Proposed Visit to Gold Coast Beaches

Council of the City of Gold Coast requests that you complete this form so that we can make sure the beach isn’t overcrowded with other school students at the same time as your proposed excursion. This helps us to ensure the safety of your students and the general public.

Name of School & Contact Phone Number:
Name of Senior Supervision Teacher and Contact Phone Number:
The Senior Teacher should introduce him/herself to the GCCC lifeguard on duty before students enter the water. Lifeguards will give students and teachers a brief talk on the current swimming conditions and any dangers they may encounter.
Name of Beach Visiting:
Day and Date of Visit:
(fill in both day and date, eg Thursday 5 November 20__)
Time of Visit:
(fill in expected arrival and departure times) / ETA:
Class Year:
Number of Students:
Ratio of students to teachers:
Activities Proposed:
List the activities you intend to undertake (eg swimming, body boarding, surfing, beach activities etc. Teachers must take active responsibility for swimming/water activities. This can be achieved by standing near the water’s edge beside the red and yellow patrol flags and using a whistle to gain students’ attention. / § 

This advice should be provided at least one month prior to the excursion and be sent to the Council of the City of Gold Coast by email , attention Janet O’Byrne or fax 55816009. For enquiries please call 5581 6172.

Privacy Notice: Gold Coast City Council is collecting your personal information in order to contact you regarding your proposed excursion. Your participation is voluntary. The information will only be used by authorised Council officers for the purpose of contacting you and ensuring our records are accurate. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required by law.

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