PinnerParkJuniorSchool Governing Body
Welcome to this brief introduction to the Pinner Park Junior School Governing Body. We just wanted to give all parents and carers, and especially those to whom the Junior School will be new in September 2015, a flavour for who we are and what we get up to on your behalf. As you will see we have varying associations with PPJS but one massive common goal – to support but also challenge the staff in working towards making PPJS an outstanding school.
Ted Sturdy – LA Governor & Chair
I started as a Parent Governor in 2009 and have been a Local Authority Governor for one years. I have family ties with PPJS with my both my wife and daughter having been pupils and two nieces - one just finished and one now in Yr5. I work in commercial management and in a working life so often about short term goals it is very rewarding to work with staff and governors on worthwhile projects with the focus on pupil benefit. Committees: Achievement & Standards, Pay, Head Performance.
Philippa Jardine – Deputy Chair
I have two children who have attendedPinner Park Junior School - my daughterleft last year and my son iscurrently in Year 4. I have experience in the Finance sector and feel that this gives me valuable skills to contribute to the school in the current environment of ever tightening funding. I have been a governor at PPJS for almost 5 years and feel that my perspective as a parent enables me to contribute positively to the strategy of the school and the provision of the best possible education to each and every child. Committee: Finance & Resources
Helen Solomon – Parent Governor
I have been a Parent Governor since Nov 2003 and I am a mum of four, with the eldest three who have already had a great time going through both Pinner Park First and Middle Schools. My youngest girl is currently at Pinner Park Junior School. I have had 15 years retail management experience with the John Lewis Partnership and have been a stay-at-home mum for the past 15 years. Committees: Achievement & Standards.
Christine Desborough – Community Governor
I am very pleased to be part of the Governing Body and to see the work that the school has been doing to achieve huge improvements for the benefit of the pupils. I work in housing in the voluntary sector and I am the mother of two ex-PPJS pupils. Committees: Finance and Resources
Sue Flaherty – Co-opted Governor (PPJS Office Manager)
I am the Office Manger and have worked in the Junior School since February 2000. Previous to that I was employed at Pinner Park and Weald Infant Schools. I have been working in schools since 1989. I have training in School Business Management, Premises Health & Safety, Safer Recruitment, Recruitment and Selection and Fire Risk Assessment. I work closely with the Head and provide support to the staff and governors to help ensure the school continues to move forward in providing the best possible education to our pupils. Committees: Finance & Resources
Lynn O'Goan - Parent governor
I have three children, one in middle school and two in the first school. My background in finance enables me to understand and comment on the school's financial performance and strategy. Being a member of the outcomes and monitoring committee also enables me to have a detailed involvement in reviewing certain aspects of the school's academic performance. Committees: Finance and Strategy, Outcomes and Monitoring. Link Governor for Humanities & Art and Design & Technology.
Katrina Mildner – Head Teacher
As the Head Teacher, working effectively with the Governing Body is integral to ensuring that the school is providing the best possible education for all pupils who attend PPJS. Monitoring and evaluating the school’s policies and procedures has been key in supporting the school identifying ways in which we can work together to drive improvement and raise standards across all areas of the school. The Governing Body have been supportive yet challenging in their role resulting in a rewarding partnership with the school.Committees: As Head Katrina sits is a member of all committees.
Clare Edwards – Deputy Head Teacher
I have been Deputy Head at Pinner Park Junior since September 2011. Prior to this I had taught in Harrow for 14 years and worked with Harrow Local Authority as part of the Maths Advisory Team. My role as deputy is varied but my specialism is assessment and leading to improve the quality of teaching and learning at the school. Committee: Achievement & Standards
Sima Patel – Co-opted Governor
My interest as a school governor is to make a difference to how well the school is run and do something for our children and serve the local community. I find the role interesting and rewarding, I enjoy being part of a team working towards common goals that add value to Pinner Park Junior School. Committee: Finance & Resources. Safeguarding Governor.
Saba Syed – Co-opted Governor
I have lived in Harrow all my life and am proud of the good reputation that Harrow schools enjoy.I am nowa mother to a four year old boy and enjoy getting involved in a school in my local area. My background is in media - mainly editorial and print. I also have experience of producing targeted communications and campaigns for the NHS and more recently worked for the Training and Development Agency for schools which sparked an interest in the governance role. I hope mypublishing and business knowledge coupled with my enthusiasm for giving childrenthe bestpossible tools for their future lifeis beneficial to the school.
Committee: Finance & Resources
Diana Mendonca – Staff Governor
I have been a class teacher and recently a Senior Leader at Pinner Park Junior since September 2010. My role as a senior leader is important in ensuring consistency of high standards in Year 6 and raising the standards of Literacy across the school in recent years. Recently, I successfully led the school in achieving Level 2 as a Rights Respecting School. My specialism is Literacy and I have been a Local Authority moderator for the past two years.
Committee: Achievement & Standards
Sean Keeley – Associate Governor
I started as a Parent Governor in 2010 and have more recently become an Associate Governor at PPJS.Both of my children have benefited from the work of the staff at the school and I hope thatmy expertiseenhances the work that they do.Being an occupational psychologist, I have a keen interest in assessment and testing, and have enjoyed working with the staff and other governors in improving the alreadyhigh standards. Governors should be there to enable pupilsto learn andteachers to teach. All of the Governing Board feels very proud of what the children and staff have achieved, and it is our role to support them intheir ongoing efforts.Committees: Achievement & Standards
Paul Forrest – Parent Governor
I joined the Governing body in 2015 and am a parent to two children; my youngest is a pupil at PPJ. I work for a social enterprise as a manager of school building projects. In this role I work closely with Head teachers and premises staff at a number of schools. Prior to this, I was a public librarian for eleven years and am therefore very interested in the promotion of reading for pleasure and how we engage reluctant readers. Committees: Achievements and standards
Teena Gill – Associate Governor
I have two children and one of them goes to Pinner Park Junior School. I work full time as a Facilities Manager and have only recently become Associate Governor. I have taken an interest in the Governing body as I hope to be able to use the skills that I have and hopefully bring some added value to the school. This is a great opportunity for me and I look forward to working with the other staff members and governors. Committees: Finance & Resources
The Committees
Finance & Resources Committee
The main objective of this committee is to ensure that the school is achieving best value for money for pupils of all abilities. We monitor that the school’s funds are used efficiently and effectively, that the school meets the statutory financial requirements and that funds such as Pupil and Sports Premiums are appropriately allocated and that targeted spend is evidenced.
Achievement & Standards Committee
This committee is responsible for overseeing the pupil progress and attainment in the school and ensuring that the Teaching and Learning practice is focused on the best possible outcomes for pupils regardless of ethnicity, age or ability. The Committee seeks evidence of the implementation of statutory requirements and initiatives to ensure that the school maximises every pupils potential.
Ad Hoc Committees
Pay Committee, Pupil & Staff Discipline, Health & Safety, Head Performance Review
Governors can be contacted via the school office.