PS3 PTA Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2017 (am)
- review of agenda; motion to amend agenda (proposal to add more lockable storage); motion passes
- motion to approve amended agenda; motion passes
- review of January 2017 meeting minutes; motion to approve; motion passes
- Principal’s Report from Lisa
- latest happenings at school: “100th Day” projects; restaurant study with Untitled for the first grade which grew out of their neighborhood study; making valentines for people made to feel unwelcome from the travel bandelivering them to the NYU Islamic Center; Beth & Jack’s class doing Romeo & Juliet with elders, looking at the script and the themes from perspectives of both 5th graders and elders
- question about the lead in the water: confirmedthat the water fountain in the cafeteria, which had the highest levelsof lead when most recently tested, hasn’t been functional/operational for over a year
- Parent Coordinator Report from Carrie
- upnext in our lecture series: on February 28, Terence Houlihanwill present on the developing brain and understanding how children are different from adults
- consider running for the CEC, application deadline is March 5
- lice checks went well, about to do mandated vision checks for 3rd & 5th grade students, need volunteers for 3rd graders Wednesday & Thursday of this week, will do 5th graders after the break
- how can we improve lost & found? should we move it to the basement? post signs? have a push at parent-teacher conferences (early March)?
- Co-Treasurer’s Report from Mark
- review of income and expenditures this past month
Business of Meeting/Discussion
- Jocelyn: proposal to purchase more lockable storage for the PTA and music program (Butch’s instruments)
- cost of $850, would be stored in the basement in the PTA locked room, already a line item in the budget
- motion to purchase locker(s); motion passes
- question about also installing security cameras: after brief discussion of pros and cons, decision to table this idea
- Nicole: proposal to purchase materials for auditorium sound system project
- DOE is wiring the auditorium and Arthur is setting up sound system in there for much better functionality
- equipment involved in project costs $990
- motion to purchase the equipment; motion passes
- Lauren: motion to amend agenda and add proposal for new fundraiser; motion passes
- proposal for new fundraiser: Yankees game in June, we get the tickets at a low cost and can resell them for more money as a fundraiser
- cost is $999 to purchase the tickets ahead of time
- motion to approve the fundraiser and buy the tickets; motion passes
- Henry: anti-discrimination and diversity at PS3
- there is a new initiative at school that came out of the SLT about acts of kindness in our school and how we visibly affirm a culture of tolerance, acceptance and kindness
- teachers will be making visuals and holding conversations in the classrooms
- as part of this initiative, how do we talk about diversity?
- diversity can relate to race/racism, class, income, learning styles and capacities, gender identification among children, language
- Lisa & Regina are undertaking work this year specifically devoted to diversity with regard to race and racism
- NYU facilitators have been working with study groups from PS3 and have given a space and a vocabulary for this kind of thinking and work
- next steps: will bring to whole PS3 community; will be purchasing books for our classrooms and librarythat depict people of color in ordinary situations; consider getting involved in the diversity committee of the CEC to help make our middle schools more reflective of the district; work with our teachers, have conversations and be conscious, mindful, attentive
- side note: please read the newsletter to stay informed about goings on at school
- Announcements
- Marathon 2017: look for information in an upcoming newsletter
- Science committee: we need people to talk about this and get involved (Cheryl)
- Greenwich Village Antiquarian Book Fair: 2/18, 2/19 – come, fun book projects for the kids, please donate baked goods
- Auction and Benefit Bash: online auction concluded; Benefit Bash Friday, March 31, 6-10pm
- Class Art Park: March 18 at school
- New Business/Parking Lot
- Adjournment