STEM 2 Course
Mr. Rodriguez
Welcome to STEM 2! In this exciting course, you will have the chance to take what you learned last year in STEM 1, about working in teams, designing, building and creating, and take it to the next level. In addition to new Science Olympiad activities, you will also be participating in a new Florida Lego League Robotics program. STEM 2 students will also conduct original research using drones, NOAA and NASA satellite data, and satellite imaging software. You will also complete a SCMS science fair research project, and have the chance to advance to the regional and state science fair.
Student Rights and Responsibilities will be implemented. Disciplinary steps will be followed if expectations are not followed. After initial warnings, continued infractions will result in contacting parents or guardians, followed by consequences that may include “No Howl-Out”, detention, lunch detention, and/or discipline referral. Students’ citizenship grades will reflect their behavior and participation in classroom activities and group work. All Swift Creek Middle School teachers expect students to adhere to the Leon County Schools Attendance Policy and Student Code of Conduct, which includes the dress code, and expectations of academic integrity such as cheating and plagiarism. These policies can be found on the Leon County Schools website at, the school website at, and in the agenda book distributed to each student.
Each student must bring these items to class EVERY DAY to be prepared for science class:
1. Pen and pencil
2. Personal pencil sharpener (if needed). There is no pencil sharpener in classroom.
3. Loose-leaf notebook paper.
4. Graph paper
5. Colored pencils
6. Ruler
7. Calculator
8. 3 ring binder (with pockets and dividers)
9. Library book or novel.
10. Planner
STEM Supply Fee
Students will be designing and building a variety of projects, including bridges, airplanes, rockets, wind turbines, hydroponics gardens and more. In order to cover the costs of all of these exciting projects, a $20.00 STEM fee will be collected from each student, each semester.
Student grades will be based on the following scale: Assessments and Projects– 50%, Classwork and Homework – 50%. In order for students to receive a grade for any work, it must be turned in.
Parent Portal
On parent portal, the following codes and their meaning will be used: Z – missing/not turned in, X –excused/will not need to be made up.
I am available through email at
By signing below, I have read and understand the policies and procedures for STEM 2 for the 2017-2018 school year. I, the student, will abide by these policies to the best of my ability, and I, the parent/ guardian, will do my part in helping my student abide by them as well. I also understand that these policies and procedures will be available on the class website.
Mr. Rodriguez – STEM 2
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Guardian Name: ______
Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Guardian Email: ______
Guardian Phone Number(s):______
2017 – 2018 Nondiscrimination Statement for Letterheads
“The Leon County School District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex (including transgender status, gender nonconforming, and gender identity), marital status, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, color, pregnancy, disability, or genetic information.”