
1. Writings of Bishop Giaquinta – translated into English

General Formation and Resources

The Gospel Maximum of Love

Essential Lines for a Program of Spiritual life

Marriage or Consecration?

Formation and Apostolate

Love is Revolution

Family, Community of Love

Retreats and Meditations

Theology of the Cross

The Covenant

The Call




The Theology of Risk

A Courageous Response (Book of Jonah)

Behold, Here I Am

Missionary Spirit

The Mystery

The Face of the Father

Servant of Yahweh

The Rock


The Spirituality of the Pro Sanctity Organizaton (Retreat – 1962)

Apostolic Oblates

Program of Spiritual Life

Sowers of Hope

Essential Lines of Formation

Founder’s Letters in Preparation for General Assembly in 1974

Introduction and Norms for a General Assembly

Constitution, Rules and Directives

The Father Tells Us

Our Prayer Booklet

Our Life as Apostolic Oblates

Guidelines for a Journey of Formation (Life of Prayer; Charity; Apostolic Availability)

Apostolic Sodales

Tomorrow’s Priests

The Decalogue


The Cenacle

At the Sources of Priestly Spirituality

Social Animators


Charter (Constitution)

Builders of a New World

Pro Sanctity Movement

Spirituality of Pro Sanctity

Statute of the Pro Sanctity Movement

Pro Sanctity Manual

Pro Sanctity in the Apostolic Maximalism

Holiness 2000

The Spirituality of the Pro Sanctity Movement (Study Guide)

The Decalogue of the Pro Sanctity Sower


Prayers (a collection of prayers)

Inspirational Leaflets (Prayer; Love; Christ, our Center; Daily Life; Mary; The Saints)

Journals for Personal Growth

The Charity of Christ Compels Us

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

Blessed Are the Pure of Heart

Be Ready to Listen

Go Out to All the World

2. Presentations and Letters of Giuliana Spigone,

General Moderator of the Apostolic Oblates

Translated into English

Apostolic Oblates: Instruments of Redemption and Missionaries of Holiness (1986)

Apostolic Oblate: Woman of Hope (meeting in Brooklyn – 1988)

Bibliography – page 2

Why Missionaries? (1991)

Life of Prayer and Consistency (1991)

God’s Hour Impels Us (1992)

Conclusion (Aggiornamento) Week of Institute (1992)

Fidelity and Dynamism (1993)

Tomorrow is Waiting (1994)

Prophecy, Communion, Mission: Gift and Commitment (1995)

First Anniversary (1995)

The “Sacred” Book of the Constitution I and II (1995)

The Creed of the Apostolic Oblate (1998)

The Seven Sacraments of the Moderator (1998)

Encounter with the Father (Week of the Institute – Italy, 1998)

An Invitation to the Banquet (2000)

Conclusion of the Week of the Institute (Italy – 2000)


Bethany, Sweet Center of Christian Spirituality (20002)

St. Michael the Archangel (2000)

Immaculate Conception (2000 and 2001)

Together We Celebrate the Jubilee (2000)

To Her Who Believed (2001)

Our Lady of Trust (2001 and 2002)

Feast of the Resurrection (2001)

St. Guglielmo (2002)

Easter of Resurrection (2003)

3. Other Works Pertinent to the Pro Sanctity Movement (English)

You Can Become a Saint – Budnick, Mary Ann, R.B. Media, Springfield, IL (1998) (First Printing, March 19, 1990, Lumen Christi Press)

You Can Become a Saint: A Practical Guide for Growing in Holiness – Budnick, Mary Ann, R.B. Media, Inc., Springfield, IL, 1999

The Soul of the Apostolate – Chaautard, Dom Jean-Baptiste, O.C.S.O., Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., Rockford, IL, New English translation, 1974.

Lives of the Saints: Daily Readings - Kalberer, Augustine, O.S.B., Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago, IL, 1983

Dictionary of Saints - Delaney, John J., Doubleday & Co, Garden City, NY, 1980

Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents - Edited by Flannery, Austin, O.P., The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1975

Bibliography – page 3

The Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World: Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation – Office of Publishing and Promotion Services, United States Catholic Conference, Washington, D.C.

Lives of the Saints for Every Day in the Year – Butler, Fr. Alban, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., Rockford, IL, 1995

Holiness: A Guide for Beginners – Dom Hubert van Zeller, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, NH, 1997

Holiness for Housewives (and Other Working Women) – Dom Hubert van Zeller, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester, NH

Call to Holiness: New Frontiers in Spirituality for Today’s Religious – Renato Perino, S.S.P., Alba House, NY, 1986

The Call to Holiness: Embracing a Fully Christian Life – Richard M. Gukla, S.S., Paulist Press, NY/Mahwah, NJ, 2003

Called to Holiness – Ralph Martin, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, CA, 1999

4. Other Works Pertinent to the Pro Sanctity Movement

(Other Languages)

La Santita ieri sempre, mostra della santita – Edizione Pro Santitate, Tipografico “La Roccia,” Roma, March, 2000

5. Writings of Bishop Giaquinta (Other Languages)

General Formation and Resources

Il massimalismo evangelico dell’amore

L’amore e rivoluzione

Hermandad (1 de Enero de 1973)

Prieres (Bruxelles, le 1 er novembre 1997)

Retreats and Meditations

La Chiamata

La Pietra

La Santita

La Fedelta

Il volto del Padre

Bibliography – page 4


La teologia della croce

La preghiera


Apostolic Oblates

Direzione Generale

Regolamento (approved il 13 gennaio 1996)

Apostolic Sodales

Alle sorgenti della spiritualita sacerdotale

Il cenacolo

Pro Sanctity Movement

La spiritualita del Movimento Pro Santitate

statuto del Movimento Pro Santitate per la Nazione Italiana

Booklets for Personal Growth

Programma minimo di vita spirituale

Il Massimalismo in Matteo


La carita di Cristo ci spinge

Beati I poveri in spiritu

Sii pronto nell’ascoltare

Andate in tutto il mundo

Beati I puri di cuore

Bibliography – page 5