Please note that the proposal should be no more than 10 pages using an 11 point font single spaced.

A: Proposal contact information

Respondent’s Name



Phone number


B: Firm Information

  1. Give a brief history of your firm
  2. What is the dollar value of nonprofit assets under your administration?
  3. How many nonprofit clients do you represent?Provide a list of representative clients, including their contact information for whom you provide comprehensive services similar to those we seek.
  4. How long have you been working with nonprofit clients?
  5. What is the average number of clients and assets under management per investment consultant?
  6. What is your firm’s commitment to community involvement?
  7. Please briefly explain your organization’s insurance coverage as it relates to asset management and/or the services you provide.
  8. What are your competitive advantages?
  9. Does your firm (including its employees and/or principals) have any past or present litigations or pending actions against it? If yes, please explain.
  10. Are you registered with the SEC and FINRA? Do you have any pending actions against you or for cause investigations?
  11. Please provide any other relevant information about your firm.

C: Personnel

  1. Describe how your firm is structured to provide investment management services for nonprofit clients.
  2. Identify the team who will be responsible for investment management and asset allocation. Detail each individual’s qualifications and experience.
  3. What is your customer service philosophy?

D: Investment Management

  1. Describe your firm’s investment philosophy.
  2. Are assets managed internally or managed by outside firms?
  3. Describe your process for selecting outside managers (if applicable).
  4. Describe any conflicts of interest in selecting managers or funds. Does your firm or any of its affiliates derive any economic benefit from any managers, mutual funds or other investment entities that you might recommend?
  5. How do you make strategic asset allocation decisions on behalf of clients?
  6. How do you evaluate risk?
  7. Please provide a recommended asset allocation that adheres to our investment policy.
  8. Describe the performance over the past five years and expected annual rate of return for a similarly structured portfolio. Explain how this will meet our endowment objectives as described in our investment policy.
  9. Please provide a sample performance report for an organization similar to ours.

E: Recommended Asset Allocation

  1. Describe your process for determining the appropriate asset allocation for nonprofits.
  2. What do you use as benchmarks?

F: Recommended Changes to the Investment Policy

  1. List your recommended changes to the investment policy for both the investment and endowment accounts. State the rationale for the recommendations.

G: Fees/Miscellaneous

  1. Please provide a detailed fee proposal. Include a breakout of the initial and ongoing consulting fees and the custodial and management fees as a percentage of the dollar value of the assets.
  2. How often will fees be assessed?
  3. What services do you provide to help educate on investment topics that would support us?