Prospect High School Dance Expectations

High School dances are a fun and safe way to build our school community, but they are not a mandatory part of your high school experience. THEY ARE A PRIVILEGE. Therefore, if you choose to violate school rules, your dance attendance privilege will be revoked.

Reminder – Dances are 7-10pm, no admission AFTER 8pm and no one can leave prior to 10:00pm.


Student Dance Code of Ethics:

Students must face their dance partners at all times

Feet must be on the ground at all times

Students may not touch the ground with any body part other than their feet while dancing

Students may not touch or lean/hang on the DJ stage or lighting instruments

Students will not raise up their own clothes or the clothes of their dance partner while dancing

Students will not place their hands or the hands of their dance partner on inappropriate places of the body (such as buttocks, breasts, genitalia, etc.)

Aggressive dancing will not be tolerated.

  1. When a dancer exhibits any of these inappropriate motions, they will first be given a warning by having their wristband CUT.
  2. After the first violation, the student will be removed from the dance. If a student is removed, an administrator will notify the parents/guardian regarding arrangements for transportation. Other consequences could be determined by the school or school district including restrictions from other dances and similar activities.

If large groups of students are in violation of the dance rules, the administrators on duty have the right to turn on the gym lights during the dance, or cancel the dance and/or any other upcoming dances.

Parent volunteers and police officers/administrators will be patrolling the parking lot and school area before, during and after the dance as well, for the safety and well-being of the students.

This form must be signed by both the student and parent PRIOR to the student purchasing a dance ticket.

I have read and acknowledge the rules of attending a dance at Prospect High School, and will adhere to the above rules.


Student Name (PRINT)Student SignatureGrade Level

I have read and acknowledge the rules of attending a dance at Prospect High School, and my student will adhere to the above rules.


Parent Name (PRINT)Parent SignatureParent Contact #