

Provide effective nursing services to students within the college

LINE MANAGER – Nursing Services, Safeguarding & Counselling Manager

Responsibilities / Communication routes / Criteria against which effectiveness is judged
Deliver medical/nursing care to students/trainees / Nursing colleagues, students and trainees / Effective and appropriate care given in line with NMC standards
Dispense appropriate medication to students/trainees / Nursing colleagues, staff, students and trainees / Medication delivered effectively, appropriately and on time in line with CQC standards
Communicate with relevant college staff, students, trainees and external agencies/bodies, parents and other third parties / College staff, students, parents, external agencies / Effective communication with relevant staff, external agencies/bodies, parents e,g. hand-overs to next shift
Provide central co-ordination and location service for students missing from curriculum areas / Teaching staff, Nursing staff, Care staff / Students whereabouts effectively determined, students delivered to timetabled area
Provide support to Duty Manager / Duty Manager, Nursing colleagues, Care staff, students / Duty Manager able to effectively carry out role
Provide support to General Practitioner / G.P, Nursing colleagues, care staff, students / Effective support to General Practitioner
Take responsibility for college matters between midnight and 8.00am, weekends and holidays / Duty Manager, Leadership Team, College staff, Students / Effective resolution of queries etc and/or handover to Duty Officer or Senior Manager
Allocation of duties to nursing colleagues and care staff / Nursing and care staff / Effective operation of Medical Centre, Social Centre and residences
Provide out of hours college switchboard cover / External callers, students, college staff / Effective delivery of messages
Active involvement in team and contribution to development of department / Nursing Services, Safeguarding & Counselling Manager / Active contribution to team meetings and involvement in departmental projects.
Appropriate college administration – e.g. medical and nursing records / Nursing Services, Safeguarding & Counselling Manager / Effective and appropriate records kept in line with college and NMC requirements/guidelines
Support arrangements for students’ trips / Nursing colleagues, staff, students / Effective communication with other staff and students to ensure support is safeguarded
Supporting general welfare of students / Duty Manager, Nursing Staff, Care Staff, students / Effective care of students
Provide general support relating to the safety issues – e.g. keys, phones / Duty Manager, Nursing Staff, Care Staff / Appropriate cover of safety concerns and liaison with other parties involved
Seminar Group Member / Seminar Group / Attendance at seminars and appropriate integration/transfer of learning into working environment.
To be aware of and work in accordance with the college’s safeguarding procedures to promote the welfare of vulnerable young people raising any concerns / Designated persons, all staff and students / Safe learning and working environment for students and staff
Health & Safety awareness and promotion in all aspects of job role / All staff / Safe working environment and clear responsibilities
Actively promote commitment to Equality & Diversity / All staff and students / Consistent cross-college approach to Equality & Diversity promoting fairness and equity for all

Jan 15