
Project team organisation and responsibilities





The purpose of the organisation and responsibilities document is to ensure the right people are in place with the authority, responsibility and knowledge to make decisions on matters and provide control over the project in a timely manager.

2Project organisation

The organisation of E-buss will comprise the elements shown in figure 1.


3.1Project board

Provides overall direction and management to the project on behalf of the program.

3.2Project assurance

Project assurance monitors the projects performance and products, independently of the project manger, on behalf of the project board.

3.3Project manger

The project manager will mange the project on a day to day basis on behalf of the project board.

3.4Team manger

The role of the team manager is to mange the planning and creation of products

3.5Project support

The role of the project support is to assist the project manager and team mangers in undertaking their project management functions.


4.1Job definition - Project executive

Joint responsibilities with other board members.

Overall responsibilities

1)The Joint overall responsibilities of all members of the project board are to:

a)Approve all major plans within program constraints

b)Sign-off completion of each stage of work as acceptable

c)Ensure that required resources are committed to the project, and

d)Arbitrate on conflicts within the project or negotiate a solution to any problems that arise between the project and external bodies

At the beginning of the project

2)The joint responsibilities of all members of the project board at the beginning of the project are to:

a)Ensure the project complies with any program or corporate directives

b)Ensure the project initiation document complies the relevant organisational standards and policies

c)Confirm with program management constraints upon project tolerances

d)Agree with the project manger that persons responsibilities and objectives

e)Delegate project assurance responsibilities and ensure they are fulfilled

f)Specify any external constraints on the project such as quality assurance

g)Approve the project initiation documents as accurate and satisfactory

As the project progresses

3)The joint responsibilities of all the project board as the project progresses are:

a)Commit resources to the project are required

b)Take ownership of identified risks as allocated during plan approval

c)Promote and maintain focus on project outcomes

d)Review each completed stage and approve commencement of next stage

e)Decide action required on changes that have been escalated to project board level

At the end of the project

4)The joint responsibilities of all members of the project board at the end of the project are to:

a)Approve the end project report, lessons learned report and any follow on action recommendations and ensure they are passed onto the appropriate authorities

b)Establish arrangements for a post project review or other means of examining the actual benefits realised against those defined in the business case.

Project executive’s specific responsibilities

Overall responsibilities

5)The executive’s overall responsibilities are to:

a)Ensure that the project delivers value for money to the organisation , be representing the business perspective as custodian of the project business case

b)Approve the project business case

c)Authorise project expenditure

d)Balance the demands of the business, user and supplier perspectives and

e)Chair the project

At the beginning of the project

6)At the beginning of the project the project executive is to ensure that tolerances foe the project are set in the project plan.

As the project progresses

7)As the project progresses the project executive is to:

a)Set tolerance for each project stage

b)Arrange and chair project board meeting

c)Brief corporate or program management about progress and

d)Recommend future action to corporate management if project tolerances are to exceeded

I have Read and agree to carry out the responsibilities contained in this job definition for project E-Buss
Gary Hepworth
Lisa Chang
John Dawa
David Blair / Name
Gary Hepworth
Lisa Chang
John Dawa
David Blair / Date

4.2Job definition - Project manager

Overall responsibilities

  1. the overall responsibilities of the project manager are to:
  2. ensure that the project produces the required products, to the required standard of quality and within the specified constraints of time and cost
  3. ensure that the project products are capable of achieving the benefits stipulated in the agreed business case
  4. control each stage, delegating technical control of product creation / delivery to the team mangers

Specific responsibilities

  1. the specific responsibilities of the project manager are to:
  2. plan and monitor the project
  3. obtain project board approval for who will undertake project assurance roles
  4. agree the technical and quality strategy with appropriate members of the project board
  5. define level and content required of the project initiation documents, oversee production of the documents, and agree continent with project board
  6. set targets for production of project and stage plans for the production team managers, project assurance and project support, and agree content with project board
  7. set targets for production of products by team mangers
  8. manage business and project risks, including the development of any contingency plan required by project board
  9. be accountable to the project board for overall progress and use of resources, and initiate corrective action where necessary
  10. report to the board through insert report name
  11. liaise with the project board and project assurance roles to assure the overall direction and integrity of the project
  12. undertake or delegate formal communications with external suppliers
  13. prepare the end project report, lessons learned report and any follow-on action recommendations required

I have Read and agree to carry out the responsibilities contained in this job definition for project E-Buss
Eloise de Silva / Name
Elosie de Silva / Date

4.3Job definition - Team manager Greg Car

Overall responsibilities

  1. The team manager’s prime responsibility is to ensure production of those products defined by the project manager to an appropriate quality in a timescale and at a cost acceptable to the project board. The team manger report to and takes direction form the project manager
  2. the specific responsibilities of the team manager are to:
  3. direct and motivate the team
  4. prepare plans for the teams work and agree these with the project manager
  5. assist in drafting for teams work and agree these with the project manager
  6. assist in drafting project, stage plans for the project manager in conjunction with project assurance and project support
  7. initiate corrective action , where necessary, within the constraints laid down by project manager
  8. advise the project manager of any deviations from project plan and recommend corrective action
  9. ensure that quality controls of the teams work are planned and performed correctly
  10. deliver completed work packages and keep the project manager informed of such deliveries
  11. ensure that suitable change control and configuration management procedures are applied to products
  12. ensure all project issues are reported to project support for logging ensuring they are evaluated and recommend action to the project manger
  13. identify risks and advise the project manager of them, ensuring that they are logged
  14. manage specific risks as allocated by the project manager
  15. liaise with project assurance members as necessary to assure the integrity of the team work
  16. ensure that team files are maintained.

Team manager Greg Car specific responsibilities

  1. the specific responsibilities of the team manager Greg Car are
  2. interacts with employee(s) to determine scope and definition of new application functionality or application change requirements
  3. program, debug, test and implement programs written in VB, Java, VBscript, asp, php, sequel, etc in a multi platform environment
  4. analyse requirements and define enhancements to existing business application software
  5. assist in technology searches to meet business needs or project objectives
  6. assist in developing long term information systems strategy
  7. design and develop new/enhanced applications to meet business requirements
  8. research new technologies to automate or enhance existing systems
  9. acts as a strategist and information architect for the implementation of new e-business system
  10. share programming knowledge and programming techniques with peers

Team manager Andrea Williams’s specific responsibilities

  1. the specific responsibilities of the team manager Andrea Williams are
  2. interacts with employee(s) to determine scope and definition of new application requirements or systems change requirements
  3. pilot, install, configure and develop maintenance schedules for pc/sever and networking equipment
  4. analyse requirements and define enhancements to existing business application hardware
  5. assist in technology searches to meet business needs or project objectives
  6. research new technologies to automate or enhance existing systems
  7. acts as a strategist and information architect for the implementation of new e-business system

I have Read and agree to carry out the responsibilities contained in this job definition for project E-Buss
Greg Car
Andrea Williams / Name
Greg Car
Andrea Williams / Date
