Information Medicine of Professor S. Konovalov

The Effect of Treatment with Information Fields[1]

Self-administered Questionnaire

for members of the Educational Scientific Meetings with Dr Konovalov and external patients who take part in link-up treatment sessions.

To successfullycomplete the questionnaire please see the attached instructions and the criteria for treatment efficacy evaluation.

Your Patient's Personal Account Number (if available):

Full name:

Date of birth:

Occupation (or your former occupation if you are a pensioner):

Qualification (degree, if applicable):

Current residential address:

Telephone number including area code:


The month and the year when you have read Dr Konovalov's Book for the first time:

The month and the year when you have started your treatment with Information Fields:

Number of link-up sessions (approximately). Please fill in numbers:

Number of visits to Dr Konovalov's Centre (if there were any) :

Table 1. Clinical diagnoses - Treatment results

Diagnoses made by physicians / Treatment results
Diagnoses by groups / № / Your diagnoses / When was the diagnosis made and what tests can prove the diagnosis?
Please attach photocopied test reports. / Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you. / Have you only applied treatment with Information Fields?
Please fill in either Yes or No (if other therapy was also applied). / Results of the treatment confirmed by your physician and/or medical examination
Please write the type of your last medical examination, its date and/or the date of your last medical consultation. Please attach photocopied test reports. / Stability of the results achieved by treatment
Please fill this column if 95%-100% of disease manifestations have left you.
Please choose one of the options below:
Less than one year, three to five years, more than five years.
Blood circulation system diseases (cardiovascular pathology)
Musculoskeletal system diseases
Respiratory system diseases
Digestive system diseases
Neurological diseases
Endocrine system diseases
Urinary system diseases
Reproductive system disease
Eye diseases
Otolaryngology diseases
Malignant neoplasms
Other diseases

General result of Table 1 (Clinical improvement)

To calculate the average percentage, add up the percentage values from the column "Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you" and divide the sum by the total number of diagnoses. The obtained figure will signify the result, expressed as a percentage, for the treatment of all your clinical diagnoses.

Table 2. Clinical features - Treatment results

Clinical features / Treatment results
№ / All symptoms that trouble you at present or have already left you. / Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you / Have you only applied the treatment with Information Fields?
Please fill in either Yes or No (if other therapy was also applied). / Stability of the results achieved by treatment
Please fill this column if 95%-100% of disease manifestations have left you.
Please choose one of the options below:Less than one year, three to five years, more than five years.

General result of Table 2 (Symptomatic improvement)

To calculate the average percentage add up the percentage values from the column "Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you?" and divide the sum by the total number of symptoms. The obtained figure will signify the result expressed in percent for the treatment of all your clinical features.

Estimate your treatment results in general: What recovery group do you belong to?

To estimate the total/general result of treatment with Information Fields and determine what recovery group you belong to at present, add up the general results figures of Table 1 and 2 and then divide the sum by 2. The obtained result (it is expressed in percent) will indicate the general result of your treatment and your recovery group (see below).

  1. Complete or almost complete recovery (95%-100% of all disease manifestations and symptoms have left you).
  2. The main problem has gone (80%-94% of all disease manifestations and diagnoses have left you).
  3. Clear improvement (50%-79% of all disease manifestations and diagnoses have left you or 50% of problems of each diagnosis has gone).
  4. Certain improvement (10%-49% of all diagnoses and disease manifestations have left you).
  5. You feel better (up to 10% of all diagnoses and disease manifestations have left you).
  6. Without any improvements.

Story about yourself

The following part of the questionnaire reflects, rather than your autobiography, the analysis of the reasons which you consider could lead to the start of your diseases. If this is not the first time you fill in the patient's questionnaire, please state whether there has been change in your condition since you wrote the previous questionnaire (if possible, indicate the date of the previous questionnaire). Please describe the way you conduct your treatment with the Information Fields. If you wish, you could tell about the effect of the healing leaflet, the Information charged water, the Dr Konovalov's music. It is also important to state changes in your worldview and in your attitude towards yourself, to estimate the results achieved in your struggle with your disease.

I agree to my questionnaire and message/story data being published in the books and other publications by Professor S. Konovalov. Signed by...

Instructions for the "The Effect of Treatment with Information Fields[2]" questionnaire

To successfully complete the questionnaire, please refer to the sample provided as you read the following instructions.

Please fill in the tables with the information regarding your diagnoses and clinical features carefully and bear in mind that your questionnaire is your medical history. The precision and accuracy with which you fill in the form reflect the degree of your attention to yourself and to your body!

Here we will go over each of the tables and clarify how to fill them in correctly.

Table 1. Clinical diagnoses - Treatment results

The first section of the table "Diagnoses made by physicians"is divided into four columns:

The first column enumerates the groups of diagnoses affecting various systems of the human body. You should copy them into your own table, which you can draw on a sheet of paper or in a notebook. Put the sequence numbers of your diagnoses in the second column. The third columnis called "My diagnoses" and it is dedicated to all the diagnoses stated in your patient's chart or medical records. Please indicate all the diagnoses you have at the present time and those you had in the past and which have left you thanks to treatment with Information Fields. Enumerate them according to each of the diagnoses groups named in the first column. If you are in doubt about which group any of your diagnoses belongs to, put them in the section "Other diseases". There can be fewer lines in the first column than in the second, as you may possibly have two or more diagnoses corresponding to one sole group of diseases. For the fourth column, for each diagnosis please state the date it was made and the type of test which proved it. Attach photocopied test reports to the questionnaire. If the diagnosis was only made only on the basis of a physician's examination, write "Physician's examination" in the space. Therefore, this item should reflect only your diagnoses, confirmed by physicians. You should neither write your clinical features and symptoms (e.g., articulation ache, bad eyesight, etc.), nor define your diagnosis by yourself without visiting a medical centre.

The second section of the table is called "Treatment results" and contains information about the results which you have obtained over the whole period of treatment with Information Fields, either during your visits to the Educational Scientific Meetings at the Doctor’s Centre or at home. This item is divided into four columns: (1)"Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you", (2)"Have you only applied treatment with Information Fields?", (3)"Results of treatment confirmed by your physician and/or medical examination" and (4)"Stability of the results achieved by treatment".Please mark the results you have achieved over the period of your treatment with Information Fields opposite each diagnosis in the first column "Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you".

To estimate the results correctly, please use the "Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment with Information Fields" instructions.

In the second column of this item fill in "Yes" if your result was achieved thanks to treatment with Information Fields, i.e. you either did not receive a traditional therapy for your problem, or the therapy did not give you the desired result. Fill in "No" if your positive result was achieved thanks both to traditional therapy and to treatment with Information Fields. Please fill in the third column after you have passed your regular examination on the corresponding diagnosis. Specify the date and type of medical examination opposite each diagnosis and attach the photocopied reports of the last test. Put "No medical survey" if you have not passed any examinations. The fourth column should contain your result data only opposite those diagnoses for which you can state that more than 95% of the disease's manifestations have left you (choose one of the variants below: less than one year, three to five years, more than five years).

General result of Table 1 Clinical improvement. To calculate the average percentage add up the percentage values from the column "Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you" and divide the sum by the total number of symptoms. The obtained figure will signify the result, expressed as a percentage, for the treatment of all your clinical diagnoses.

After Table 1 please write "Clinical improvement" with the figure you obtain.Please enumerate all the diseases, surgeries and injuries you suffered before you started your treatment with Information Fields.

Table 2. Clinical features - Treatment results

Please fill in this table according to the scheme offered for Table 1, with one difference. In the column "Clinical features", enumerate all your symptoms which trouble you at the present time or those which have already left you during your treatment with Information Fields. Please be attentive to yourself! To avoid missing any of your problems, it is better if you write down everything which concerns you, analysing your body from head to toes. At the beginning or at the end of the table you can indicate symptoms of your general condition (vitality, weakness, apathy, low mood, etc.)

General result of Table 2 "Clinical improvement".To calculate the average percentage add up the percentage values from the column "Estimate what percentage of disease manifestations has left you" and divide the sum by the total number of symptoms. The obtained figure will signify the result, expressed as a percentage for the treatment of all your clinical features.

After Table 2, please write "Symptomatic improvement" with the figure you obtain.

Then you are asked to estimate your treatment results in general and determine which recovery group you belong to.

To estimate the general result of treatment with Information Fields and determine which recovery group you belong to at the present time, add up the general result figures from Table 1 and 2 and then divide them by 2. The obtained result (expressed in percentage) will indicate the general result of your treatment. Determine and specify your current recovery group (see the sample questionnaire).

Please fill in the next questionnaire item "Story about yourself" according to the sample.

If you fill out the questionnaire by hand, we suggest that you write two copies or photocopy it: one copy is to be hand-delivered to the Dr Konovalov's Centre, where Creative Meetings are held, or to be sent by post; the other copy is for you.

If you print the questionnaire from a computer file, we recommend that you save it, indicating the date somewhere in the file, so that next time you evaluate the results of your treatment it will be easy to focus on your diagnosis and clinical features. If you are an external patient and prefer to send your questionnaire by e-mail, please send it to as attached file. Your objective medical test reports should be scanned and sent as a separate file attached to the same e-mail.

Questionnaires completed in another way will not be considered.


The following instructions will help to avoid possible errors when filling in the questionnaire.

  1. Be careful and precise when filling in personal passport data.
  2. Please provide numbers in the section "Number of link-up sessions" and "Number of visits to Dr Konovalov's Centre". Even if you do not remember the exact number, please provide approximate information.
  3. It is essential that you have passed a medical examination with your physician so you know your existing physical condition and can detail it in the questionnaire. Please ask your personal physician to compare the results of your medical test with your previous one. Ask him or her if there are some improvements in your condition and how they can be expressed as a percentage.
  4. In this questionnaire you only evaluate the results of the treatment of chronic diseases with Information Fields. You may write about acute disease (injury) treatment with Information Fields in the field "Story about yourself".
  5. Carefully estimate your treatment results. It is important to use the relevant instructions and the "Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment with Information Fields". Do not overstate your treatment results, but do not underestimate them either.
  6. Table 1 "Clinical diagnoses - Treatment results" should only reflect your diagnoses, confirmed by your physician and required medical surveys. You should not write your clinical features and symptoms (e.g. leg ache, bad eyesight, etc.) or define your diagnosis by yourself without visiting a medical centre.
  7. Table 2 "Clinical features - Treatment results" should only contain the clinical features and symptoms which trouble you. You need no medical test to write them down.
  8. Do not write your diagnoses in Table 2, or your clinical features and symptoms in the Table 1. This leads to an incorrect evaluation of the treatment results.
  9. Keep a copy or photocopy of your questionnaire, so that you can accurately monitor the tendency and dynamics of your recovery process.

Criteria to Evaluate the Effect of Treatment with Information Fields[3]

For Table 1. Clinical diagnoses–Treatment results

General criteria to evaluate the results of chronic diseases treatment

Criteria / Evaluation of the result
The diagnosis has gone completely and this was confirmed by your physician and/or medical examination. / 95%–100%
The diagnosis has gone (confirmed by a medical examination), but some of your complaints (residual effects of this disease) have remained. / 80%–94% (estimated by you, but within these percentage)
The diagnosis has gone partly (confirmed by a medical examination), the symptoms and/or complaints have also gone partly or completely. / 51%–79% (estimated by you, but within these percentage)
All of your complaints and symptoms have gone, but medical examination did not cancel the diagnosis. / 50%
You have passed the examination, the diagnosis was not cancelled, but the disease symptoms have partly gone. / 11%–49% (estimated by you, but within these percentage)
Your condition has stabilised (there are neither improvements nor worsening of the symptoms). / 1%–10% (estimated by you, but within these percentage)

Note: The diseases which had left you before you started treatment with Information Fields should be written after Table 1.Do not consider named diagnoses when estimating the general result.

Criteria to evaluate the results of treatment after a surgery

Criteria / Evaluation of the result
Operation was done after a certain period of treatment with Information Fields. / Specify your diagnosis and type of surgery performed according to the summary discharge note in Table 1 “Clinical diagnoses–Treatment resultsˮ in the column “Your diagnosesˮ, with the operation's date opposite the corresponding group of diagnoses (see instructions). Write “0ˮ (zero) in the column “Treatment resultsˮ and it is necessary to consider this diagnosis when calculating the general result.
Thanks to treatment with Information Fields an organ that was removed completely or partially regenerates its original volume (regrows). / Specify your diagnosis and type of surgery performed according to the summary discharge note in Table 1 “Clinical diagnoses–Treatment resultsˮ in the column “Your diagnoses, with the operation's date opposite the corresponding group of diagnoses (see instructions). Please write “100%ˮ in the column “Treatment resultsˮ, specify what organ has regenerated. You are required to attach photocopies of your test reports.

Note: If your operation was performed before you started treatment with Information Fields, after Table 1 “Clinical diagnoses–Treatment resultsˮ list all the diagnosis for which you were operated on and specify the date and type of surgery performed according to the summary discharge note(s). Do not consider the listed operations when calculating the general result.