Production Questionnaire and Organic Plan:Apiculture
Name of Company: / Client #:Name as it should appear on the certificate (if different):
Organic manager:
1.List the products for which you are applying for certification:
2.Number of hives in production:
4.Foraging areas: Describe the foraging areas of your bees, the sources of nectar and pollen, agricultural methods used in the production of forage areas, inputs used, etc. (please include a map of hive locations).
5.Transition: On what date did organic management (according to all requirements of the Standard) begin? Please list the dates for each hive if different. These dates must be recorded in your registers and available for inspection by Ecocert.
6.Feeding: Describe the source of bees and wax (include dates of purchase and organic status, or refer to a separate register for dates).
7.Describe the over-wintering procedures you employ: (feeding, storage).
8.Record-keeping: List the records and registers you maintain.
9.Colony Management: Describe your colony management procedures as they relate to the standard (bee removal, smokers, identification of hives, monitoring of hives, etc.).
10.Describe your hive construction.
11.Describe your foundation.
12.Disease & Pest Management, Health Care: Describe your pest management practises. List preventative measures as well as control measures, including all products used.
8.Extraction & Processing: Describe your extraction and de-crystallization procedures, including equipment & temperatures used.
In addition, please provide the following documents to Ecocert:
Before the inspection1
(Please attach these documents to this form if this is your initial application or if there have been changes since your initial application.)
A regional map showing the relative locations of all hives and the approximate forage areas for the bees (include a 3km radius from each hive).
A diagram of your processing facilities (Storage, packaging, processing, etc.).
During the inspection
(Please have the following documents ready for the inspector during your scheduled visit, and make sure they are up-to-date).[*2]
Accounting and book-keeping records
Proof-of-purchase for all inputs, proof of compliance for relevant inputs, technical data sheets, etc.
Other records (feeding records, harvest records, dates of hive transport, etc.)
Labels (if they are not ready for the inspection they can be approved at a later)
Date / Signature
[*2]If documents are not available, the study of your report can be delayed. In some cases, if the required information is not ready for the inspection a second inspection may be required, which could entail supplemental fees.