Proyecto de festivales y fiestas– Español IV

You will research a festival (religious or secular) in Spain or Latin America. Find at least 3 websites (one being entirely in Spanish, with no English version available) to do your research. Then, present the information, along with at least 3 images, in a brochure or website created in Publisher, a slide show using Power Point, or some other presentational format. All presentations must be turned in electronically by email or to Dropbox. A bibliography must also be included.

In addition, you must bring in one thing to share with the class that is authentic or a replica of something important in the festival. Examples include clothing, food, music, a dance, a song, a statue, a game, a craft, etc.

Include 6 or more of the following elements in the project presentation:

  • Name and purpose of the festival
  • Main event(s)
  • Guests or positions of honor
  • Music and dance associated with the festival
  • Colors associated with the festival and history/significance
  • Foods associated with the festival
  • Offerings or sacrifices
  • Time of year of the festival; length of the festival
  • Crafts and/or games
  • Other? See Mrs. Bas.

The presentations will be in class Wednesday, December 12. An outline or preliminary version may be turned in by 11:59 p.m., Friday, December 7, in order to receive comments.

This project counts as a test grade and a separate oral participation grade. Refer to the rubrics below to see how the project will be graded. For each day the project is late, each grade will be reduced by one letter grade (3 points on the 18 point scale.) Pleasesee Mrs. Baswithanyquestionsorconcerns.

Festivales y ferias españolas e hispánicas: Si no hay una ciudad destacada en paréntesis, significa que es un festival nacional. Si conoces otro festival y no está incluido, habla con Sra. Bas.


Los reyes magos


Carnaval (Barcelona)


Fallas de San José (Valencia)


Semana Santa (Sevilla)

Moros y cristianos (Alicante)

Romería de Andújar(Andalucía)


Feria del caballo (Jerez)

San Isidro (Madrid)


Romería del Rocío (Huelva)


San Fermín (Pamplona)

Día de Santiago (Santiago de Compostela)


La Tomatina (Buñol)


Feria Goyesca de Pedro Romero (Ronda)


Pilar Festival (Zaragoza)


Todos los santos


La noche buena

La noche vieja

Rubric for Festivals Project (Visual Presentation) – Español IV

Nombre: ______La fechaentregada: ______

5 / 4-1 / 0
Bibliography / A bibliography is handed in (separately) that cites at least 3 different websites with at least one being entirely in Spanish with no English version. The bibliography is in correct MLA format. / A bibliography is handed in (separately) that cites at 1-2 different websites with at least one being entirely in Spanish with no English version.
A bibliography is handed in (separately) that cites at least 3 different websites WITHOUT at least one being entirely in Spanish with no English version.
The bibliography is not in correct MLA format. / No bibliography is handed in.
A bibliography is handed in (separately) that cites 1-2 different websites WITHOUT at least one being entirely in Spanish with no English version AND is not in correct MLA format.
30 / 29-20 / 19-0
Content / The material presented includes at least 6 of the elements outlined in the directions. / The material presented 4-5 of the elements outlined in the directions. / The material presented 3 or fewer of the elements outlined in the directions.
20 / 19-10 / 9-0
Details / All references in the presentation are accurate about the festival. / Some references made are inaccurate. / Many or all references made are inaccurate.
10 / 9-5 / 4-0
Grammar and Vocabulary / The grammar and vocabulary usage was very appropriate for topic. / The grammar and vocabulary usage was fairly appropriate for topic. / The grammar and vocabulary usage was not appropriate for topic.
15 / 14-1 / 0
Realia / The student brings in one item representing the festival as outlined above. / The student brings in one item but it does not represent the festival. / The student does not bring in an item representing the festival.
10 / 9-5 / 4-0
Language / The visual presentation is written entirely in Spanish. / The visual presentation is written using some English. / The majority of the visual presentation is written in English.
10 / 9-5 / 4-0
Images / The visual presentation includes at least 3 images of the festival. / The visual presentation includes 1-2 images of the festival. / The visual presentation does not include any images of the festival.

Scoring Guide:

A+ 100 – 98 points

A 97 – 93 points

A- 92 – 90 points

B+ 89 – 88 points

B 87 – 83 points

B- 82 – 80 points


C+79 – 78 points

C 77 – 73 points

C- 72 – 70 points

D+69 – 68 points

D67 – 63 points

D-62 – 60 points

F 59 points or less

Rubric for Festivals Project (Oral Presentation) – Español IV

Nombre: ______La fechaentregada: ______

15 / 14-9 / 8-0
Language / The oral presentation is done entirely in Spanish. / The oral presentation is done using some English. / The oral presentation is done primarily in English.
35 / 34-20 / 19-0
Content / The material presented includes at least 6 of the elements outlined in the directions. / The material presented 4-5 of the elements outlined in the directions. / The material presented 3 or less of the elements outlined in the directions.
10 / 9-5 / 4-0
Grammar and Vocabulary / The grammar and vocabulary usage was very appropriate for topic. / The grammar and vocabulary usage was fairly appropriate for topic. / The grammar and vocabulary usage was not appropriate for topic.

Scoring Guide:

A+ 60 – 59 points

A 58 – 56 points

A- 55 – 54 points

B+ 53 points

B 52 – 50 points

B- 49 – 48 points


C+47 points

C 46 – 44 points

C- 43 – 42 points

D+41 points

D40 – 38 points

D-37 – 36 points

F35 or less