Shelter Working Group Meeting –Transitional Shelter

27.07.2017 at APAD Office at 10.00am


  1. Introductions & Agenda
  2. Information Management
  3. NBRO – resettlement site locations and transitional needs
  4. Displacement tracking matrix (DTM)
  5. District focal point updates
  6. Oxfam assessment of WASH needs
  7. Plan Int. assessment of schools
  8. AOB

IM Update

Shelter analysis shared with partners:

  • Shelter progress & modalities graphs.
  • Mapping of shelter activities by division and strategic objective.
  • Differences between national and district level damage data.
  • Graph of gap analysis.
  • Links to updated IM reports (more links to IM products at the end of the document)

WASH IM update will be presented at the next meeting.

Sector Lead - Shelter

WASH Lead briefed on sectoral updates:

  • Continuing assessment process on WASH component.
  • There are plans for cash to be used as a modality for some interventions. There is a need for cash amounts to be standardised according to the objective of the intervention. This is being discussed in the cash working group.

Shelter Sector Lead updates

  • The SWG provided a graph with the eligibility criteria for government assistance/ NITF funds,according to NBRO’s framework, including an estimated resettlement timeline which couldtake up to 16 months.
  • A recent visit toKegalle found some camps still in operation, and permanent owner and donor driven housing solutions still in progress over one year after the landslides in that district. It is recommended to share these district and division level observations and finds to the GAs of the newly affected districts.
  • There is uncertainty about the duration of the current rental support (3 months or longer). The working group will follow this up on this with the GA’s.

NBRO – Resettlement site locations and progress

  • NBRO representative briefed on the resettlement process.
  • Details provided onthe number of resettlement sites currently identified and surveyed (approved / rejected) by NBRO. Also the number of eligible HH identified so far was shared.
  • NBRO shared the standard / approved designs for new houses.
  • NBRO is closely working with Urban Development Authority (UDA) on resettlement process.
  • Land acquisition and approvals are in progress. NBRO indicated that when land is declared suitable, acquisitions can start immediately, and might be completed within a few weeks.
  • The current identification of “highrisk” sites reflects only NBRO’s identification of landslide hazard areas.
  • NBRO is updating their “implementation framework for resettle landslide and flood victims” and will share with us soon.

Displacement tracking matrix (DTM)

  • World Vision and Save the Children collected the information for the IOM DTM. It reflects the situation in 13 evacuation sites in the districts of Rathnapura and Matara.
  • A demonstration was given of the interactive data from the first round of the DTM, which can be found here:
  • In addition, IOM will share “camp profiles” per evacuation site and a written report of all observations in this round.
  • The information will be updated at least two more times, in Aug and in Sept. This will also allow trends to be tracked.
  • The same approach/tools can be potentially used to gather and present data on needs within host families or the relocation sites.
  • Feedback on the usefulness of the tools and information or any requests for additional information will be gladly received – please contact Jan-Willem Wegdam ().

District Focal Point Update


  • OXFAM shared their overall comments and findings.
  • OXFAM have developed a latrine damaged assessment form and already started to collect data from ground level.
  • A the lack of WASH facilities in the evacuation sites in Ratnapura and Kalutara was identified.
  • Predesha Shaba of Bulathsinhala had completed the latrine damaged report. It can be shared with other agencies as well.
  • Open invitation for all agencies to join with OXFAM for latrine intervention discussion.
  • 3W data has few duplications. It’s to be verified and Sector lead will make available for next week.
  • World Vision briefed on identified key challenges & needs in Kalutara District
  • Progressing their activities with the relationship of DS.
  • Challenging to fulfill all the WASH components in the camps because some DSs are reluctant for the construction of permanent toilet facilities in camps; instead, WV is focusing on building these in the adjacent schools, where permanent building is more accepted, and which also helps to provide WASH capacity for potential future use as an evacuation site.
  • Bathing facilities also continuing with permanent concept.
  • Support is requested in terms of promoting hygiene awareness related to Dengue - cleaning of possible mosquito breeding areas.
  • Galle:
  • All the camps have been removed in Galle District and around 350 families are living in host families/rented houses.
  • InRatnapura
  • Despite chlorination, many wells are contaminated, therefore the quality of drinking water is poor. It has been mentioned that contaminated wells are not exclusively related to the floods affected area, but a nation wide issue.

Plan Int. assessment of schools in Ratnapura

  • Plan International provided a briefing on assessment of 30 schools.
  • Assessed 20 schools in Ratnapura and 10 schools in Matara.
  • Key finding is that lack of WASH and waste management facilities.
  • Shared their challenges on doing the assessmentand how they are addressing these issues.


  • SCI provided a briefing on activities and suggestions in Matara District
  • Ongoing distribution of shelter and NFI kits (cash and in-kind) with funding support from IOM.
  • In addition to the available support, there is a need for 2000 more shelter kits in Ratnapura district.
  • SCI and IOM are the only shelter agencies in the district and work closely together
  • A meeting was held in Matara that was indicated as being a shelter/WASH meeting, though it transpired that the purpose was to form a district NGO forum. Most agencies present were national NGOs/CBOs. This was chaired by the Director of Planning; it was agreed that the forum would work for the sector interventions and coordination next one year period. There is an opportunity to connect this forum with the international organisations active in the District.
  • World Vision provided a briefing on activities and suggestions in Ratnapura District
  • Shared theirdistribution of shelter and NFI kits in 8 divisions with the government.
  • Beneficiary selection was done by the DS and beneficiary lists are validated by World Vision.
  • Cash transfers have begun
  • JEN will start their distribution of transitional shelter in temporary relocation sites next week. They has identified that those locations don’t have proper WASH facilities and ask for wash support there.
  • IOM have an engineer looking at what could be done in the district in terms of transitional shelter. IOM is exploring the possibility of hiring more engineers to support the work of the divisional and district engineers (supporting site selection/inspection of house construction).
  • UN-Habitat was not present and did not provide an update for Galle and Kalutara


  • The possibility of a shelter update meeting with Donors was discussed, there was strong support for this amongst partners.
  • Feedback was provided on the HCT lessons learned workshop. An action plan will be developed from this, with sectors being asked to develop SOPs for future possible sector/cluster activations.
  • The RC office inter-cluster coordination have requested that partners take the opportunity of communicating with communities about Dengue whilst undertaking activities.
  • Topics for another shelter-specific thematic meeting were discussed – community DRR was the most popular of the suggested topics. Suggested objectives were knowledge sharing and how to improve infrastructure to withstand future shocks. SWG will send round an email next week to gather thoughts/inputs.

Next Meeting – Shelter

Venue:-World Vision Office,

Date: Friday, 04 August 2017

Time: To be confirmed

For more reference:

Geographical Summary-25072017:

Agency Summary-25072017

•Damage data visualisation:

•Damage data table: