A signature park for Aurora
This request is to solicit Proposals from consulting firm teams to provide design services for development of a park master plan for a 147-acre property reflective of the signature high plains prairie of eastern Aurora. Interested, experienced park design consultant teams are requested to present credentials relative to master planning a large urban park of this size. Hydrology, drainage, traffic and ecosystem (vegetation and wetland) studies are to be completed by qualified sub-consultants of the prime consultant firm to provide a sound survey basis for subsequent site analysis and plan development phases.
The scope of required planning work is included in this package to aid the Consultant in evaluating the work elements requested and to formulate a complete Proposal. This solicitation process and/or the resulting master planning process may produce modifications to that scope of work.
This park is the first full service, multi-facility Aurora large urban park to be master planned to accommodate the public uses related to this type of park. Specific function community parks have recently been successfully offered to Aurora residents at the Sports Park (athletic fields) and Sand Creek Park (water theme and habitat preservation). The final master plan for this park is to integrate introduced use places with the preservation of significant site features. This property is one of the few remaining natural landscapes in the city. All park spaces shall be linked by imaginative circulation experiences that best address the park design program as reviewed and accepted by the Steering Committee. This urban park shall be planned to accommodate a wide scope of public uses within the following three guiding objectives:
1. To illustrate to residents the relationships between park needs of the community, innovative park design and integration of park facilities with the topographic characteristics of a site.
2. To provide the highest level of quality design, which will serve as a benchmark from which future urban parks, signatures of other areas of the city, are planned in correlation with community needs.
3. To develop a dynamic master plan with quality presentation graphics to be used to communicate the merits of the plan and to garner support for the Steering Committee goal of securing future funding to construct this park. This point is a priority factor in developing the master plan.
Project Description
This request involves the master planning of a large urban park facility that would retain areas of short grass prairie, creek riparian zones and high plains prairie edge, as well as the preservation/enhancement of East Tollgate Creek. Park detail design areas shall include, but not be limited to the Colorado Freedom Memorial, large group-full service pavilions, unique large scale playgrounds, gathering spaces for large scale events and seasonal performances (amphitheater type area), sprayground, various types of landscaping, integrated public art and sculpture, display gardens and other formal areas, vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian circulation, wet-line restroom facilities and site sensitive parking.
The design team will also be responsible for locating the appropriate utility infrastructure to support the park facilities, in relation to the master facility locations. These corridors shall be researched to be accurately located for detailing the required communication, electric and wet utilities when the park construction drawing phase commences, some time in the future, under a separate contract.
Visioning Process
A Citizen Steering Committee of 36 stakeholders has formulated their design program for the park through an informal visioning process. Committee plan objectives are:
· Incorporate a site sensitive, yet ambitious design program to attract residents to a destination park.
· Attain a site blend of retaining natural features of the site while introducing non-sport, community uses on suitable portions of the site. Incorporate innovative design practices to exploit the site’s potential while sustaining compatibility between natural and introduced features without severely impacting the natural areas.
· The park is to exhibit imaginative design solutions with an “Olmsteadian” approach to preserving and recreating natural features while introducing high use people spaces.
· Create a site-sensitive master plan that provides a unique theme identity for the park.
· Plan the Colorado Freedom Memorial in an appropriate, accessible, visible location with linkage to the balance of the property.
· Promote resident use of the park to encourage individual citizen health and wellness while experiencing integrated uses and providing the opportunity to develop a sense of community.
A Focus Group of the Steering Committee will evaluate the consultant RFP reviews, will develop a short list for interviews and will participate in the consultant interview process. The full Steering Committee will conduct periodic review and input sessions on the master planning process being conducted by the selected consultant team.
Project Context
The future destination park site is east of Airport Blvd. and north of Alameda Drive, in north central Aurora. The north boundary of this property is the Buckley Air Force Base fence line. The site has frontage on Airport Blvd. and extensive frontage on Alameda Drive, Quintero and Alameda Parkway. East Tollgate Creek flows through the property, under Airport Blvd. and through Centre Hills Golf Course, to the west.
The property is owned by the City of Aurora and is void of any structures. The last known use of a small portion of the site was in conjunction with the Buckley base in the mid 1950’s. The park site is fully outside the Buckley Accident Potential Zones. Park uses will be periodically impacted by military aircraft noise. The eastern 79-acres of the parcel has been owned by the City for twenty years and had been referred to as the “Buckley Natural Area.” The remaining 68-acres were acquired through funding from the 2000 City bond. The full 147 acres of the site are to be master planned within the scope of this project.
The project context includes the East Tollgate Creek corridor. This site feature is to be preserved and possibly enhanced, only in accord with strict Parks and Open Space Department grading and re-vegetation criteria and City of Aurora drainage standards.
· Stadium
A 14-acre tract at the northeast corner of Alameda Parkway and Quintero is under consideration for the location of a minor league baseball stadium. The planning of the stadium is by others and the final decision on the viability of this project will be concurrent with initial phases of this overall park master planning process. The selected consultant team shall make recommendations for the integration or isolation of this stadium site with regard to the park master plan. This facility is a recent consideration for this location.
· Trail
A cross-site regional trail shall be designed in a to be determined alignment within the East Tollgate Creek corridor. The trail shall accommodate bikers, hikers and bladers. Interior park paths and walks shall be directed to pedestrian use only.
The trail linkage shall be from the southeast (to be determined crossing of Alameda Drive and future trail construction along the drainage corridor to Highland Hollows Park to the southwest). The trail shall exit the park to the northwest (Airport Blvd.) and link to the existing trail corridor (trail not constructed) along Centre Hills Golf Course and the existing High Line Canal trail further to the west. The selected consultant team shall make recommendations on the arterial street crossing locations for the trail on both Airport Blvd. and Alameda Drive and the on-site trail alignment through the site.
· Park Access Road
Hughes Drive extended east, across Airport Blvd. into the park site, has been designed in terms of alignment and preliminary grades. This park road is designated as a prime access to the park interior. The alignment follows and is south of the city property’s north property line. The full movement intersection of the park road at Airport Blvd. is projected to be signalized to accommodate park traffic. The road vertical and horizontal alignments have been determined so that park property line grades were established as the Buckley housing project was planned. Determining the full circulation routing throughout the park and what additional ingress/egress points are needed, is a requirement of the master plan consultant team. Traffic studies defining traffic volumes at city street intersections are also required.
· Site survey with a site analysis of existing conditions and limitations. (Topographic survey will be provided by the Parks & Open Space Department.)
· Site analysis – see above
· Master plan (minimum of 3 concepts to be developed for Steering Committee review)
· A drainage plan – correlate site runoff flow requirements with impacts of filling selected site areas.
· Hydrology report
· Limited geotechnical boring and tests
· Vegetation, wetland and endangered species analysis
· Traffic report
· Irrigation pond recommendation (Re-use water is available at Centre Hills Golf Course.)
· Refinement of design program
· Illustrative sketches of 10 to-be-selected use areas
· Cost opinions (selected facilities and total project)
· Master plan report document
· Graphic master plan
· Review meetings with Steering Committee
· Public presentations to Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, Open Space Board, Planning Commission and City Council.
B. Contract Time – Calendar Days
Award to Consultant/Team
Project Kick-off meeting Within one week after receiving award
Site Analysis/Existing Conditions 20 days
Schematic Master Plan (minimum of 3) 30 days
Plan Development and Detail Designs (10) 30 days
Master Plan Approval 120 days – City Council – October 24, 2005
Final Master Plan Report 45 days
The Consultant shall begin work immediately after receiving the award. The Consultant shall deliver the completed master plan report and graphics, technical reports, and design area graphics to the City in accordance with the schedule stated in this proposal.
The Consultant shall submit a project schedule including all activities, including City reviews and milestone events. The schedule shall be updated as necessary during the planning phase.
A. Manager
The Project Manager (PM) is the authorized representative of the City and provides overall technical coordination and monitoring of work performed in accordance with the terms, conditions and funding requirements of the contract. The PM for this master planning process is Tracy Young, Manager of Planning, Design & Construction, Parks & Open Space Department.
B. City of Aurora Contacts
Bryn Fillinger, Procurement Agent
Tracy Young, Project Manager
Lance Henkel, Landscape Architect
C. Design Coordination
The Consultant shall comply with all private, federal, state and/or local agency requirements associated with the project including but not limited to:
City of Aurora
Parks & Open Space Department
Public Works Department
Corps of Engineers
Colorado Division of Wildlife
The Consultant should anticipate that the final master plan, which impacts any regulation of an agency, must have acceptance by that agency before final approval by the City. The City will coordinate submittals to affected agencies. The Consultant and the PM shall arrange all meetings with qualified individuals of those agencies.
D. Communications
The Consultant shall keep the Aurora PM fully informed of the progress of the work at all times. The Consultant shall provide a written synopsis of all pertinent contacts (telephone, e-mail and in person) with other copies of pertinent written correspondence. This information shall be provided to the Aurora PM electronically the business day after the contact. The review of this information shall be a standard agenda item for the periodic meetings between the Consultant and the Aurora PM. The Consultant shall be responsible for developing and distributing agendas and minutes of all meetings.
A. Design Intent
This “signature destination park” is to be planned beyond a basic park by incorporating unique design solutions to the site challenges presented. The plea of Chicago’s Daniel Burnham to “Make No Little Plans” is to be the limitless guide in proposing a significant destination park plan for Aurorans. The plan is to allow the grand scale of the property to stimulate the public’s interest to appreciate the integration of the natural site with the various introduced use spaces. Innovative park/landscape architecture design shall reflect a level of excellence that communicates an invitation to the public to become repeat park visitors. The draw into the park shall be facilitated by inviting sight lines, into the park, of intriguing park facilities. The park plan is to convey a sense of arrival for visitors and shall offer internal circulation routes that attract visitors to the various introduced park facilities, while creating a positive response and connection to the natural and reconstructed park habitat.
Return visits are to be encouraged with the creation of open, safe, yet use specific spaces easily patrolled and suitable for surveillance. Public perception of the park as a wholesome, dynamic community asset shall be fortified by the plan.
B. Planning Phase
The planning phase will include the master planning of all design program facilities. The final master plan shall encompass the refinement of the design program and the relationship of the park facilities to the surrounding use areas. An emphasis on locating defined use spaces and the interconnecting circulation patterns linking these areas is to be accomplished.
C. Design Phase
The design phase shall include detailing ten (10) to be selected gathering spaces depicted on the master plan. These details shall be illustrated in perspective sketches and 1/20 scale site plans. All material selections, circulation patterns, planting, lighting concepts and site amenities shall be illustrated in the sketches and plans. Of particular interest to the Steering Committee will be the consistency of theming for way-finding, site furnishings (amenities), pavilions and other structures proposed for the site.
Program of Design Criteria. The following Aurora Parks & Open Space Department development criteria are to be applied to this large urban park site: