Prove It to Me Project #10: Population Pyramid Flipbook Project

Prove It to Me Project #10: Population Pyramid Flipbook Project

Prove It to Me Project #10: Population Pyramid Flipbook Project

Create a flipbook of U.S. population pyramids from 1950 to 2050.

  1. On separate hand-outs, cut out the six population pyramids along the dashed lines.
  2. Stack the pyramids in chronological order, with 1950 on top.
  3. On each population pyramid, highlight your age in yellow. For pyramids before you were born, do not highlight any bands.
  4. Use the chart to help you highlight the baby boom generation on each pyramid in blue. To show the entire generation, you may have to color multiple cohorts, or age bands, on the pyramids.
  5. Staple the population pyramids together on the left side.
  6. Starting at the front of your flipbook, use your thumb to flip the pages. The bars on the pyramids should look as though they are moving.
  7. Refer to Processing worksheet to answer questions using the flipbook.

Processing: Population Dilemmas

Use your flipbook of U.S. population pyramids from 1950 through 2050 to answer the questions below.

  1. Flip through the U.S. population pyramids from 1950 through 2050. List three interesting things you notice as the bars move.

  1. Is the U.S. population aging? Analyze the pyramids in your flipbook to answer this question. Explain your answer in at least two sentences.
  1. How can the United States prepare for the demographic changes that are predicted by 2050? Rank the plans listed here from strongest to weakest. If you think of other ideas, add them to the list. Then justify your top two rankings below.

Plan Your Rank

  1. Encourage immigrants to continue to enter the United States. ______
  2. Require baby boomers to work until age 70. ______
  3. Provide government sponsored childcare for working parents. ______
  4. Pay a $2,000 “medical bonus” to seniors who do not rely on

the government for health insurance. ______

E. Other ______

Population Pyramid Flip Book Rubric

Yes / Mostly / Not
Really / No
Create a flipbook of U.S. population pyramids from 1950 to 2050
- Pyramids in chronological order
- Highlighted baby boom generation in each pyramid
- Highlighted your age cohort for the pyramids you were alive
(10 Possible Points)
Question #1: List three things you notice as the bars move.
(5 Possible Points)
Question #2: Is the U.S. population aging?
(5 Possible Points)
Question 3: How can the United States prepare for the demographic changes that are predicted by 2050? Justify your top two rankings.
(5 Possible Points)


Total Score ______/25