Mews from the Pews
Rector, TheRev. Liz Richens email:
Ministers, Everyone in the Parish
220 Helmsdale Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2K 0V9 e-mail: Phone (204) 661-2432
Website: Like us on: Facebook
We are back into the swing of things and, as we get used to fall worship times again, you may have noticed some differences.
Most particularly the wine. It’s RED!
Before the summer began, the Liturgy Committee was made aware that the regular white wine we purchased for communion was no longer in stock. We decided that this was a chance to look at what communion symbolizes and how that is represented in the bread and wine that we used to celebrate.
The white wine we had used had a variety of points to commend it. The 18% alcohol content was commonly held to be anti bacterial. The white wine showed less on the linen and appeared cleaner, and was in fact less likely to stain the linen. The committee continued to discuss the matter and we came to a consensus to try red wine as an experiment over the summer.
The first red wine we chose was 12%, but it turned out to not be a major issue because alcohol doesn’t immediately affect bacterial growth until about 40-60%!
However, there were many complaints about the dry, bitter nature of the purchased wine. So, a change was needed again.
There were still concerns about the look and stains of red wine, but we soon found a linen launderer (thank you Norma!).
So, now on Sunday morning we have changed to a solid red, 18% port…sweet and potent.
Much like the love of Christ.
The main reason being symbolism of red wine on the altar.
The Eucharist is a service of Thanksgiving; it is a memorial of Christ’s last supper and a foretaste of the grace we receive at God’s own table. The Eucharist is an echo of the ancient Jewish altar of sacrifice on which blood was spilled as an atonement for sin, and a remembrance of the night of Passover, but primarily the Eucharist is a sacrament. A sacrament as defined by St. Augustine is an “outward and visible symbol of an inward and invisible grace.” The grace we receive in the Eucharist is salvation and strength…it is a celebration of the sacrifice Christ made for us; that we can die to sin and live to God.
This grace, this blessing of salvation and sacrificial love, is very difficult to see and easy to take for granted…Christ knew this and provided this Eucharistic meal so that we might regularly remind ourselves of God’s love and grace. Christ at the Passover supper said in the Gospel of Luke, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” Not the blood of the Passover painted on doorways to save the faithful Jews from the deadly plagues of the Exodus, but the blood of Christ Himself which would soon be spilled so that all would live in God’s kingdom.
The cup of wine is a symbol of that blood, deep and abiding red…helping us to symbolically remember that the grace we received in the sacrament was not easily gotten, but painfully purchased by God’s own self, God’s own Son, on the cross. A painful reality…one easily forgotten. So, by using red wine rather than white, we highlight that painful and grace-filled sacrifice…giving credit where credit is due and not watering down what it took to save us sinners.
Wine, deep and red…a clear and visible symbol of the blood of Christ spilled for the love of humanity. Each time we take the cup at communion, we remember that sacrifice and each time we share in the common cup, we remember that Christ’s blood was spilled, not just for one…but for all of us.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those who
have a birthday in November.
Ryleigh Gruhn01
Tyler Peacock02
Cameron Lesey03
Joyce Coreau03
Travis Knight05
Bob McIntyre05
Phil Drohomereski05
Vince Crichton07
Laura Tarte10
Jay Kulyk11
Elsie Murdoch13
Marguerite Chrustie15
Tim Gallik16
Marilyn Robbins17
Fred Oberbuchner17
Bert Hacking17
Brian Maxwell18
Colleen Gallik20
Gerri Weigeldt24
Cole Newton*25
Andrew Wong*27
Allison Volkart27
Garry Leclerc29
Winnie Wellnitz30
Happy Anniversaryto the couples who have an anniversary in Nov.
Phyllis & George McDonald05
Patti & David Lesey07
Lynne & Don Williams10
Shannon & Michael Harrison13
Gail & Jerry Kochan21
Gloria & Al Delaney23
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those who
have a birthday in December.
Brent Harris02
Kaelan Wong*03
Liz Cook03
Ashley Becx06
Luke MacKay06
Regan Wolfrom07
Joan Deibert07
Maureen MacKay07
Don Williams08
Barb MacIntyre09
Christopher Stammers14
Steven Wetton14
Jean Hall15
Dawn Molyneux18
Donald Hills19
Dylan Kuhn*20
Sandi Scanlan20
Bevis Bird21
Grasita Jones22
Rick van Driel23
Audrey Loochuk24
Lisa Walchuk25
Happy Anniversaryto the couples who have an anniversary in Dec.
Mary & Garry Leclerc06
Vicki & Ed Clarkson21
We give thanks to God for:
Ruth Winslade (Sept. 21, 2016)
Nov. 6, Sun. – All Saints’ Day.
Nov. 6, Sun. – A Service of Lament at 4:00 p.m. Details pg. 4
Nov. 9, Wed. – Finance meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 9, Wed. – Liturgy meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Nov. 13, Sun. – Remembrance Day Service – 10:00 a.m. Only one service. We would appreciate it if members of St. Stephen’s could bring articles of remembrance from family history, so there could be a display. The tables will be in the centre of the room in Ison Hall. Items could be brought to the church the week prior to or on November 13. This is an excellent way to honour the memory of our loved ones. If you wish, items could be labelled with your identification.
Nov. 15, Tues. – Vestry meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Ison Hall.
Nov. 20, Sun. – Reign of Christ and Spirit Lights. The lights are around the inside of the church. Parishioners will be able to purchase a bulb as a memorial or in thanksgiving at a cost of $5.00 each. The memorials, etc., will be printed each week during Advent on the power point screen and in a special bulletin on Christmas Eve.
Dec.- T.B.A. – Corporation morning meeting & Finance.
Dec. - Liturgy meeting T.B.A.
Dec. 20, Tues. – Vestry meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Ison Hall.
Reign of Christ – Sunday, Nov. 20
Advent 1 – Sunday, Nov. 27
Advent 2 – Sunday, Dec. 4
Advent 3 – Sunday, Dec. 11 Service (Lessons & Carols)
The Annual Family Christmas Potluck Meal will take place after this service. Everyone is welcome. Some suggestions to bring for the luncheon are; casseroles (hot or cold), salads, cheese and crackers, meat, rolls and butter, and all kinds of Christmas desserts. Just bring your ‘pot’ with you when you come to church; a volunteer will place it on the lunch table. Then, don’t forget to pick up your dish or bowl before you leave. We do ask that all dishes be prepared and ready to be served. We hope everyone enjoys this great day! Volunteer signup sheets will be in Ison Hall a few weeks before the event.
Advent 4 – Sunday, Dec. 18
Dec. 24, Sat. - Christmas Eve Service Times
3:30 p.m. – Family Service
7:30 p.m. – Traditional Choral
10:00 p.m. – Reflective
*** Please note the time added for Christmas Eve.
Christmas Day Service (Sunday) – 10:00 a.m. One service.
St. Stephen’s Handicrafters meet every Monday at 1:00 p.m.
St. Stephen’s Mothers’ Union meet the third Mon. of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Ison Hall.
Bible Study discussion every Tuesday morning from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. in Ison Hall.
Choir Practice every Thursday evening from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
St. Stephen’s Men’s Club meet the first Wed. of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Legion on Henderson and the Perimeter.
Anglican Church calendars will be available in the office. They are $5.00 each.
Many people had noted that the list of people being prayed for has increased in length. This is due to the confidence that many people have in our ministry of prayer and for that we are grateful and thankfully offer our ministry of prayer. However, it does make a long list to be read aloud. So, you may note that we are no longer reading each name aloud, rather a pray-er will be sitting in the prayer chapel, intentionally praying over each name as we all take communion. Each person in the pews, after having received communion, is invited to pray the list of the prayers of the people and add their prayers to that of the pray-er. We give thanks for the blessing of this ministry and invite all those who wish to be a Sunday pray-er to contact Gail Kochan to volunteer for a Sunday.
We will be having anointing during the following date at the morning services: Sunday, Nov. 27. More dates to follow.
Volunteer Required: We are searching for an individual(s) that would be able to pick up the altar flowers once a month. The flowers are from Growers Direct on Regent Ave. This job is usually done at approximately 10:00 a.m. on a Friday and then the volunteer brings the flowers to St. Stephen’s and arranges them in the vases, placing them behind the altar. Please speak to Tracy in the office if you are interested.
On October2, under a warm sun we held our annual Blessing of the Animals Service on the green space. The regular morning services touched on St. Francis of Assisi and the afternoon was a time to bring our pets to church in a time of worship and fellowship. The dogs and their owners were joined this year by “Watson,” a lovely blue Budgie who has been residing in the Narthex for the last month. Watson has so captured the congregation that it appears he might become a permanent resident! He certainly enjoys the choir practice on Thursday evenings and is heard singing along with the Sunday Service!
Rev. Liz conducted the service for a few less dogs than usual but the inclusion of a bird is a first.
Monies raised went to Craig Street Cats which is the largest cat specific animal welfare organization in Winnipeg. Specifically targeting Winnipeg’s feral cat population and using a TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) system the organization is humanely reducing the number of uncared for cats in the City. We share our home with God’s creatures and they in turn give back non-judgementally, caring not if we are rich or poor, high or low, only asking that we care for them and see to their needs. There is an uplift to my soul when I return home after a busy or frustrating day at work to find the dogs waiting at the door in a state of excitement as one of the “pack” has returned (after getting out of the yard and coming home on his own!).
Please keep God’s creatures in your thoughts all year long and, if you can, support local animal welfare organizations with your time and treasure.
Yours in Christ,
Ed Clarkson
The Thelma Wynne Shower for needy babies was held in Ison Hall the afternoon of October 13. The tables were laden with many wonderful clothes, blankets and boxes of diapers for the babies. There was also one table which was piled high with nearly new items, new born to toddlers sizes. Many thanks to everyone who donated items. We also enjoyed fellowship over cake, tea and coffee.
The past two years Mothers’ Unionhas, with donations from the Handicrafters and the congregation as a whole, made up gift boxes for women in shelters. This has been our Christmas project. We have unanimously voted this year to change our outreach project to ‘Milk for Babies” to help fill a need in that area. We understand that some folks already have items for the boxes. Terry Desrosiers has said, if that is the case, she will collect and deliver those items as she volunteers with the gift box ministry.
All monetary donations will graciously be accepted for the ‘Milk for Babies’. Donations can be made out to St. Stephen’s and indicate this program on your envelop or cheque.
Thank you to everyone who purchased Sobey’s gift cards in October. We sold $11,500 worth of gift cards and raised $920.00 for the parish. Thank you, everyone!
A huge thank you once again to Diane Knight for organizing this fundraiser. There will be another order of Sobey’s gift cards at the beginning of December. More details will be provided in the Sunday bulletins or by email.
Thanks to everyone who came out to Applebee's for our fundraising breakfast. Only 54folks turned out, but everyone enjoyed the fellowship,
Even Ted Stoyko’s daughter and grandson came all the way from Hawaii to enjoy breakfast. Ted’s grandson, Lance, even helped us serve. Way to go, Ted.
Thanks again to all the Eaters and Helpers
Once again, Vestry has approved the selling of Grey Cup tickets to generate funds for the parish.
We have tickets available in the office if anyone is interested in purchasing some or, even better, selling a bundle of tickets. Each ticket is worth $2.00.
Please have all unsold tickets returned two weeks before the game, so an attempt can be made to sell them and all sold tickets returned to the church office by the Sunday before the Grey Cup. Thank you to all those selling tickets. We have 1800 tickets available.
Often we feel like the Israelites in their many challenging times: taken from their land and sent into exile in Babylon, many years living in the midst of war and famine. We take comfort in scripture that assures us that – even when we feel we are in the wilderness or in darkness – God is with us. Our psalm this Sunday quotes the Israelite’s pleas for God’s presence: “I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
I am grateful for the invitation from Rev. Liz to myself and the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer to join St. Stephen’s to share in our own lament of grief that has happened to us personally, in our community, and in the wider world. It is a time to be reassured through prayer and one another that God is present, and Jesus continues to sit in the midst of us and feel our pain. The hand of the neighbour who reaches out is Jesus’ hand, working through the heart of that person.
Any kind of CHANGE involves a level of loss and in some cases a huge loss. Transitions of moving forward in a new way take energy and we need Jesus to take our hand and gently move us forward. We come to our Creator with personal issue,s as well as the world issues we witness on the news. The news can become a veil of darkness that impacts our daily lives as we despair and wonder what the future holds.
We encourage you to join us to share in the lament through scripture, song and prayers so that we can acknowledge it and be assured of Jesus’ light drawing us more strongly into His love and peace. Suffering will always be part of our human existence so we give thanks that part of Jesus’ compassion and love is joy and light and celebration of life.
I am personally so grateful to Liz for the opportunity to return to a home that is still so much a part of my heart. Although it was the right decision to move to Morden in 2014, the lament has been huge and very difficult.
The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer comes with a team offering scripture, beautiful music, a personal witness, public prayers as well as personal prayers and/or anointing. Our prayer is that you will leave, having felt the Holy Spirit touch your heart wherever you are in your journey, and having felt Jesus’ healing touch on your own spirit. Our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
The Spirit Lights are available during the Advent season. Parishioners will be able to purchase a bulb as a memorial or in thanksgiving at a cost of $5.00 each. The memorials, etc., will be printed on the power point each week during Advent, and in a special bulletin on Christmas Eve.
This year we have once again included an order form with this newsletter. Please complete the form, include your payment and mail them to the church or hand the sheet in on a Sunday. You may purchase more than one light. The deadline is Thursday morning, December 15.
If you have any board games gathering dust in the closet, please bring them into the church office, soon ! ! !
Stay tuneD for my next report on this upcoming event.
- Dolores
Once again, this year we will be hosting the FundScript Fundraiser.
If you normally purchase gift cards for Christmas gifts, please consider making your purchase via this fundraiser so that ‘commission’ sales are credited to St. Stephen’s.
Gift card order forms will be available on Sunday, October 23 – with orders received for three weeks, closing on Sunday, November 13.
Gift cards will be available for pickup on Sunday, November 20, with plenty of time for Christmas parcel mailing dates.
Thank you for your support.