According to data from the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey

12% of the employers surveyed in Spain expect to hire more people in the fourth quarter 2006

78% of the Spanish employers surveyed anticipate no changes in employment levels from October to December, while 8% expect to see reductions in their workforce.

The Net Employment Outlook for Spain stands at +4%. When seasonal variations are removed from the data, the Outlook improves slightly to +6%.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, Spanish employers in the North region (Aragón, Cantabria, La Rioja, Navarra and País Vasco) report the most optimistic hiring intentions (+15%), whereas those in the North East region (Islas Baleares and Cataluña) report the weakest Net Employment Outlook of -4%.

Employers in the Electricity, Gas & Water industry sector anticipate the strongest hiring plans with a Net Employment Outlook of +23%. On the contrary, employers in the Construction industry sector predict the weakest fourth quarter hiring activity with an Outlook of -3%.

Ireland (+16%), Norway (+14%) and Austria (+13%) are those countries in Europe where employers expect the most optimistic hiring intentions, whereas employers in France (+2%) report the weakest employment prospects.

September 2006 – 78% of Spanish employers do not foresee any change in their workforces during the fourth quarter of 2006, 12% intend to increase their workforces over this period and only 8% expect to reduce their payrolls, according to the data reported in the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey. These percentages result in a Net Employment Outlook (percentage of employers predicting an increase in hiring less the percentage expecting to see a decrease) of +6%, which represents a decrease of six percentage points quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year (both +12%).

Source: Manpower

Employers in the North region are the most optimistic while those in the North East are the least optimistic

On a seasonally adjusted basis, five of the six Spanish regions anticipate positive hiring activity in the upcoming quarter. Employers in the North region are the most optimistic (+15%) while those in the North East region report the weakest Outlook of any Spanish region (-4%).

·  Intentions to hire in the Centre region (CC.AA. Castilla-La Mancha and Madrid) result in a Net Employment Outlook of +2%, which represents a decrease of 11 percentage points both quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year.

·  Employers in the East region (CC.AA. Comunidad Valenciana and Murcia) report a Net Employment Outlook of +10% after a quarter-over-quarter increase of 3 percentage points and a year-over-year decrease of 2 percentage points.

·  Employers in the North East region (CC.AA. Islas Baleares and Cataluña) expect a considerable hiring slowdown from third quarter, where the Outlook weakened 22 percentage points – the most notable of any region in the upcoming quarter. The Net Employment Outlook therefore stands at -4%. Year-over-year the Outlook has decreased by 11 percentage points.

·  Hiring intentions amongst employers in the North West region (CC.AA. Asturias, Castilla-León and Galicia) modest with a Net Employment Outlook of +5%. Both quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year comparisons reveal weaker hiring expectations in the region, with a considerable decrease of 11 percentage points from the previous quarter and 9 percentage points from the fourth quarter in 2005.

·  The Net Employment Outlook in the North region (CC.AA. Aragón, Cantabria, La Rioja, Navarra and País Vasco) remains at +15%, representing no changes quarter-over-quarter but a slight year-over-year improvement of 3 percentage points.

·  The Net Employment Outlook in the South region (CC.AA. Andalucía, Canarias and Extremadura) remains at a modest +5%, which is 7 percentage points weaker quarter-over-quarter and 10 percentage points weaker year-over-year..

Source: Manpower

Employers in the Electricity, Gas & Water industry sector are the most optimistic

After seasonal adjustments are applied, employers in eight of the 10 industry sectors expect positive hiring activity in the fourth quarter of 2006. Employers in the Electricity, Gas & Water sector are the most optimistic with a Net Employment Outlook of +23%. They are followed by those in the Public & Social (+14%) sector, Mining & Quarrying and Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry & Fishing sectors (both +10%). Employers in the Construction sector are the least optimistic about adding to their payrolls with an Outlook of -3%. Employers in the Manufacturing sector are also reporting negative hiring activity, with a Net Employment Outlook of -2%.

Compared to the third quarter of 2006, employers in only three of the 10 industry sectors expect an increase in their hiring activity during the upcoming quarter, revealing a strong 9 percentage point increase in the Electricity, Gas & Water industry sector (from +14% to +23%). The other seven industry sectors anticipate weaker hiring plans compared to three months ago. Employers in the Construction sector report an Outlook that is 23 percentage points weaker quarter-over-quarter (from +20% to -3%).

Year-over-year, only employers in the Electricity, Gas & Water industry sector (up 7 percentage points) and in the Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry & Fishing sector (up 2 percentage points) expect an increase in their hiring activity. The other eight industry sectors anticipate weaker hiring plans compared to last year at this time, particularly employers in the Construction sector, where the Outlook is 17 percentage points weaker.

Fuente: Manpower

Comercio y Reparaciones: Comercio al por Mayor, Intermediarios de Comercio, Comercio al por Menor y Reparaciones

Actividades Sociales: Actividades Sociales, Servicios Personales y Personal Doméstico

Intermediación Financiera y Servicios Empresariales: Intermediación Financiera, Seguros, Actividades Inmobiliarias y otros Servicios Empresariales

Energía Eléctrica, Gas y Agua: Producción y Distribución de Energía Eléctrica, Gas y Agua

Agricultura y Caza: Agricultura, Caza, Silvicultura y Pesca

Employers in Ireland, Norway and Austria have the strongest employment expectations in Europe

With seasonal variations removed from the survey results, all of the European employers report optimistic hiring intentions for the fourth quarter of 2006. Particularly, employers in Ireland (+16%), Norway (+14%) and Austria (+13%) reveal the strongest hiring expectations, followed by those in Sweden (+11%), Belgium and United Kingdom (both +9%). Employers in Spain and Netherlands report both a Net Employment Outlook of +6%. On the contrary, employers in France (+2%) report the least optimistic Outlook.

Elsewhere in the world, employers in all of the 26 countries and territories surveyed internationally expect to add to their workforce in the fourth quarter of 2006. The strongest hiring activity is anticipated in Peru (+48%), India (+42%), Hong Kong (+31%), Singapore (+31%), Australia (+29%), New Zealand (+26%) and South Africa (+26%), while the weakest hiring activity is forecast in France (+2%), Italy (+5%), the Netherlands (+6%) and Spain (+6%).

Estudio Manpower de Proyección de Empleo

El Estudio Manpower de Proyección de Empleo analiza, a nivel mundial, las previsiones de los directivos de aumentar o disminuir su plantilla cada trimestre. El objetivo principal es el de mostrar la tendencia del empleo y ser un instrumento de consulta para empresas, administraciones, organizaciones y público en general interesado en la materia. Así por ejemplo, el Banco de Inglaterra y la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos utilizan el Estudio como indicador de la futura actividad económica. Más de 49.000 empresas de 25 países diferentes han configurado la muestra a nivel internacional. En España han participado en el Estudio más de 1.000 directivos de empresas pertenecientes a 10 sectores de actividad diferentes.

En la edición de este año, los datos han sido ajustados teniendo en cuenta la estacionalidad, una metodología utilizada por organismos como el EUROSTAT en la UE y la Oficina de Estadísticas de Empleo de Estados Unidos que permite eliminar las variaciones estacionales de los resultados obtenidos. Para aplicar dicha metodología es necesario que el país estudiado, en este caso España, disponga de un histórico de 12 estudios, que corresponde a un periodo de tres años, para que los datos puedan incluir el criterio de la estacionalidad.

Para más información, gráficos y datos del Estudio:

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