Protecting People through Partnerships – Creating Safe and Secure Communities Together

A joint Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Safer Essex and
Essex CVS network conference

Chelmsford City Racecourse

14th March 2017

9.00 – 09.30 / Registration and Refreshments served
09.30 – 09.45 / Conference Welcome
The Police & Crime Plan 2016-20 / Roger Hirst
Police & Crime Commissioner
09.45 – 10.15 / Key note speech / Rt Hon Brandon Lewis MP
Minister of State for Policing and the Fire Service
10.15 – 10.35 / Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG) / Christian Papaleontiou
Home Office lead on VAWG
10.35 – 10.55 / The Role of Health in the Community Safety Agenda / Clare Morris
Managing Director, Anglia Ruskin Health Partnership
10.55 – 11.05 / A video presentation -Domestic Violence DVD – ‘Do you see what I see?’
11.05 – 11.30 / Question & Answer Panel
Roger Hirst
Christian Papaleontiou
Claire Morris
Nicola Beach – Chair of Safer Essex / Facilitated by Jane Gardner
Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner
11.30 – 11.45 / Tea and coffee break
11.45 – 12.45 / Workshops:(see overleaf for detail)
•Violence Reduction
•VAWG /Sexual Abuse
•Data Sharing
•Mental Health
•Reducing Reoffending
•Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP)
•ASB / Facilitators:
Paul Cullen (ICS)
Sheila Coates(SERRIC)
Vicki Harrington(Essex Police) & Richard Puleston (ECC)
Craig Wiggins(Essex Police)
Jane Dewitt & Emma Callaghan (OPCC)
Nicola Foster (SERP)
Inspector Bill Potter (Essex Police)
13.00 – 13.15 / Plenary / Roger Hirst & Nicola Beach
13.15 – 13.45 / Volunteer Awards for outstanding contribution to community safety / Presented by Roger Hirst and Nicola Beach
13.45 – 14.30 / Lunch and networking
14.30pm / Conference Close

To register your attendance, visit For further information on the event, contact CCVS at or on 01206 505250

Violence Reduction - ‘A county wide framework for violence reduction’

Workshop lead: Paul Cullen (ICS)

  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Four – Reverse the Trend in Serious Violence
  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Five – Tackle Gangs and Organised Crime
  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Six – Protecting Children and Vulnerable People from Harm

Increasingly, crime is being committed in private spaces and often involves the criminal exploitation of children and adults on a physical, sexual or financial basis by groups of offenders, organised crime groups or dangerous drug networks. Given the complexities involved regarding agencies, local approaches, local structures etc. The workshop will focus on: How can we input a strategic framework with common principles across Essex that will enable partners to tackle violence, vulnerability and exploitation jointly and effectively whilst accounting for locally specific issues?


Violence Against Women and Girls/Sexual Abuse

Workshop leads: Sheila Coates (SERRIC)

  • Police and Crime Plan Priority Six – Protecting Children and Vulnerable People from Harm

Sexual abuse, including rape and child sexual exploitation, causes untold harm to victims. The effects can be devastating, long-lasting, and inter-generational. Around 80% of victims do not report incidents to the Police meaning the true scale of abuse is rarely known. The low rates of criminal convictions mean victims are less likely to come forward and perpetrators are rarely dealt with via the criminal justice system.The workshop will focus on: How do we develop an effective partnership response to the harm associated with sexual abuse, especially in the face of increasing referrals following high profile disclosures?


Data Sharing - ‘The power of insight – creating a data analytics centre’

Workshop leads: Dr Vicki Harrington (Essex Police) & Richard Puleston (Essex County Council)

  • Police & Crime Plan Priority One – More Local, visible and accessible policing
  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Two – Crack down on Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Five – Tackle Gangs and Organised Crime

The aspiration for a data analytics centre is for organisations to benefit from expert analysis of data that cross agency boundaries to increase insight, identify risk and assist in allocating resources in partnership with other agencies. The workshop will focus on: How can a Data Analytics Centre, with the skills and expertise in using the latest analytical techniques (including big data and predictive analysis) help to provide actionable insight for the partners?


Mental Health - Supporting people in crisis – working in partnership to improve responses to mental health crises and care

Workshop lead: Craig Wiggins (Essex Police)

  • Police and Crime Plan Priority Six – Protecting Children and Vulnerable People from Harm

Each year one in four people experience some kind of mental health issue. On a daily basis, agencies across Essex respond to people who have reached crisis point. It is critical these people gain access to professional help and care and receive the support and treatment they require in the appropriate setting. From April 2017 national changes will mean police custody will no longer be viewed as a health based place of safety. The workshop will focus on: How can we work together better to deliver improved mental health services for people in crisis, especially in light of the proposed legal changes.


Reducing Reoffending - ‘Breaking the cycle of crime - reducing reoffending’

Workshop Leads: Jane Dewitt & Emma Callaghan (OPCC)

  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Three – Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Abuse
  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Four – Reverse the Trend in Serious Violence
  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Five – Tackle Gangs and Organised Crime

Reducing reoffending is a shared responsibility across all agencies. No single organisation delivers all of the interventions or has all of the resources needed to tackle offending behaviour and keep victims safe. Reducing reoffending means early intervention; preventing individuals from becoming involved in offending in the first place and reducing reoffending amongst those who do offend. The workshop will focus on: How do we deliver a shared response to reduce reoffending, in particular implementing a robust system of early intervention and working closely with offenders to reduce the cycle of reoffending?


Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) - Reducing the number of people who are seriously injured or die on our roads – road safety

Workshop lead: Nicola Foster (SERP)

  • Police and Crime Plan Priority Seven – Improve Safety on Our Roads

In 2016 63 people died and 955 were seriously injured on the County’s roads. Priority 7 of the Police and Crime Plan commits to reducing driver related crime on Essex roads, including use of the mobile at the wheel, speeding and driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Partnership is crucial in changing the behaviour of drivers and road users to reduce the risk of death and harm. SERP (Safer Essex Roads Partnership) has set the challenge of reducing death and serious injuries by 40% by 2020 (from the baseline of 2005-2009). The workshop will focus on: How can we work together to make our roads safer?


Anti-Social Behaviour - ‘Tackling anti-social behaviour’
Workshop leads: Inspector Bill Potter (Essex Police)

  • Police & Crime Plan Priority Two – Crack down on anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) can include a range of issues, some of which may be criminal offences. For victims, ASB may mean constant and repetitive disruption and distress. For perpetrators it may be a precursor to more serious offences. In some cases the Police may be responsible for dealing with ASB, but in other cases there may be other agencies that are better placed to respond. The workshop will focus on: How can we work together better to reduce anti-social behaviour causing distress to local communities and leading to more serious offending?


To review the Police and Crime Plan for Essex 2016-2020 in full - visit