Protections against Evil

Attention: absolute protection against evil doesn't exist; we must always live with a «bit of adversity». However, there are several divine protections, which help us to have a better life (less worse), without having to fold to the blackmail of the evil forces. These protections of God, help a lot, otherwise I would be already in cemetery! But, life don't become a paradise, it becomes more like Catholic Spain/Austria before 1900... but good becomes (a little bit) stronger! Even so, it's better to be prudent! Evil is presently strong, thus...

DON'T BE INGENUOUS. WITHOUT PROTECTIONS AGAINST EVIL, WE BECOME VULNERABLE (to Evil). And intimidations or seduction of success, submitting to evil, increase in these apocalyptic times...

Some examples of protections against Evil (the more, the best, of course):

(ideas against aging + protections against catastrophes in the bottom of this doc)

-PLEASE DO A CONTRACT WITH GOD (because everybody is vulnerable and Satan is very ruse!) E.g. honore Jesus with full trust through the icon of divine Mercy/Automatic salvation from St Faustina to be found e.g. at (home page)

-Fast and prayer (in secret, from time to time)

-to pray the rosary, if possible, everyday, in group/couple/church

( ). If you become member of the confraternity, also possible through the previous link, then your rosaries become more powerful! (If we don't have the time to pray it, in case of attack/catastrophe possibility, e.g., at 3:00:00 am, we can always use the “interrupted rosaries formula”: begin sign of cross; pray something (very short) from the rosary; close it with sign of cross; do the same for the divine mercy chaplet, and pray it correctly afterwards, when we have time). The Rosary gives ~24hours divine protection against evil (better: attentively).In dramatic cases, pray it twice. The more the best... to pray several times the same prayer, could eventually compensate distractions and even go quicker...

(pray at the normal rhythm, in the same day, even distracted, 4 rosaries + 4 chaplets of divine mercy + 4 prayers from Amsterdam seems to increase the Divine protection for that day, eventually also a few days after. But: it is better to pray rosary every day too. )If you expect difficult situations and you do not have time to pray it completely correctly, then it is recommended to use the formula of the interrupted rosary (e.g. sign of the cross, “Our Father”, “Heil Mary”, sign of the cross)

-to go to the (Catholic) mass and take the Holy Communion, if possible everyday

-to become a member of the OPUS DEI (the exclusive OPUS DEI formula works good (individually), protects the concerned person, he/she gets rich etc, but, because of “too much discretion/timidity”, the good has difficulty to advance in the world. Exception: the clergy do a good job inside Vatican!)

-to reject fears, while being serious and trusting in God (better: use prayer against fears, below)

when required (I do it regularly):

-prayer (suggestion) of Immortality

This formula, doesn't give good health, but it calms health crisis and threats/dangers against life. Indeed, Jesus promised, in the Book of Truth, to give immortality (to escape graveyard, thus) to those which pray for the conversion and salvation of those persons, who need it the most. Each time I feel a crisis/attack/danger against my health/life, it suffices to pray (e.g., twice) in this way and it calms... otherwise I should be already in cemetery, I think... if required, repeat it. Ex. of this kind of prayer:

«Dear Jesus, I present you, the soul of my brother and sister [who need it the most], who has abandoned their soul to Satan; take this soul and redeem it in your Holy Eyes. Free this soul, from slavery to the beast and bring it eternal salvation. Amen»

(better: memorize it, in order to use it, discreetly, when needed)

(e.g., if you feel something strange (concerning health etc), you begin to have vision troubles, you feel in/a danger etc.)

-St Michael's prayer (little exorcism), good protection against evil

«Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. »

(better: memorize it, in order to use it, discreetly, when needed. Temptation of “angelatry”? Accompany it, e.g., with a 'Glory to the Father')

(better: pray it before the begin of the Cath. Mass/Rosary or even regularly, specially before possible “polemic/dangerous”situations.)

It's also a good weapon to help cut “Big Temptations”, those with (aggressive evil) charm, which come in loop back to spirit, style “forbidden fruit of Paradise”. These kind of temptations are hard to fight and they may be dangerous to the victim; which has eventually to fight eventually against a (powerful) group of opponents: in such case: (discreetly) St Michael's prayer asap; if needed, repeat it! alternatives: (discreet) interrupted rosary or pray for (the salvation of) the enemies or ask God the Father in Jesus's name to cut evil/temptation etc Here is not paradise, but some prayers may help...

-to pray for the salvation/conversion of Freemasons/Illuminati/ opponents/enemies (recommended, e. g., in case of attack, from the evil forces, like St Michael's prayer and/or daily rosary)

This (crusade of) prayer, extracted from the Book of Truth, and adapted, allows to save a Freemason/opposer, each time it is prayed. One of the most efficient means to calm the Freemasonry/Illuminati is to pray for the salvation of their members (because they're also persons, but they're in the path to eternal damnation).

«Dear Jesus, I present you, the soul of my brother and sister [the Freemason/Illuminati/the enemy/the opposer who need it the most etc], who has abandoned their soul to Satan; take this soul and redeem it in your Holy Eyes. Free this soul from slavery to the beast and bring it eternal salvation. Amen»

(better: memorize it, in order to use it, discreetly, when needed; it is quite similar to the recommended immortality prayer. It can also be used, to save a person you choose... and Jesus save him/her!)

  • to pray (attentively) this protective crusade prayer, if possible daily, even at/after 00:00:00, in case of attack from evil, from the Book of Truth, , which removes fears and allows to speak (serious things from God, without intimidations):

«Dear Father, God of all Creation, please grant me, grace and protection through Your hierarchy of angels;

Please help me to focus on Your love, for each of Your children, no matter how they offend you;

Please help me to spread the news of the Final Covenant, to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ, without fear in my heart;

Please grant me Your special graces and blessings, to rise above persecution, inflicted upon me by Satan, his demons, and his agents on earth;

Never allow me to fear Your enemies;

Please help me to love my enemies and those who persecute me in the name of God. Amen»

(better: memorize it, in order to use it, discreetly, when needed: before speaking of God or to reject (illegitimate) intimidations, in a more spontaneous way. To pray it daily and combine it afterwards with St Michael's prayer before each “possible polemic situations” give better results)

PS: if you have difficulties to pray, prayer groups may help. You can always ask God the Father in name of Jesus what you wish, eventually accompanied with St Michael's prayer. Sometimes it helps. Eventually: to pray 2 rosaries (or even more!), without pauses, normal rythm, even distracted ... there is time lost of time, yes, but afterwards things seem to improve a bit ... by the 4th Rosary, it should go better... the evil weakens with rosary prayer, even with distraction, though, when possible, praying with attention is better ... (watch out: paradise on earth, it doesn't exists... presently...)


-to protect the house, setting crosses above the front and back doors (even all possible entries), source:

-other powerful crusade prayers, when required (source: the Book of Truth, e.g., and )

-to display and honore at home(work) the image of Our Lady of the Roses, available, e.g., at

(the death doesn't comes inside the concerned home/building)

-to display and honor at home (work), the Seal of the Living God, available at source: the Book of Truth, the set of messages available at

-the Unfailing Novena To The Virgin Mary Untier of Knots
(source: )

-to wear all the time, if possible, around the neck (better: blessed by a Catholic priest)

  • brown scapular ( we can find it at, e. g., religious shop or at


  • rosary prayer object ( religious shop or )
  • crucifix ( religious shop or )
  • St Benedict medal ( religious shop or, e. g., Internet: )
  • miraculous medal ( e. g. Religious shop or Internet)
  • medal of Salvation (Internet: )

(protects against seduction of the Antichrist, I think)

  • Holy Face (e. g. Internet: )

(protects against death in (world) wars etc)

  • to lock your door from inside (when possible), eventually send preventive information of insecurity feelings to police as dissuasive (specially if God recommends you to do that)

-to be in state of grace, or: to go to confession, (asap, in case of mortal sin) and return to state of grace, asap

-FOR NON CATHOLICS WHO WISH TO CONVERT: PLEASE RECEIVE SACRAMENTS ( baptism, confirmation, catholic marriage, confession when required).

-For Ex-Muslims or Christians in Muslim/communist lands and other vulnerable groups: please protect yourselves good with God's protections, otherwise... do you want to finish as John the Baptist or St Peter? It's quite heroic, but... I think we can avoid it, with the help/protections of God... and even so, recommended to be prudent...(sometimes some action helps, yes, to see case per case, but better to prepare yourselves first with God's protections...)

Attacks at night after 0:00h. If you're too asleep, try at least, the interrupted rosary formula, the crusade prayer against fears, st Michael's prayer, immortality suggestion + variant to help enemies/opposer. It's better to have all other protections, images/Seal, medals etc If you can pray a full rosary (even more) it's better, but not that easy at night... if God suggests it, make preventative informational calls to the police by email / phone / sms ... it helps to calm fears / anxiety / paranoia ... (warning: this technique may loose its benefits if it becomes recurrent and seems paranoic...)

Measures* which seem to help to counter aging

some adequate physical exercise, adequate meals, of course recommended, when possible. Some Fitness for Men, jogging (e.g. 20 minutes/day) etc to eat everyday enough vegetables (better: salads), 1 or 2 clove raw good chopped garlic/day, good mixed with meals, (to avoid negative secondary effects, e. g., in the evening), a little bit of ginger everyday, avoid regular consumption of bad aliments (white sugar based or too sweet (e.g., too much fruits**) etc). Accompanied with God's protections, of course (daily rosary, daily Eucharist (host) etc.)... also (regular) adapted exposure to frozen temperatures / environments could maybe help ... it's up to you to do the test to check ... eg. look at the mirror before the test, and after 48 hours ... to check the differences ... if there are any ...

*- for a normal person – in other cases, it's a good idea to ask advice to experts (doctor, nutritionist etc) ex. raw garlic/ginger increase a bit liquefaction of blood... persons with hemorrhagic tendencies could compensate with some spinaches...

** - some sugars (better: natural traditional ones: fruits, honey) are maybe needed: they help concentration, to calm stress/nervousness, they're help against drops of tension/hypoglycemia, but a too sugared diet (e.g. too much fruits) has also negative effects...


e. g., daily rosary + divine mercy chaplet + prayer of immortality (personal protection)+ Prayer of Amsterdam (below). Better with prayer groups and/or attentively. Divine mercy chaplet/prayer at Other prayers possible, e. g., crusade prayers.

(further details in link Terror from )













(other references/protections to find at: and related links, blessed candles, curtains etc.)

If all objects can be blessed by a Catholic priest, is better, of course. It is better also to be permanently in state of grace (go to confession asap, in case of serious sin).

EVENTUALLY TO IMPROVE HEALTH, YOU CAN ALWAYS TRY TO GIVE (love) KISSES TO GOD/JESUS DURING ~1 hour (or more). NOTHING IS PROMISED, but, IT HELPED ME TO RESTORE (temporarily) TO ITS PREVIOUS STATE MY VISION (which was being attacked). I still have some lack of vision, but this “normal” state is a lot better than before that “hour of kisses”. It seems that for each kiss with love we give to God, God saves 1000 persons from hell (?).