July, 2011doc.:IEEE802.11-11/0716r6
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2011-07-18
Name / Company / Address / Phone / Email
Chen Sun / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, 239-0847 / +81 45 847 5062 /
Zhou Lan / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, 239-0847 /
Yohannes Alemseged / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, 239-0847 /
Hiroshi Harada / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, 239-0847 /
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change
24 / 5.18 / 6.3.af2.1.2 / If the network channel control public action frame is a directed frame (i.e. not broadcast) then a PeerMACAddress parameter is needed. / Add a "Peer MAC Address" parameter to the primitive, which is used to select the STA to which this frame will be sent
108 / 5.14 / 6.3.af2.1.2 / NetworkChannelControl includes Requester and Responder's addresses. In MLME-NEWORKCHANNELCONTROL.indication primitive, there is PeerMACAddress. Why doesn't MLME-NEWORKCHANNELCONTROL.request include PeerMACAddress? The same issues exist in other primitives. / Add PeerMACAddress in MLME-NEWORKCHANNELCONTROL.request or delete PeerMACAddress in MLME-NEWORKCHANNELCONTROL.indication. Change the other primitives accordingly.
CIDs 24 and 108 ask for adding Peer MAC Address to the primitive since the network channel control public action frame is a directed frame.
ProposeAccepted for CIDs 24 and 108per discussion and editing instructions in 11-11/716r6.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change91 / 5.06 / 6.3.af2 / No protocol exchange figure is given / Supply a protocol exchange figure like Figure 6-af1 and Figure 6-af2
CID91 asks for adding a figure to illustrate the transaction of protocol messages.
ProposeRejected for CID91 because such a figure is an example and not required in the normative description.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change197 / 41.17 / / The text does not require that the same Netw. Chan. Ctrl. Identifier is only assigned once (uniqueness) / Insert "uniquely" before "assigned"
203 / 45.01 / 8.5.8.af2 / The text does not require that the same Netw. Chan. Ctrl. Identifier is only assigned once (uniqueness) / Insert "uniquely" before "assigned"
CIDs 197 and 203 ask for specifying that Network Channel Control Identifier is unique.
The commented clauses only give definition of the information field and do not describe the underlyingmechanism/action for assigning the identifier. Instead, 11af draft D1.02 made the changes to address the uniqueness in10.12.7.
ProposeRevised with the reason that the D1.02 has made changes to address this issue in 10.12.7.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change431 / 41.23 / / Why is a required component of this protocol documented only in an Annex? / Move the definitions of all required fields into the main text.
439 / 45.07 / 8.5.8.af2 / Why is a required component of this protocol documented only in an Annex? / Move the definitions of all required fields into the main text.
CIDs 431 and 439 ask for the definition of the field in the main text.
ProposeRejected for CIDs 431 and 439with explanation that the valid values for Operating Class and Channel Number are given in Annex E in REVmb, and these sentences are no different than 802.11k and 802.11v text.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change604 / 41.00 / / "The field can be ignored by the enabling STA if the Network Channel Control frame is sent from a dependent STA to an enabling STA as a control request." Does this sentence mean that a depenent STA may load arbitrary value in the Transmit Power Contraint field when it request a Network Channel Control? It would be better to explicit value when it is used as a request frame. / Change the sentence as "The field can be set to zero when a dependent STA requests an enabling STA a Network Channel Control." or remove Power field in request frame.
625 / 41.00 / / "The field can be ignored by the enabling STA if the Network Channel Control frame is sent from a dependent STA to an enabling STA as a control request." Does this sentence mean that a depenent STA may load arbitrary value in the Transmit Power Contraint field when it request a Network Channel Control? It would be better to explicit value when it is used as a request frame. / Change the sentence as "The field can be set to zero when a dependent STA requests an enabling STA a Network Channel Control." or remove this power field in request frame.
895 / 41.00 / / "The field can be ignored by the enabling STA if the Network Channel Control frame is sent from a dependent STA to an enabling STA as a control request." Does this sentence mean that a depenent STA may load arbitrary value in the Transmit Power Contraint field when it request a Network Channel Control? It would be better to explicit value when it is used as a request frame. / Change the sentence as "The field can be set to zero when a dependent STA requests an enabling STA a Network Channel Control." or remove Power field in request frame.
CIDs 604, 625 and 859 talk about the transmit power constraint field in the request frame. The commentors have suggested assigning the value to zero if this field can be ignored in the request frame.
Propose revisedfor CIDs 604, 625 and 859 with the editing instructions in 11-11/716r6.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change433 / 41.35 / / The use of "can" is discouraged by the IEEE editors if it could possibly mean "may". That interpretation appears appropriate here. / Replace "can" with "may".
CID433 asks for correct use of IEEE terminology.
Propose revised for CID433 with the editing instructions in 11-11/716r6.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change440 / 45.10 / 8.5.8.af2 / The statement "The Network Channel Number field of control request indicates the network channel numbers for which dependent STA requests." is confused. There is no "Network Channel Number" field. Is a "control request" a Network Channel Control frame? Should "numbers for which dependent STA requests" be rewritten as "numbers that the dependent STA requests"? / Rewrite this into one or more clear statements. Note also that the following sentence refers to the non-existent Network Channel Number field.
DiscussionCID440 asks for a definition of the "Network Channel Number ". In 802.11af Draft 1.0, this term is not correctly used. The term is intended to refer to Channel Number in the network channel control frame.
Propose revised for CID 440 with the editing instructions in 11-11/716r6 to use the correct term.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change460 / 6.05 / 6.3.af2.1.3 / "is associated to the enabling STA" implies that there is an assoiation that is peer-to-peer, not in an infrastructure. / If the intent is to use this only in IBSSs, then describe that fact. Since Public Action frames are intended for unassociated targets, perhaps replace "be sent to a STA that is associated to the enabling STA" with "be sent to a dependent STA".
1040 / 6.05 / 6.3.af2.1.3 / "associated to the enabling STA." the roles are unclear. Is the STA issuing the request always a DSE enabling STA? / If so, state this clearly.
CID460 asks if the use of network channel control is only in IBSS since it is stated in the draft that it is associated to the enabling STA implies that there is an association that is peer-to-peer, not in an infrastructure.
The network channel control frame is a public action frame and is not limited only to IBSSs. Instead of stating "be sent to a STA that is associated to the enabling STA" it should be "be sent by a STA to the specified peer MAC entity."
CID1040 asks if the network channel control request frame is issued by the enabling STA. In fact, the network channel control frame is a public action frame used by a STA to request permission to channel usage from the enabling STA.
Proposerevisedfor CIDs 460 and 1040 with revising the sentence following the editing instructions in 11-11/716r6.
CID / Clause / Page(C) / Comment / Proposed Change524 / 45.00 / 8.5.8.af2 / Network Channel Control frame is exchanged between an enabling STA and dependent STAs. It is not necessary to assign a duplicate identifier. If the operation is not correct, it should be justfied the reason why the enabler needs to assign another identifier. / Remove the following sentence, "The Network Channel Control Identifier field is a 16-bit number assigned by an enabling STA to a dependent STA."
559 / 41.00 / / need for indentifier is unclear. the network channle controlframe is sent between enabling and dependent STA, thus indentify is uneccesary / remove indentifier
568 / 41.00 / / Network Channel Control frame are exchanged between an enabling STA and dependent STAs. No need to assign a duplicate identifier. If it is not, it should be justfied the reason why the enabler needs to assign another identifier. / remove the sentence, "The Network Channel Control Identifier field is a 16-bit number assigned by an enabling STA to a dependent STA."
570 / 45.00 / 8.5.8.af2 / Network Channel Control frame are exchanged between an enabling STA and dependent STAs. No need to assign a duplicate identifier. If it is not, it should be justfied the reason why the enabler needs to assign another identifier. / remove the sentence, "The Network Channel Control Identifier field is a 16-bit number assigned by an enabling STA to a dependent STA."
914 / 41.00 / / Network Channel Control frame are exchanged between an enabling STA and dependent STAs. No need to assign a duplicate identifier. If it is not, it should be justfied the reason why the enabler needs to assign another identifier. / remove the sentence, "The Network Channel Control Identifier field is a 16-bit number assigned by an enabling STA to a dependent STA."
916 / 45.00 / 8.5.8.af2 / Network Channel Control frame are exchanged between an enabling STA and dependent STAs. No need to assign a duplicate identifier. If it is not, it should be justfied the reason why the enabler needs to assign another identifier. / remove the sentence, "The Network Channel Control Identifier field is a 16-bit number assigned by an enabling STA to a dependent STA."
601 / 41.16 / / Network Channel Control frame are exchanged between an enabling STA and dependent STAs. Is the Network Channel Control Identifier the same as Enablement Identifier? If it is, there is no need to assign a duplicate identifier. If it is not, it should be justfied the reason why the enabler needs to assign another identifier. / Change the Network Channel Control Identifier as Enablement Identifier or justfy the nessicity of another identifer and specify the assignment of it.
622 / 41.16 / / Network Channel Control frame are exchanged between an enabling STA and dependent STAs. Is the Network Channel Control Identifier the same as Enablement Identifier? If it is, there is no need to assign a duplicate identifier. If it is not, it should be justfied the reason why the enabler needs to assign another identifier. / Change the Network Channel Control Identifier as Enablement Identifier or justfy the nessicity of another identifer and specify the assignment of it.
CIDs 524, 559, 568, 570, 914, 916, 601, 622 ask the reason to have a Network Channel Control (NCC) Identifier. The reason is that the NCC identifier is used to givea unique identity to each NCC requesting STA that the NCC responding STA has granted network channel usage. Also, the purpose of network channel control request/response is different from the enablement. No change is made.
Propose Rejected for CIDs 524, 559, 568, 570, 914, 916, 601 and 622 with the reason that aNetwork channel control identifier is used to give a unique identifier for each network channel control request.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change698 / 6.54 / 6.3.af2.2.2 / Extra result codes for over the air transactions should be added, e.g. timeout and tranmission failure in 802.11ae 6.3.ae1.2.2. These changes should also be made to similar primitives. / Add the following result codes to the ResultCode enumeration "TIMEOUT, TRANSMISSION_FAILURE"
CID698 asks for adding timeout, transmission_failure in the ResultCode enumeration.
Propose Accepted without discussion, per editing instructions in 11-11/716r6.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change869 / 6.23 / 6.3.af2.2.2 / Why would the primitive use VendorSpecificInfo for information that is being defined by this amendment. Possibly already defined in 8.5.8.af2, and just needs the proper reference and adjustment to the primitive fields. / define the specifics that the amendment is wanting to be exchanged.
874 / 5.06 / 6.3.af2.1 / The primivite(request, response, and confirm) utilizes a VendorSpecific parameter. As this is a new definition, It would seem plausible that the parameters could be specified, and a STANDARD way of getting the information be used. If this is a Vendorspecific thing, then use the generic Vendorspecific primitives and do not add this series of primitives that really boil down to just a vendor specific primitive. / make a standardize definition of the data being exchanged.
DiscussionCIDs 869 and 874 ask for the reason of having VendorSpecific parameter in the primitives used to exchange information defined in this standard and suggest to define these elements.
It is a common practice in 802.11Revmb to have both the VendorSpecificInfo and the defined information elements in the primitives. This allows implementers of this standard to use the standard primitive to carry undefined information element together with defined information elements in a specified format so that the interoperability is achieved in the presence of nonstandard information.
Current 802.11Revmb D9.0 defines many primitives with vendor specific elements in them. Furthermore, the basic format of vendorspecific elements has been defined in (Vendor Specific element) in Revmb draft D9.0.
Propose rejected because this primitive can carry information defined in this amendment and vendorspecific elements as defined in 802.11revmb D9.0.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change1221 / 6.28 / 6.3.af2.2.2 / the .confirm primitive is not for indication of success or not, but to report the network channel control response info to the SME. therefore, the primitive parameters should include NetworkChannelControl. / Add NetworkChannelControl into the primitive parameters.
CID1221 asks for correct use of confirm primitive to report the network channel control response info.
ProposeAccepted per editinginstructions in 11-11/716r6.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change1222 / 9.31 / 6.3.af2.4.2 / The effect of receipt of .response should be the transmission of the network channel control response frame / Change to: On receipt of this primitive, the MLME schedules the transmission of network channel control.
CID1221 asks for correct use of description ofthe response primitive. On receiving this primitive, the MLME schedules the response to the specific peer MAC entity that hadrequested network channel control.
Propose revised per discussion andediting instructions in 11-11/716r6.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change1237 / / 41 / Format ambiguity on Transmit Power Constraint field. Are negative numbers allowed? Are fractional numbers allowed? Are scaling factors used?
CID1237 asks for the clear definition of the Transmit Power Constraint field.
We have added the statement that the field is coded as asigned integer in units of dBm.
Propose Revised for CID1237 per discussion andeditinginstructions in 11-11/716r6 to define the format of the Transmit Power Control field.
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change1099 / 44.33 / 8.5.8.af2 / "These three fields are repeated,
as determined by the Length field" - this is an error.
Action frames need to be parseable to determine the presence of any optional vendor specific and managment frame protection elements at the end of the frame. As such, the content part defined per action field needs to be self-delimiting so that the end of the action field can be located. / Add a Number of Operating Classes field before the repeating content.
CID1099 asks for adding a field indicating the number of operating classes in the network channel control frame such that the end content part defined per action field can be located if the frame as optional vendor specific and management protection elements at the end of the whole frame.
ProposeRevisedper discussion andeditinginstructions in 11-11/716r6 to add a filed called "Number of Network Channel Triplets".
CID / Page / Clause / Comment / Proposed Change721 / 41.01 / / To be consistent with previous clauses in 8.4, a minimum Length value should be specified. This issue also occurs with subsequent Length field definitions in clauses 8.4 and 8.5. / Add "The minimum value of the Length field is 18"
CID721 asks for adding a minimum length value in the explanation of the length field.
Proposerevisedper editing instructions in 11-11/716r6 to specify that the minimum value of the length field is 16.
6. Layer Management
6.3 MLME SAP Interface
TGaf Editor: Change 8.3.90as follows:
6.3.90Network channel control management
The following MLME primitives support the signaling of network channel control management. MLME-NETWORKCHANNELCONTROL.request Function
This primitive requests that a (Protected) Network Channel Control public action frame be sent by a STAto a specified peer MAC entity. Semantics of the service primitive
The primitive parameters are as follows:
Dialog Token,
Name / Type / Valid Range / DescriptionPeerMACAddress / MACAddress / Any valid individual or group MAC address / The address of the peer MAC entity to which the Network Channel Control frame is transmitted.
Dialog Token / Integer / 0-255 / The dialog token to identify the network channel control transaction
NetworkChannelControl / A set of information subfields / As described in (Network Channel Control frame format) / As described in (Network Channel Control frame format)
Protected / Boolean / true, false / Specifies whether the request is sent using a Robust Management frame.
If true, the request is sent using the Protected Network Channel Control frame.
If false, the request is sent using the Network Channel Control frame.
VendorSpecificInfo / A set of vendor specificelements / As defined in (Vendor Specific element) / Zero or more elements. When generated
This primitive is generated by the STA management entity (SME) to request that a (protected) Network Channel Control public action frame be sent to a STA that is associated to the enabling STAby a STA to the specified peer MAC entity. Effect of receipt
On receipt of this primitive, the MLME constructs and transmits a (Protected) Network Channel Control public action frame. This frame is then scheduled for transmission. MLME-NETWORKCHANNELCONTROL.confirm Function
This primitive reports the result of a request to network channel control. Semantics of the service primitive
The primitive parameters as follows: