

Proposal for 2012 NSFC/ICTP Grants

Activity / Number of Candidates
High Energy Physics
Two Months Study Visit (2个月的学术访问) / 3
smr2331 19-28 March
SpringSchool on Superstring Theory and Related Topics / 3
smr2347 2-6 June
Workshop on Recent Developments in Astronuclear and Astroparticle Phyics / 3
smr2354 16 July-3 August
Summer School on Cosmology and Workshop on Large Scale Structures / 3
smr2366 17-21 September
Behind the Neutrino Mass; Workshop on The Theory and Phenmenology of Neutrino Mass and Lepton Mixing / 3
Condensed Matter Physics and Related Fields
Two Months Study Visit (2个月的学术访问) / 3
smr2348 2-13 July
Summer School on Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Molecules / 3
smr2361 20-31 August
School on Large Scale Problems in Machine Learning and Workshop on Common Concepts in Machine Learning and Statistical Physics / 3
smr2362 27 -31 August
Workshop on Complex Quantum Systems: Non-Ergodicity, Glassiness and Localization / 3
smr2371 15-24 October
Advanced Workshop on Heat Transport in Low-Dimensional Systems: Achievements and Mysteries / 3
smr2376 26-30 November
School on Numerical Methods for Material Science Related to Renewable Energy Applications / 3
Two Months Study Visit (2个月的学术访问) / 3
smr2340 21 May-8 June
School and Workshop in Dynamical Systems / 3
smr2345 11-29 June
School and Workshop on Geometric Analysis / 3
smr2346 18-29 June
School and Workshop on Computational Algebra and Number Theory / 3
Earth Sciences
Two Months Study Visit (2个月的学术访问,限大气科学领域) / 3
smr2337 7-18 May
Sixth ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models / 3
smr2341 28 May-1 June
Workshop on Variability in the Western Tropical Pacific: Mechanisms, Teleconnections and impacts on Sub-Seasonal, Inter-Annual and Inter-Decadal Time Scales / 3
smr2386 June (two weeks to be decided)
Conference and Advanced School on Quantification of Seismic Hazards in the Indo/Asian Collision Zone / 3
smr2356 30 July-10 August
Targeted Training Activity: ENSO-Monsoon in the Current and Future Climate / 3