social class in American society.
b.Identify characteristics associated with sport and exercise at the upper, middle, working, and lower social classes.
c.Explain the five forms of social mobility.
d.Distinguish between direct and indirect sport mobility.
e.Identify three social mechanisms that may lead to positive social mobility through sport/exercise.
f.Define the term meritocracy and explain its role in sport/exercise and society.
g.Define the concept of discrimination by inclusion. Praxis II category (IV)
h.Define what is meant by double jeopardy.
i.Explain the differences and similarities between
the concepts of social deviance and social
j.Differentiate between positive and negative social deviance.
k.Explain how the sport ethic is both a positive and negative form of deviance.
l.Explain how drug use in sport and exercise evolves from legal drug use to
recreational use and performance enhancement. Praxis II category (VI)
m.Describe the types of criminal behavior most common in the athletic world.
n.Describe the relationship between gambling on college and professional sports and
the potential forfixing a game.
o.Explain the difference between relatively legitimate and relatively illegitimate sport violence.
p.Explain the relationship between violence
and aggression.
q.Explain normative versus, non-normative behavior related to cheating.
5.Present concepts underlying the relationship betweengender and the sport/exercise experience.
a. Define what is meant by patriarchy.
b.Differentiate between gender and biological sex.
c.Describe several ways in which the legal system has contributed to gender equity. Praxis II category (IV)
d.Distinguish between the two forms of sexual harassment.
e.Define the concept of trivialization of women and give several examples from the world of sport and exercise.
f.Define homophobia and give three examples.
g.Identify four women’s health issues related to sedentary lifestyles.
h.Describe a model of feminist’s values in sport or exercise.
6.Present concepts underlying the relationship between race and ethnicity: Diversity in sport and exercise.
a. Identify the historical events that have had animpact on the present successes and failuresof ethnically and racially diverse athletes. Praxis II category (IV)
b.Distinguish between biological and cultural reasons regarding the dominance of the black athlete, and justify with two examples that dominance from a cultural perspective.
c.Describe on-field discrimination practices.
d.Describe front office and on-field management racial discrimination practices.
e.Discuss the role of women of color in sport from a pastand present perspective.
f.Explain the effects of Title IX, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, affirmative action on sports. Praxis II category (IV)
g.Discuss the direction the fitness-and-sport industry should take to build a larger revenue base with an ethnically and racially diverse sports population. Praxis II category (IV)
7.Present concepts underlying the relationship between the fitness and exercise industry in a sedentary society and in the corporate world of sport.
a. Explain what is meant by fitness and the entrepreneurial spirit and list three attractions of home-based fitness.
b.Identify the four social structure factors that constrain a fit society and describe the paradox of fitness participation.
c.Identify and discuss five exercise scams and identify three fitness subcultures.
d.List three factors that contribute to the failure of exercise promotion and three factors that contribute to the failure of rehabilitation programs.
e.Describe the new direction in fitness that the Surgeon General’s report advocates.
f.Explain how cartels work in the professional sport world and the concept of on-field competition blended with cooperative management effort off the field.
g.Explain why the Sherman Antitrust Law has been waived for professional baseball and ignored, at least in part, for the other sport enterprises? Do this by discussing exemptions and giving examples for each exemption.
h.Explain strategy on the part of owners when buying or moving a professional sport franchise.
i.Explain why salary caps are an advantage for owners and are both an advantage and a disadvantage to players.
j. Explain how collusion works in favor of professional sport franchise owners and identify how the drafting of players is unacceptable from a conflict paradox viewpoint.
k.Explain how extension and core products are critical to the survival of any business.
l.Identify the four major issues related to the 1994-95 Major League Baseball strike and the impact of the 1994 baseball strike on Major League Baseball from a revenue producing standpoint.
m.Explain why municipalities seek professional sport as
business partners and why municipalities seldom gain
financially when in a partnership with professional
n.Discuss Minor League Baseball and Major League Baseballmarketing efforts.
o. Explain how Nike has built a cultural empire in the
sport clothing industry.
- Present concepts underlying the relationship between sport and the educational institution.
a. Describe the relationship of high school athletics to community involvement.
b.Describe the recruiting process that takes place at the high school level: (a) between high schools, and (b) between college recruiters and high-school athletes.
c.Discuss two positives and two negatives of the high school athletic experience.
d.Identify two examples of role conflict associated with student athletes and high school coaches.
e.Describe the financial survival needs of intercollegiate athletics as defined by revenue earnings, fund-raising, and gate receipts.
f.Explain the reasons why intercollegiate student-athletes should be paid a reasonable wage for services rendered.
g.Explain the double standards associated with exploitation in intercollegiate athletics as related to the student-athlete.
h.Define proportionality and explain the resultant backlash that occurs as a result of gender equity.
i.Describe why salaries of women coaches have continued to remain lower than men coaches.
9.Present concepts underlying the relationship between mass communication and images of sport.
a. Explain the extent of media’s pervasiveness regarding sport and how sport becomes a studio production.
b.Describe the sport talk show relationship with the public and discuss the influence these shows may have on
c.Identify the sport programming process for a televised football game and list five rule changes over the past 10 years caused by media, using various sports as examples.
d.Explain Chandler’s concepts regarding the televised production of baseball and describe how pressrelations andinvestigative reporting have changedplayer-press relations.
e.List and describe the contributions of media to social injustices associated with race and how the print and electronic media have discriminated against women regarding sport.
f. Identify how extensive the influence of the electronic media and the print media is on sport and society.
- Present concepts underlying the relationship between future trends in sport and exercise. INTASC
a.Identify the traditional and dominant value changes projected for the future.
b.Identify the four interdependent aspects of globalization and how they might impact future socialization experiences.
c.Explain how social problems will impact sport in the future.
d.Discuss the potential future for youth and the aging individual as related to sport and fitness.
e.Identify the meaning of globalization and what its impact will be on the future.
f.Explain how economics will impact the future of sport and how people of color and women may fare in sport in the future.
g.Write your own scenario of what the sport and fitness world will be like in the next century,as impacted by technology.
- Produce a research paper (see Appendix A for evaluation). The research paper must be completed by Mid-term. Type paper using IBM Compatible Computer and Word or Word Perfect Software. Submit paper and Flash Drive or San Disk with electronic copy of paper to instructor. The instructor will return the disk for final corrections. Re-cycled papers are UNACCEPTABLE. A minimum of 14 points (of a possible 20) must be achieved to pass the outcome.
12. Teach a (group oral presentation) lesson selected from a topic in your text. The topic must be approved by the instructor. The group members are responsible in selecting an outside speaker to speak on a subject closely relating to your group topic (see Appendix B for evaluation). A minimum of 70 points (of a possible 100) must be achieved to pass the outcome.
13.Complete observations of a sport, athletic team, or a coach and write a summary of the experiences (see Appendix C for evaluation). A minimum of 21 points (of a possible 30) must be achieved to pass the outcome. NCATE 9.2; INTASC 1.24
- Complete a service learning presentation project as an advocate in the community. The presentation must relate to a topic regarding physical education, physical activity, and or sports. The topic must be approved by the instructor (see Appendix D for evaluation). A minimum of 18 points (of a possible 25) must be achieved to pass the outcome.NCATE 9.1
I.Sport and exercise and the social process
II.Social groups in sport and exercise
III.Social institutions and sport and exercise
Lecture-discussion, small group discussion, group oral presentation, community presentation, panel-discussion, audio-visuals, role playing, and guest speakers.
Outcomes 1-2 will be evaluated on examination # 1. This examination will include objective and or short answer questions. To pass each outcome, 70% of the questions for that outcome must be achieved.
Outcomes 3-5 will be evaluated on examination # 2. This examination will include objective and or short answer questions. To pass each outcome, 70% of the questions for that outcome must be achieved.
Outcomes 6-7 will be evaluated on examination # 3. This examination will include objective and or short answer questions. To pass each outcome, 70% of the questions for that outcome must be achieved.
Outcomes 8-10 will be evaluated on examination #4. This examination will include objective and or short answer questions. To pass each outcome, 70% of the questions for that outcome must be achieved.
Outcome 11 will be evaluated by a research paper. The research paper must be completed by Mid-term. Type paper using IBM Compatible Computer and Word or Word Perfect software. Submit paper and Flash Drive or San Disk with electronic copy of paper to instructor. The research paper will be evaluated as outlined in Appendix A. A minimum of 14 points (of a possible 20) must be achieved to pass the outcome. Re-cycled papers are unacceptable.
Outcome 12 will be evaluated by observation on the group oral presentation process of your selected topic. The lesson will be evaluated by the standards listed in Appendix B. A minimum of 70 points (of a possible 100) must be achieved to pass the outcome.
Outcome 13 will be evaluated by three observations of sport, athletic team, coaches for football or soccer, three observations of basketball or softball, and three volleyball or Tennis sports programs. Observation summaries will be evaluated by the standards listed in Appendix C. A minimum of 21 points (of a possible of 30) must be achieved to pass the outcome. INTASC 1.24
Outcome 14 will be evaluated by a service learning presentation project in the community. The approved presentation (by the instructor) must be presented in class and relate to a topic regarding physical education, physical activity, and or sports. Documentation of the presentation by the community agency/organization must be provided (see Appendix D for evaluation). A minimum of 18 points (of a possible 25) must be achieved to pass the outcome.
For a grade of A, the candidate must achieve 265 out of a possible 295 points for the course.
For a grade of B, the candidate must achieve 236 out of a possible 295 points for the course.
For a grade of C, the candidate must achieve 206 out of a possible 295 points for the course.
For a grade of D, the candidate must achieve 177 out of a possible 295 points for the course.
Failure to achieve any of the "D" grade criteria will result in a grade of "F".
Summary of Evaluations:
Test 1 - Outcomes 1-2Test 2 - Outcomes 3-5
Points 30 (21 passing)Points 30 (21 passing)
Test 3 - Outcomes 6-7Test 4 - Outcomes 8-10
Points 30(21 passing)Points 30 (21 passing)
Outcome 11 - Research PaperOutcome12- Group Oral Pres.
Points 20 (14 passing)Points 100 (70 passing)
Outcome 13 - Sport ObservationOutcome 14- Comm. Service
Points 30 (21 passing) LearningPres. Project
Points 25 (18 passing)
Three (3) articles on Sport from professional Journals.
National Dance Association
Phone:800-213-7193, Ext. 464
Web site:
PE Central
Note: PE Central Web site, has links to numerous dance sites.
Line Dance:
Step Aerobics:
Dance Directory:
Tap Dance:
Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research
Web site:
International Diabetic Athletes Association
Web site:
National Association for Sports and Physical Education
Phone:800-213-7193, Ext. 410
Web site:
National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity
Web site:
Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
Web site:
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance/American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness (AAHPERD/AAALF)
Web site:
AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Web site:
American Council on Exercise (ACE)
Web site:
American Heart Association
Web site:
American Public Health Association
Web site:
Healthy People 2010
Web site:
IDEA, The International Association of Fitness Professionals
Web site:
NationalCenter for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Technical Information and Editorial Services Branch
Email: .
Web site: