Lebanon High School Counseling Department
Needs Assessment Survey
The Counseling Program is continuously looking to improve the way we meet our students’ needs and the feedback from parents, teachers, and students is critical. We would like your assistance in creating and planning our programs by completing a needs assessment survey. Although you may be aware of some programs, it may help to review a list of activities before answering the questions on the following pages.
Current Programs & Activities
Post-Secondary Planning
• 3-day college exploration lesson with 11th grade English classes
• 2-day college exploration lesson with 12th grade English classes
• Bus Trip to the National College Fair in Philadelphia
• Bus Trip to Regional College Fair – Lebanon Valley College
• College Tour – Thaddeus Stevens College
• College Tour – Art Institute of York/Pennsylvania College of Art &Design
• College Tour – Berks Technical Institute
• College Tour – HACC – Harrisburg and Lebanon Campuses
• 1-day lesson with 10th and 11th grade English classes – PSAT registration drive
Career Exploration
• 2-day lesson with 10th grade English classes including an orientation on Bridges.com
• 1-day classroom lesson – Options at the Career & Technology Center
• Tour of Lebanon County Career & Technology Center
• Junior Achievement – Young Men’s and Young Women’s Symposium
Academic Planning
• Scheduling – All grade levels participate in a classroom lesson explaining graduation
requirements and procedures for completing course selection online
• Study Skills Lessons – 1-day lesson in all 9th grade English classes (not until 2012)
• Dual Enrollment – Assisting students with selecting and registering for college courses
• Advanced Placement testing coordination
• Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Mediation
• Crisis Counseling
• Agency contact and referral
• Truancy Elimination Planning
I feel the students at Lebanon High School need help with: / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. Anger management
2. Career exploration
3. College application process
4. Communication skills
5. Conflict management
6. Coping with grief or loss
7. Decision making skills
8. ESOL student adjustment
9. Financial aid
10. Goal setting
11. Healthy dating
12. Internet safety
13. Job-seeking and job-keeping skills
14. Learning styles
15. Listening skills
16. Non-Verbal communication
17. Peer pressure
18. Peer relations-Bullying
19. Personal safety
20. Physical/sexual abuse or neglect
21. Respecting diversity
22. Scholarships
23. School adjustment/transition
24. Self-esteem
25. Sexual Identity Issues
26. Social skills
27. Stress management
28. Study skills
29. Substance abuse
30. Test-taking skills
31. Other
32. Other
Section 2
Instructions: Please rank the TOP TEN issues that you feel are most important (#1 is topic of greatest need).
Topic / Rank
1. Anger management
2. Career exploration
3. College application process
4. Communication skills
5. Conflict management
6. Coping with grief or loss
7. Decision making skills
8. ESOL student adjustment
9. Financial aid
10. Goal setting
11. Healthy dating
12. Internet safety
13. Job-seeking and job-keeping skills
14. Learning styles
15. Listening skills
16. Non-Verbal communication
17. Peer pressure
18. Peer relations-Bullying
19. Personal safety
20. Physical/sexual abuse or neglect
21. Respecting diversity
22. Scholarships
23. School adjustment/transition
24. Self-esteem
25. Sexual Identity Issues
26. Social skills
27. Stress management
28. Study skills
29. Substance abuse
30. Test-taking skills
31. Other
32. Other
Section 3
The delivery system delineates the activities, services, and methods for delivering a comprehensive school-counseling program. The four areas emphasize a collaborative team approach to engage all school personnel in a school-wide effort to meet the career, academic, and personal/social needs of our student population.
After reviewing each component area, please circle the appropriate number that expresses your opinion of the importance of each component area.
1-Very Low Priority 2 –Low Priority 3 –Moderate 4 –Important 5 –Highest Priority
Rating / Component1 2 3 4 5 / School Counseling Curriculum
The school counselor facilitates the school-counseling program through classroom guidance curriculum and school-wide activities.
Examples: Classroom lessons, college tours, college fairs
1 2 3 4 5 / Individual Planning
Through advisement, school counselors assist students in self-appraisal, including academic and career decision-making.
Examples: Individual post-secondary planning sessions, grade and credit review, course selection advisement, reviewing standardized test results.
1 2 3 4 5 / Response Services
This category is where immediate concerns are met through personal counseling and crisis counseling, both individually and in groups. The school counselor consults with parents, teachers, and community agencies, making referrals as needed
Examples: Personal counseling, crisis counseling, mediation, group sessions, agency contact and referral.
1 2 3 4 5 / System Support
Direct student contact does not occur in this component; rather the school counselor concentrates on professional development of self and others, including research and development. Program management, community outreach, public relations, serving on committees and advisory boards complete the school counselors’ responsibilities.
Examples: Consulting with teachers, parents, or agencies, attending conferences, program evaluation and development.
Section 4
Please answer the questions below
What do you feel are the most critical issues keeping Lebanon High School students from being successful?
How can the Counseling Department address these challenges?
What do you feel students need to know more about?
How can this be addressed by the Counseling Department?
Section 5
Please list any other suggestions or concerns that were not addressed in the survey.