Teaching Application Form
Surname: / Title: / Previous Names:
Home Address:
Telephone Day: / Mobile: / Email:
NI Number: / DfE Ref. No.
Secondary School/College/
Polytechnic/University / Dates / Full- or Part-time / Qualifications attained
or to be taken / Grades
Attained / Year Taken
From / To
Dates & Duration / Title of Course/Training / Name of Provider
(eg LEA, College) / Qualification (if any)
(i) Date of completion of Qualified Teacher Status (including completion of online test):
(ii) Date of acceptance into Teachers’ Part-Time Pension Scheme (if applicable):
Date commenced: / Full-time: / Part-time / Proportion / StudentAgeRange
Title of Post and Scale: / Point on Spine:
Points for Exp/Qual: / Management Pts: / Other Pts:
If M6 or above please state
year placed on points: / M6: / U1: / U2: / Employing Authority:
Have you registered for Chartered London Teachers Status? Yes / No / Date achieved:
Are you registered with the General Teaching Council? Yes / No
PREVIOUS POSTS(list any held at your present school/college but do not include teaching practices)
LEA or Governing Body / School/Place of Work / Salary Point & Post / FT/PT
FTE / Period of Service
From / To
D / M / Y / D / M / Y
Particulars of all other paid or unpaid, employment or experience after the age of 18 which you consider relevant to the appointment eg commercial experience, raising family, youth work
Period of Service
From / To
Employer/Experience / Position Held / FT/PT
FTE / D / M / Y / D / M / Y
BREAKS IN EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:If you have had any breaks in employment since leaving education, please give details inc. your activities eg unemployment, raising family, voluntary work, training etc.
Please explain how your ability, skills and knowledge match the person specification/selection criteria. Please consider all your experience whether paid or unpaid. Give examples where you can in support of your application.
Continue on a separate sheet if necessary, but do not exceed 2 sides of A4.
Please give the name and full address of two people willing to confirm your suitability for the job, including where appropriate your present or last Headteacher. If you are in or have recently completed full-time education, one should be from your college or university. References may be contacted before interview.
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Organisation: / Organisation:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Relationship: / Relationship:
Telephone: / Telephone:
Email: / Email:
The School may wish to take up references prior to the interview process.
If you do not wish us to contact your referees before interview please mark this box
Protection of Children (Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)
Jobs involving work with children, older people, those with disabilities, learning difficulties and other vulnerable groups are exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. If you are applying for work in any of these areas you are required to state whether or not you have any convictions, or there are any criminal charges or summonses pending, against you. This applies whether or not your conviction is regarded as ‘spent’. Those appointed to work with children will also be required to undertake a check for convictions by the Disclosure and Barring Service. A conviction will not necessarily be a bar to employment.
The job for which you are applying has substantial opportunity for access to children and therefore you must complete this section.
Have you ever been disqualified from working with any vulnerable people, including children?
Yes / No / If YES, please give details on a separate sheet.Do you have a conviction or caution or actions pending?
Yes / No / If YES, please give details on a separate sheet.If my application is successful I agree to complete an application form for a DBS check to be carried out in the UK. If you answered YES to any of the above questions you will need to disclose full details of the convictions and sentence. This must be provided on a separate sheet in a sealed envelope attached to your application form. The envelope will only be opened in the event you are shortlisted. Your application will be held for 6 months before being confidentially destroyed.
If you are an overseas applicant you will need to provide one of the following:
A valid overseas check / or / A certificate of good conduct (this must show that at the point of leaving your last country you did not have any criminal convictionsELIGIBILITY TO WORK
Are you eligible to work in the UK?
Yes / NoDo you require a work permit to work in the UK?
Yes / NoIf yes, please attach a copy of your latest work permit. If there are any restrictions on the periods you are permitted to work, please detail these on a separate sheet.
DISCLOSURE OF RELATIONSHIPAre you related by marriage, blood or as a co-habitee to any Carshalton High School for Girls member of staff, any Sutton Councillor, a Senior Officer of the Council, or a member of a School governing body? / YES / NO
If yes, state the name, relationship and position held.
Period of notice for current employer if applicable.
If you are applying for a part-time position, please give days and times available.
Do you wish to job share? / YES / NO
Where did you see this job advertised?
I declare that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements on this form could lead to dismissal without notice. I hereby give my permission for a police check to be carried out.
Carshalton High School for Girls values diversity, and has an Equalities Policy to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly, and that they are appointed solely on their suitability for the post irrespective of race, gender, disability, sexuality or age.
The School is committed to ensuring equal access to employment and details from this form will allow us to identify any groups that are under-represented in our workforce. The information you give us here will only be used for the purposes of Personnel Management.
First Name:Last Name:
Post Applying For:
I would describe myself as (please mark one box)
White / Mixed / Asian or Asian BritishBritish / White and Black Caribbean / Indian
Irish / White and Black African / Pakistani
Other White Background / White and Asian / Bangladeshi
Other Mixed Background / Other Asian Background
Black or Black British / Chinese or Other Ethnic Group
Caribbean / Chinese
African / Other
Other Black Background
Male / Female / Are you disabled? / Yes / No
If Yes what access arrangements, adjustments or adaptations would help you to do this job?
If we ask you to come for interview, are there any access arrangements, adjustments or adaptations you would like us to provide?
Once completed send your signed application form to Mrs Sam Willard at Carshalton High School for Girls, .