Briarwood Academy
SLT Agenda
Through positivity, perseverance, and pride, we will ensure Academic excellence, Briarwood high expectations, and Celebrate diversity.
BELIEVE...ENGAGE...BUILD...GROW*All children deserve a consistent, quality, highly engaging education in a safe, nurturing, and orderly environment.
*All stakeholders are responsible and accountable to uphold the mission and vision in all of their actions.
*All children can learn when the learning environment is optimum.
●Be on time
●Come prepared to share, collaborate, and listen
●Be fully engaged and present
●Hold each other and ourselves accountable to the mission, vision, and core beliefs in both word and action
Team member:
Cunningham / Agenda creator: Creates the agenda and shares with the team at least 48 hours before the meeting
Team member:
Co-Chair: Simmons / Meeting Facilitator: Facilitates the meeting from the agenda, following the norms and expectations
Team member:
(Hatcher) / Time Keeper: Monitors start and end times while adhering to time frames established in agenda
Team member:
(Horton) / Recorder: Records all minutes/notes in the Agenda and shares with SLT through google and with Wentz to put on the website
Norms Manager: Keeps SLT meeting focused on the Norms and agenda items
Time / Agenda Item / Notes / Leader / Critical Action
4:30 - 4:38 / Welcome and introductions / Quick intro and one thing that you would want everyone to know about you(don’t overthink it!) / Cunningham / We will meet on the 2nd Thursday each month at 5 pm. Block out an hour for this.
Perkins-Media Specialist
M.Hatcher-Roberts- Parent
M. Eaves-PTA
R. Eddy -Parent
Coach Slade- PTA
White - 3rd
Simmons- Math Facilitator
Tate-Literacy Facilitator
4:38 - 4:45 / Team nominations for roles on SLT / Go over the roles and have nominations for identified roles / Cunningham / Chair: Cunningham
Co-Chair: Simmons
Recorder: C.Tate
Backup Recorder: Horton
Timekeeper/Norms: Bello
Backup Timekeeper: Hatcher
4:45 - 5:05 / SIP goals and our LPS status/indistar use / Share info with the team - look at the 3 identified areas for growth and discuss the suggested 2-3 action steps and their ability to impact teaching and learning / Marshall / Marshall gave an overview of what the SIP is and gave an in-depth review of the plan with the team.
Reviewed that we have an SIP, 90 plan, and the Indistar- including the three indicators that were chosen from the 12 indicators and began discussion of the needed actions
Our focus is on the three big rocks: Instructional Planning and Delivery, Talent Management, and Climate and Culture.
Our growth has moved from a D school overall to a D scoring a C in (Math) and D in (Literacy) last year.
Overview of the org chart for the school and the purpose of this.
5:05 - 5:15 / School Safety Plan / Go over the part that is public with SLT and the rest with the Briarwood staff only - excuse the non Briarwood staff at this time / Cunningham / First draft was already due and the final copy is due Oct. 6th. We reviewed this document as a team and asked the team to look over this document to see what changes will need to take place.
●What role would parents/community member have to help meet that goal? Serving on this team gives each community member a voice to share insight and ideas around what else can be done to aid us in meeting our goals?
●How do we say what we specifically can do? See Tate if you would like to be a aNorthStar volunteer or you can see someone on PTA. Teachers would like assistants
●Where do you go to find a list of what you want? PTA has this done and will share on curriculum night, add the volunteer request be put online to get parents signed up at our school, post a list somewhere in the school to list our school needs….this can be a handout that is ready in the office for parents.
●Kinder has a field trip on 10/11/17 and needs some parents to volunteer, we need to create a way for the parents to know when we have this need.
●Briarwood needs parents to be a voice for our school, we need to have parents and community members to speak up about our needs. We need a new school and we are on the bond for a new school on November 7th. M. Eaves will be at the school board meeting on Oct. 10th and would like to know what the needs are in order to be a voice at this meeting for us. Also we will have a student speaking at this meeting.
●What is dojo? It is an online behavior system for parents and it incentives to parents for all that they are doing.
Next Steps:
Our next meeting is October 12th at 5pm in the media center. Ms. Cunningham will send an email, send a connect ed, and send out a flyer as well. The agenda will be sent out to all teammates ahead of time.
Briarwood Academy
SLT Agenda
Through positivity, perseverance, and pride, we will ensure Academic excellence, Briarwood high expectations, and Celebrate diversity.
BELIEVE...ENGAGE...BUILD...GROW*All children deserve a consistent, quality, highly engaging education in a safe, nurturing, and orderly environment.
*All stakeholders are responsible and accountable to uphold the mission and vision in all of their actions.
*All children can learn when the learning environment is optimum.
●Be on time
●Come prepared to share, collaborate, and listen
●Be fully engaged and present
●Hold each other and ourselves accountable to the mission, vision, and core beliefs in both word and action
Team member:
Cunningham / Agenda creator: Creates the agenda and shares with the team at least 48 hours before the meeting
Team member:
Co-Chair: Simmons / Meeting Facilitator: Facilitates the meeting from the agenda, following the norms and expectations
Team member:
(Hatcher) / Time Keeper: Monitors start and end times while adhering to time frames established in agenda
Team member:
(Horton) / Recorder: Records all minutes/notes in the Agenda and shares with SLT through google and with Wentz to put on the website
Norms Manager: Keeps SLT meeting focused on the Norms and agenda items
Attendance / Marshall, Cunningham, Prescott, Bello, Stilwell, White, Horton, Perkins, Simmons, Bullinska-West, Piccarreto, Thompson, Hatcher
Absent: Malloy
Time / Agenda Item / Notes / Leader / Critical Action
Meeting started at 5:02 pm with the reading of the norms by R. Horton
5:00 - 5:05 / PTSA Updates / Volunteer Feedback
Upcoming Events / Cunningham / -The popcorn fundraiser was a big success and will be distributed on 10/19.
-Bookfair will take place from10/20-10/27
-Cookies and Cowpoke 10/20 (Popcorn and a Movie)
5:10 - 5:15 / School Compact Review / Submit forms by Oct. 31st to Ms. Cunningham / Cunningham / -We did update the compact to reflect our mission and vision.
-Please seek Springhetti, Naylor, or Irvin if a child is out of uniform. This policy must be enforced, we need staff to support this effort.
All student compact forms are due by Oct 31st with a sticky note with the teacher’s name.
5:20 - 5:50 / Review SIP Draft and discuss district and school goals / Share the goals with grade level teams for feedback. We will make revisions as needed. / Cunningham / Please add any feedback to the SIP and we will make those changes before the final is submitted on Oct 17th.
We made changes to Briarwood profiles and corrected email addresses.
5:55 - 6:00 / Questions??? / Cunningham/Simmons / None
●None at this time
●Team leads will share SLT information with grade levels at PLC meetings
●Meeting was dismissed at 5:43 pm
Next Steps:
●Ask for flyer from PTSA for meeting dates
Upcoming Meeting Dates: Nov. 9th, Dec. 14th, Jan. 11th, Feb. 8th, Mar. 8th, Apr. 12th, May 10th