Protecting National Historic Sites


Multi-year Grants from $25,000 (GST exclusive) to $1,000,000 (GST exclusive) to conserve, restore and protect places on Australia's National Heritage List recognised for their historic values as specified in Appendix A to these Guidelines.

2014-15 Application Guidelines

To be eligible for consideration, applicationsmust be receivedby

the Department of the Environment before 2:00pm (AEST*) on:

22APRIL 2015


For further information about the Protecting National Historic Sites Programme, contact:

Protecting National Historic Sites

Department of the Environment

Phone: 1800 653 004



*Australian Eastern Standard Time

These Guidelines are for the Protecting National Historic Sites Programme only.


These 2014-15Application Guidelinesfor the Protecting National Historic Sites Programme (Guidelines) provide information to help eligible organisations and individuals prepare an application for funding (Application) to undertake a Protecting National Historic Sites
Programme project (Project). These Guidelines provide information on the Application process and the criteria that will be used to assess Applications submitted under theProtecting National Historic Sites Programme.

Programme funds will only be made available to site owners or managers of places listed on Australia’s National Heritage List (as specified in Appendix A) for their historic heritage values. The Programme will support activities to conserve, protect and manage these sites.

Applicants may submit proposals for multi (up to three years) year projects. Projects mustcommence in 2014-15.

If you are submitting an Application you must ensure that you are the site owner or site manager of the place you are submitting an application for.

© Copyright CommonwealthofAustralia2015

The Protecting National Historic Sites Application Guidelines 104-15 are licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia for use under a Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0 Australia licence with the exception of the Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth of Australia, content supplied by third parties, and any images depicting people. For licence conditions see:

This document should be attributed as the ‘Protecting National Historic Sites Application Guidelines, Commonwealth of Australia 2015’.

The Commonwealth of Australia has made all reasonable efforts to identify content supplied by third parties using the following format ‘© Copyright, [name of third party]’.

Table of Contents


PART 1 – Protecting National Historic Sites programme Overview

1.1 Overview

1.3 Timeframes


2.1 Who is eligible to apply?

2.2 Who is not eligible to apply?

2.3 What places are eligible for funding?

2.4 When do the projects have to be completed?

2.5 Co-contributions

Part 3 – What will the Programme fund?

3.1 What funding is available?

3.2 What Project activities will be funded?

3.3 What Project activities and costs are not eligible for funding?

PaRT 4 - Instructions for APPLYING

4.1 How to apply

4.2 Things to know when completing an Application

4.3 Application declarations

4.4 Closing date and time

4.5 Late Applications

4.6 Receipt and registration

Part 5 – Assessment Process

5.1 Eligibility check

5.2 Assessment

5.3 Assessment criteria

5.4 Selection and notification

Part 6 - Conditions of receiving a grant

6.1 Funding Agreement

6.2 Legal requirements and approvals

6.3 Monitoring and reporting

6.4 Payments

6.5 Taxation

6.6 Insurance

6.7 Work Health and Safety

6.8 Project acquittal

Part 7 – Rights and responsibilities

7.1 Applicants

7.2 The Australian Government’s obligations

7.3 Confidentiality and disclosure of information

part 8 enquiries and complaints

Part 9 – Contacting the department

appendix A – places on australia’s national heritage list recognised for their historic heritage values

APPENDIX B – Glossary of terms


The Australian Government’s Plan for a Cleaner Environment rests on four pillars: clean air, clean land, clean water and national heritage.

Australia’s unique heritage is central to our national identity; it underpins our sense of place and makes a positive contribution to the nation’s wellbeing. More than a legacy from our past, heritage is an integral part of life today. By protecting our heritage, we conserve valuable community assets and ensure that those places, traditions and stories can be experienced and enjoyed by future generations.

From places that define who we are and tell the story of our country’s past, to the places that reflect our evolving heritage and where we are going, Australia’sNational Heritage List represents the stories from our past that makes up Australia’s identity today.

To be included on Australia’s National Heritage List under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act), a place must have one or more National Heritage values (as defined by section 324D of the EPBC Act). A place can be included in Australia’s National Heritage List for the following types of National Heritage values:

  • natural heritage values
  • Indigenous heritage values
  • historic heritage values.

The Australian Government is providing funding over three financial years to help protect and conserve places on Australia’s National Heritage List. The Government’s Heritage Grants will be delivered through two seperate programmes: the Protecting National Historic Sites Programme and the Community Heritage and Icons Grants Programme:

These Guidelines are for the Protecting National Historic Sites Programme only.

Further information aboutthe Protecting National Historic Sites programmeis available at:

PART 1 – Protecting National Historic Sites programme Overview

The Protecting National Historic Sites Programme is restricted to sites listed on Australia’s National Heritage List listed for their historic heritage values.

1.1 Overview

The Protecting National Historic Sites Programme(Programme)focuses on supporting activities that protect, manage and conserve places on Australia’s National Heritage List recognised for their historic values.

This Programme is restrictedto the 58places which are listed on Australia’sNational Heritage List for their historic heritage valuesas specified in Appendix A to these Guidelines.

Only owners and managers of these sites are eligible to apply for funding under theProgramme.

Programme Budget

(million*) / 2015/16
(million*) / 2016/17
(million*) / TOTAL:
Funding available through Protecting National Historic Sites Programme Guidelines / $2.66 / $4.42 / $4.42 / $11.50
Funding committed to the implementation of 2013 Heritage Election Commitments / $1.76 / $0 / $0 / $1.76
Total Programme funding / $4.42 / $4.42 / $4.42 / $13.26

*GST Exclusive

Grant funding of $11.5 million will be made available over three years. Grants of between $25,000 (GST exclusive) and $1 million (GST exclusive) will be made available under these guidelines for one or multi year (up to three years) projects. Opportunities to apply for projects in out-years will be made through future guidelines. It is anticipated, subject to available funds, the Australian Government will run additional competitive grant rounds in 2015-16 and 2016-17. Please monitor the website for future announcements.

1.2 Programme Objective and Outcomes

The Objective of the Programmeis to:

maintain, protect and conserve the placeson Australia’s National Heritage List that are listedfor their historic heritage values.

The intended Outcomes of theProgrammeare:

improved conservation, preservation and access to Australia’s National HeritageList places recognised for their historic heritage values; and

improved awareness of, and engagement with, these sites.

1.3 Timeframes

Table 1: Indicative timing for implementation of the Programme

Applications open / 30 March 2015
Applications close / 2.00pm (AEST*)22 April 2015
Assessment / May 2015
Successful projects announced / May2015
Funding agreements offered / May 2015
Funding agreements executed and funding released / May 2015
Projects completed / Project activities must be completed by 30June 2017

*Australian Eastern Standard Time.


2.1 Whois eligible toapply?

To be eligible for funding, you must be the site owner or site manager of an AustraliaNational Heritage List place that is:

  • listedon Australia’sNational Heritage List for its historic heritage valuesas specified inAppendix A to these Guidelines.

You must also be a legal entity able to enter into a funding agreement with theCommonwealth of Australia (as represented by the Department of the Environment),such as:

an individual (Australian citizens or permanent residents only);

an incorporated association under State or Territory law;

a body corporate;

an Australian company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);

a cooperative society;

an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisation, council or incorporated association;

a trustee of a trust; and

a partnership, where each of the partners are legal entities (including individuals (Australian citizens or permanent residents only)).

2.2 Whois not eligible to apply?

Youarenoteligibletoapplyif you:

are not the owner or manager of a place listed on Australia’s National Heritage List for their historic heritage values as specified in Appendix A to these Guidelines; and

are not a legal entity.

2.3 What places are eligible for funding?

The Programme will support activities that maintain, protect and conserve places on Australia’s National Heritage List that are listed for their historic heritage values as specified inAppendix A to these Guidelines.

Note: Only one Application is allowed perplace per Applicant.

2.4 When do the projects have to be completed?

Projects must begin on execution of the funding agreement and before June 30 2015. Projectsactivities must be completedby 30 June 2017 in the final year for which the grant has been approved. .

2.5 Co-contributions

The Applicant must contrtibute a minimum of20 percent (%) in cash funding towards the total cost of the project. For example if you are seeking to complete a $100,000 project (in total) you will require a $20,000 cash contribution, and may apply for a grant of up to $80,000 under these guidelinesThe application process will provide further guidance on how to record your cash contributions in the budget table and you will be required to report on expenditure through the acquittals process.

The following activities, financial sources and/or costs will not be considered valid co-contributions for the purposesof aProject:

funds from otherProjectsunder the Programmeor anyother AustralianGovernmentprogramme/s; and

fundsfrom any other grant programmes not secured at the time of applying.

Part 3 – What will the Programme fund?

3.1 Whatfunding is available?

Up to $11.5 million (GST exclusive) over three financial years from 2014-17will be made available through these Guidelines. Applicants are invited to apply for one year ormulti year projects from between $25,000 (GST exclusive) and $1 million (GST exclusive).

Applicants submitting projects through this round will, at a minmum, be required to enter into a funding agreement with the Australian Government before 30 June 2015 and complete project activitiesby 30 June 2017in the final year for which the grant has been approved.

3.2 WhatProject activities will be funded?

Funding can be used to support a range of activities that protect or maintain historic sites.Activities include:

thoseidentified in Conservation Management Plansfor placeslisted on Australia’s National Heritage List for their historic heritage values;

the development of a new Conservation Management Plan, revision of an existing Conservation Management Plan, or improved management arrangements; or

maintaining or enhancing the values of a place listed on Australia’s National Heritage List for their historic heritage values, through development of facilities to enhance visitor understanding and physical access to sites.

Activities must be carried out in accordance with The Burra Charter (The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance) 2013 (Burra Charter).The BurraCharter can be downloaded from:

Alternatively, if you cannot access the Burra Charter online, you may contact the Department to request a hard copy (see Part 10 for information about contacting the Department).

Note: Funding through this round will only be paid for work outlined in the Funding Agreement. A request forfunding to support additional activities that are not outlined in your funding agreement is unlikely to be considered.

3.3 WhatProject activitiesand costsarenot eligible for funding?

The following types of activities and costs arenoteligible for fundingunder the Programme:

activities associated with places that are not specified in Appendix A to these Guidelines;

activities that will not be completed by 30 June 2017;

administrative costs and overheadsrelated to the ongoing operations of an organisation or an individual’s commercial operation(e.g. project coordination, office accommodation, officeequipment hire, phone/internetcosts, electricitycosts, printing/photocopying,insurancecosts,costs associatedwithlegallyrequired documentssuchasculturalheritage site searches, permits etc);

food, alcohol, travel oraccommodation expenses(domestic or international);

purchase of assets[1];

any activities that have already incurred expenditure (i.e. retrospective funding for activities already completed or underway);

salaries and labour expenses related to the ongoing operations of an organisation or an individual’s commercial operation, although funding may be provided to engagecontractorswithrelevant knowledgeand/orspecialistexpertisethat isrequiredtocompletetheproject;

celebrations or promotional activities; and

the transfer or acquisition of property.

PaRT 4-Instructions for APPLYING

The Programme is a competitive grants programme. All Applicationswillbeassessedoninformationprovidedinthe Applicationform. It isimportantthat your Application addresses the requirements outlined in these Guidelines. The Department is not obliged to contact youformissing information or toclarifyambiguousdetails.

Only one Application is allowed perplace per Applicant.

4.1 How to apply

  1. Read these Guidelines carefully before preparing your Application.
  1. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria (refer to Part 2 and Part 3).
  2. Complete the online Application form available at

Note:If you are unable to use the electronic Application form, please contact the Department (refer to Part 10) to obtain a hardcopy Application form. Ensure you allow enough time to request, receive, complete and return the hardcopy Application form so it is received by the Department by the closing date and time (refer to Part4.4). Use of the electronic Application form is recommended.

  1. Submit your Application such that it is received by the Department before the closing date and time (refer toPart 4.4).

Send hardcopy Applications to:

Protecting National Historic Sites
Biodiversity Conservation Division
Department of the Environment
GPO Box 787
CANBERRA ACT 2601 / Courier deliveries to:
Protecting National Historic Sites
Biodiversity Conservation Division
Department of the Environment
John Gorton Building, King Edward Terrace
  1. Keep a copy of your Application for your records.

4.2 Things to know when completing an Application

All relevant sections of the Application form must be completed and Applications must be complete at the time of submission. Mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*).

Your Application may not be able to be properly assessed if you fail to answer all relevant questions in the Application form. The Department is not obliged to consider any supporting or additional documentation not requested in the Application form.

Electronic Applications are preferred. Each downloaded Application form has a unique identifier as a means to exclude duplicate Applications, and may only be used for one Application. Applications completed on-line will be submitted automatically once applicants have clicked the submit button unless there are errors in mandatory fields. These will need to be rectified before submission.

Applicants must complete a declaration regarding their Application which will be considered in the assessment process (refer to Part4.3). The Applicant Declaration will seek a declaration of the status of any existing contractual or statutory arrangements with the Commonwealth that are the responsibility of the applicant.

Submission of the Application form online are tobe considered, approved and submitted by an authorised officer of the Applicant. Hard copy Applications must be signed and approved by an authorised officer of the Applicant.

Do not send hard copies of Applications that were submitted electronically.

4.3 Application declarations

Applicants are required to complete a declaration regarding their Application which will be considered in the assessment process. Application declarations may include, but will not be limited to, declarations to the effect that:

At the application closing date, the applicant does not have any overdue reports or acquittals under any contractual or statutory arrangements for funding with the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Applicant is the owner or manager of the place which is the subject of the Application

Where proposed activities may directly or indirectly affect Indigenous sites or places of value, the Applicant has, or is able to obtain, the necessary permits and/or support from the relevant traditional owners and/or local Indigenous organisations

The Applicant can demonstrate the works will be carried out in accordance with heritage best practice as contained in theBurra Charter, and has the written endorsement of an appropriate technical advisor, such as a heritage architect, to this effect

The Applicant has, or is able to access, adequate funds and/or resources to support delivery of the Project (other than funds/resources requested in the Application) before the proposed date of commencement

The proposed Project complies with all requirements set out in any applicable Commonwealth, state, territory, and local government laws, and that all necessary planning, approvals and/or permits are or can be in place prior to the commencement of the Project

The Applicant, all of its officer holders, and every person involved in a Project on the Applicant’s behalf have not been convicted of a fraud-related offence in the last five years

No funding has been received, in part or in full, for activities that are the subject of the Application from any other funding source except as identified in the Application. Applicants may, however, seek to build on activities undertaken with previous grant funding (i.e. to do a further stage of a larger project

Written documentation supporting the declarations will be provided to the Department upon request

The information provided in the Application is complete and correct and no information is false or misleading, and that the Applicant understands that it is an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) to provide false or misleading information.

4.4 Closing date and time

  • Electronic Applications must, subject to Part 4.5, be received by the Department before 2.00pm (AEST) on Wednesday 22 April 2015 (closing date and time).
  • If you are submitting a hard copy Application form it must be received by the Department before
    2 pm (AEST)Wednesday 22April 2015. If you believe your Application may not arrive before this time, please contact the Department on 1800 653 004.

The Department may, at its sole and absolute discretion, extend the closing date and time. Any such extension will be published on the Department’s website.