2. Organisational Change Toolkit for Leaders: Change Planning Checklist
Potential Impacts of Proposed ChangePlease note this is a guideline only and does not cover every possible scenario / Checklist / Roles and Responsibilities
- Identify the business case for change, commence informal discussions about change, and consider approval that may be required
HRBP to collect position descriptions, redundancy cost requests to central HR and contract details of potentially impacted staff
- Determine change scope to Establish whether the proposed changes may fall within the definition of ‘significant effects’ under the relevant Enterprise Agreement
- role(s) deemed surplus to requirements;
- significant changes to responsibilities and levels;
- job opportunities (including promotion) are diminished or eliminated;
- changing roles from academic to professional or vice versa;
- eliminating layers in an organisational structure;
- alteration to the hours of work outside of the ordinary hours prescribed in the Enterprise Agreement for professional staff and outside of University opening hours for academic staff;
- a change to products or services offered that also results in changes to responsibilities or skills leading to a review and possible reclassification of the role (>20% change)
ERMS to determine significant effects under the definition in the EBA
- Identify which changes can be addressed outside of a formal change proposal
- change of reporting line with minor adjustments to role responsibilities or skills required i.e. 0% to 20%
- Introduction of new technology or equipment that results in minor adjustments to role responsibilities or skills required (i.e. 0% to 20%)
ERMS to be consulted to ensure there are no significant effects
- Change Readiness Surveys (optional but recommended)
HRBP to supply templates with templates
- Identify Resources Required and Project Team
Business area identity potential risk and develop mitigation strategies
Business area to review system impacts to determine any updates that may be required
Business are to undertake skills assessment/gap analysis of impacted team
HRBP to advise on organisational design and provide toolkit and templates
- Draft Change Proposal Document
HRBP and ERMS provide input and feedback to the draft change proposal
6.1 Verify and/or establish Current State Documents
e.g. organisational charts, Alesco Data, position numbers
6.2Establish future state documents
e.g. vision, cost benefit analysis, proposed organisational charts, position descriptions /
/ Alesco Data & Reports provided by HR Services Team
Business Area provide current state, and develop future state, organisational charts
Business Area to develop documents.
HRBP/ERMS (classifications) to classify draft position descriptions
- Approval for Document
- NTEU notified (5 working days prior to 1st change meeting)
- Informal meetings with highly impacted staff
- Formal Change Meeting presentations developed to summarise changes, feedback and final decision (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Formal Change Meetings respectively)
Team members to attend meetings First the business area should develop a communication strategy with HRBP/ERMS. The participants would be determined by the business area and HRBP/ERMS on a case by case basis. Anyone who will be directly affected will be invited – others may be involved as wider consultation may be necessary or beneficial.
- CreateEmail Address and Allocate a Business Area Employee for Feedback to be Sent
- Formal Change meetings (3)
Attended by Business Manager(s), HRBP and ERMS representative
ERMS to supply messaging advice, and engage with union
- Collation of Feedback during Consultation Period
HRBP to review. ERMs to advise on responses to feedback
- Communications
HRBP to provide scripts and invitation templates including presentations, and FAQs
HRBP and ERMS to provide input and feedback to the draft communications
- Final Change Decision Document
Reviewed by HRBP then ERMS
- Implement new structures/decisions
Business Manager provides meaningful work for redeployees until they leave the university (up to 6 months), unless employee is moved out of work area on a trial or supernumerary capacity.
ERMS to supply messaging advice and coaching around redeployment
HRBP to ensure changes are made to HR systems centrally, and the following provided to employees by central HR:
- Transfers confirmed by a letter
- Significant changes to position descriptions (PD): after final classification, HRBP to prompt manager to issue a new PD to the employee
- HRBP to determine with manager how minor PD changes are to be managed: determine on a case by case basis (e.g. oral notification with employee, email, new PD etc)
HR Mobility provides case management ofredeployeesand determines ‘meaningful employment’ until they leave the university (up to 6 months)
ERMS to finalise exit of employees