Attachment B
Project Scope: Education II Response Fund
Programs funded to implement the Early Warning System in a Miami Dade County Public School(s) must utilize a holistic approach for addressing all three of the following focus areas simultaneously during school hours.
Focus Area / Description / Outcomes / Sample IndicatorsAttendance / Activities that increase school attendancemust includeworking with school staff to:
- Identify at-risk students monitoring attendance
- Provide attendance related interventions, ideas include:
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Making house calls/home visits
- Promote/improve overallschool attendance
- Improved attendance
- (x) % of students identified as at-risk will demonstrate improvement in attendance by (x) percentage/number of days
- Overall school attendance will increase by at least one percentage point from previous school year
- Students that missed 10% or more of instructional time (absences/tardiness)
Behavior / Activities that improve school behaviors must include working with school staff to:
- Identify at-riskstudents & monitoring behavior
- Provide behavior related interventions, ideas include:
- Mentoring
- Small group counseling
- Providing incentives
- Working with families
- Instruction/ Facilitating workshops
- Promote/improve overall positive school behavior
- Improved behavior in school
- Improved outlook on education & school
- (x) % of students identified as at-risk will demonstrate improvement in effort/conduct grades
- (x) % of students identified as at-risk demonstrate improvement in pro-social student behavior (measured by evidence based assessment tool)
- Students who accrue two or more mild or serious behavior infractions
Course Performance / Activities that improve course performance must include working with school staff to:
- Identify at-risk students at-risk & monitoring course performance
- Provide course performance related interventions, ideas include:
- Tutoring (reading/math)
- Providing in-class support
- Homework assistance
- Organizing out-of-school time
- Promote/improve school wide academic success
- Improved performance in reading & math
- (x) % of students identified as at-risk will demonstrate improvement in reading grades (K-3rd grades)
- (x) % of students identified as at-risk will demonstrate improvement in reading & math grades (4-12th grades)
- (x) % of students identified as at-risk demonstrate improvement in reading and/or math level (measured by evidence based assessment tool)
- Students not able to read at grade level by the end of third grade
- Students failing English and/or math in 6th- 12th grades
- Two or more failures in ninth grade courses (optional focus area)
Extra consideration for: Data tracking technology; working with middle/high school student populations; collaborations/partnerships with community resources that can help students and their families; plans for out-of-school time