WARDS AFFECTED:Bishop’s Stortford Meads.

‘D’ RECOMMENDATION – that (A) the advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order proposing implementation of an “at any time” waiting and loading ban on Riverside, Bishop’s Stortford be authorised; and

(B) Officers be authorised to make the Order if there are no objections, or if any changes required as a result of objections received are minor in nature.


1.1This report seeks permission to advertise a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) proposing the implementation of a 24 hour waiting and loading restriction in Riverside, Bishop’s Stortford. This proposal is an important precursor to the creation of the second exit from Jackson Square Multi Storey Car Park onto Riverside.

2.0Contribution to the Council’s Corporate Objectives

2.1Promoting prosperity and wellbeing; providing access and opportunities.

Enhance the quality of life, health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, particularly those who are vulnerable.


3.1The Council has agreed to create a second exit from the Jackson Square Multi Storey Car Park, allowing traffic to exit the ground floor of the car park onto Riverside. Traffic from the upper floor would continue to exit onto Adderley Road.

3.2Riverside leads to the loading/unloading area underneath the Jackson Square shopping centre as well as serving a small number of traders on Potter Street and South Street. Now that it will also serve traffic leaving the car park, additional restrictions are needed to promote efficient traffic flow and road safety.


4.1The Council has agreed to fund the creation of a second exit from the car park to alleviate the congestion problems that arise from time to time. This will result in vehicles from the ground floor leaving the car park onto Riverside, before joining traffic on Adderley Road at a traffic light controlled junction.

4.2Riverside is a “dead end”, serving the loading area for the shopping centre and a small number of traders whose frontage is onto Potter Street. At present, with the exception of a taxi rank and an uncontrolled layby, the road is controlled by double yellow lines. Whilst this restricts most parking, blue badge holders are able to park on a double yellow line for up to three hours and loading and unloading is permitted.

4.3The large volume of vehicles now likely to leave the car park and queue at the lights at the junction with Adderley Road makes it imperative that vehicles are not able to park on Riverside as this would risk blocking the entire road. For this reason, Officers consider that a full waiting and loading restriction is needed along the entire length of the road, save in the area of the taxi rank, which would be retained under these proposals.

4.4The effect of the full waiting and loading ban would be that blue badge holders would be unable to park on any part of Riverside. However, it will be borne in mind that there are 42 designated blue badge bays within Jackson Square Multi Storey Car Park as well as on-street designated bays on Potter Street and South Street.

4.5The ban would also mean that shoppers would be unable to park on Riverside in order to collect their shopping from Marks and Spencer who offer a collection service. However, informal consultation with the manager of the store indicates that shoppers will be able to park in the store’s own loading bay for this purpose. Deliveries to Marks and Spencer and the other shops served by Riverside can also be accommodated by vehicles parking on land belonging to these stores.

4.6Should this full waiting and loading ban not be implemented, the effectiveness of the second vehicular exit from Jackson Square Multi Storey Car Park would be jeopardised and the amelioration of one congestion problem could risk creating another.

5.0 Consultation

5.1 Limited, informal consultation has already taken place; however officers would expect to consult informally on a wider basis before the Order was advertised.

5.2 The advertisement of a TRO is itself an act of consultation as it offers any interested party the right to make representations within 21 days of its advertisement.

6.0Legal Implications

6.1The promotion of a TRO gives any interested party the right to make representations within 21 days of its advertisement. Should a substantial number of objections be received, or should objections be complex in nature, officers would be required to report these objections and their proposed treatment of same to an appropriate Committee of the Council.

7.0Financial Implications

7.1To ensure this Order is progressed at the greatest possible speed, East Herts Council proposes to use the services of the TRO team at Herts County Council to draft and advertise the Order. Informal consultation and the eventual works to the highway would be undertaken by East Herts Council and, as advised above, it would be for East Herts to address any objections that might arise.

7.2The estimated cost of this process, £2,200, will be met from the budget for the car park second exit project, managed by the Council’s Property Services team.

8.0Human Resource Implications


9.0Risk Management Implications

9.1The success of the second exit project is dependant in no small part on the successful implementation of a full waiting and loading ban on Riverside to facilitate the safe and effective movement of traffic from the car park exit and through the junction of Riverside onto Adderley Road.

Background Papers

East Herts Council Decision Notice – Application No. 3/08/1662/FP

(Planning application for creation of a second exit from Jackson Square Multi Storey Car Park onto Riverside).

Contact Member:Councillor Mike Carver – Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport.

Contact Officer:Andrew Pulham – Parking Manager.