North Carolina Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association

Annual NCEMGVA Competitive Grants Program Guidelines

I. Purpose

The goal of the Competitive Grants Program is to enhance, supplement, and aid in

improving the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer programs of North Carolina. Full

or partial matching funds are awarded on a competitive basis to projects that further the

goals of the association, as well as the county and multi-county Extension Master

Gardener Volunteer programs. The Program is open to all North Carolina Extension

Master Gardener Volunteer Programs.

II. Summary

The Competitive Grants Program cycle occurs once a year. The number and amount of

grants awarded will be contingent upon funds available in the NCEMGVA budget. Grants awarded by the NCEMGVA must be matched by local program funds.

Types of projects to be considered include:

1. Local gardening projects such as demonstration gardens.

2. Educational projects such as school projects, community workshops and symposia.

Applications will be evaluated by the Competitive Grants Committee and recommended

to the Board of Directors for approval. Grants will be awarded at the next NCEMGVA

State Event and announced in the next NCEMGVA Newsletter.

III. Program Rules

1. Grant applications are limited to North Carolina County or Multi-County Extension

Master Gardener Volunteer Programs, and to one entry per program per year.

2. The applicant leading the project and project participants must be NCEMGVA members.

3. Applications must be submitted by July 1st of the current calendar year in order to be


4. Grants awarded by the NCEMGVA must be matched by local funds.

5. Recipients must recognize NCEMGVA as a donor or co-sponsor in any printed materials

or events supported by the grant.

6. Funded activities must be completed within eighteen (18) months of the date of the award.


7. A final project report will be due to the awards committee no later than six (6) months after

the completion of the project.

8. Recipients of Competitive Grants will not be eligible to reapply for the following two (2)


IV. Rating Criteria

Grant applications will be rated using the following criteria:

1. Advances the goals of the NCEMGVA and the NC Extension Master Gardener Volunteer


2. Meets a diverse community and/or county need.

3. Conveys short and long-term community benefits.

4. Sustains the project beyond the term of the grant award.

5. Uses collaborative partnering.

6. Has the potential to become a model program.

Adopted: April 13, 2016.

North Carolina Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association

Annual NCEMGVA Competitive Grants Program Application

Date Submitted: ______

I. Background Information

1. Project Name______

2. Project Summary______



3. Location of Project______

4. Extension Master Gardener Volunteer County Program______

5. Applicant Name ______Email______

Home Address ______Phone______

Signature of Applicant______

NOTE: Applicant and project participants must be NCEMGVA members.

II. Project Category (Check and/or fill in all that applies.)

A. _____Local gardening project _____Demonstration garden _____Community garden

_____School garden _____Ability (adaptive) garden Other ______

B. _____Educational project _____School project _____Community workshops

_____Community symposia Other ______

III. Project Description

A. What are the goals of the project? ______


B. Who is the target audience? ______

C. What community partners are involved in the project? What is/are their role(s)?






D. What are the phases and activities of the project? ______



E. What is the timeline for the project? ______

IV. Project Cost and Funding Request

A. What is the total estimated cost of the project? ______

B. How is the project cost to be distributed?

1. Materials and supplies______

2. Equipment______

3. Contracted services (e.g. consultant, information services, etc.)______


C. What is the amount of NCEMGVA grant request? ______

How will these funds be used? ______


D. What is the amount of local program matching funds? ______

How will these funds be used? ______


NOTE: Partner and extension staff salaries, EMGV or partner volunteer hours, or other in

kind funds cannot be used as matching funds for the grant.

V. Press Release

In the event this application is awarded a grant, please include a description of

pertinent details that can serve as a press release.






VI. Due Date and Mailing Information

Applications are due by July 1st of the current calendar year. Please mail to:


3434 Edwards Mill Road, Suite 112-260

Raleigh, NC 27612

Or Email to: ncemgva@gmail

Subject: Annual NCEMGVA Competitive Grants Program Application

Adopted: April 13, 2016