Project Introduction:

In this unit you have learned about the types of forces, motions, and relationships between them. This all is stated in Newton’s laws of motion that we have studied throughout this unit.

Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist who is famous for his drawings of marvelous inventions that did simple things in a complex fashion.

What do I need to submit?

  • Original Sketch (Individual –rough drawing of how you in vision your machine)
  • Final Sketch (What you actually built) (Also needs to include a step by step process of how your machine works. Including Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion)
  • Completed Rube Goldberg Machine (3 simple machines and 5 steps)
  • Speed Calculations (Include 3 trials)

How do I make a Rube Goldberg Machine?

You will be working in a group of 2 or by yourself in order to complete this machine.

Your machine must complete a simple task. For example, your machine can:

  • Pour water into a cup
  • Shut off an alarm clock
  • Ring a buzzer
  • Hit play on your I-Pod
  • Put coins into a bank

Things that you can use:

  • Pulley* Balloons
  • Marbles* Wooden Sticks
  • PVC Pipe* Cardboard
  • Thread/String/Rope* Tape
  • Rubber Bands* Paper Cups

You can use other supplies just make sure that you have them approved with your teacher first. Everything must be completed in class.

Rubric (Based on a 1-10 scale) (50 Points = 100%)

(10) / Good
(7-9) / Average
(4-6) / Needs Improvement
(Less than 4)
Original Sketch / Rough drawing of how you in vision your machine. (5 steps, 3 simple machines) / Rough drawing of how you in vision your machine. (4 steps, 2 simple machines) / Rough drawing of how you in vision your machine. (3 steps, 1 simple machines) / Rough drawing of how you in vision your machine. (2 steps, 1 simple machines)
Final Sketch / Step by step process of how your machine works. Includes description of Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion. / Step by step process of how your machine works. Includes at least 2 laws of motion. / Step by step process of how your machine works. Includes at least 1 law of motion. / Step by step process of how your machine works. No laws of motion.
Simple Machine / Includes 3 or more simple machines and 5 steps. / Includes 2 or 3 simple machines and 4 or 5 steps. / Includes 1 or 2 simple machines and 3 or 4 steps. / Includes 1 simple machine and 2 steps.
Speed Calculations / Includes 3 or more speed calculations.
(Work is shown) / Includes 2 or 3 speed calculations.
(Work is shown) / Shows 1or 2 speed calculations.
(Work is shown) / One speed calculation.
(No work shown)
(Thursday May 25th) / Can explain 3 simple machines and 5 steps using Newton’s Laws. Can explain how they calculated speed.
Prepared and Knowledgeable! / Can explain 2 simple machines and 4 steps using Newton’s Laws. Can explain how they calculated speed.
Prepared! / Can explain 1 simple machines and 3 steps using Newton’s Laws. Can explain how they calculated speed.
Somewhat knowledgeable! / Can explain 1 simple machines and 2 steps using Newton’s Laws.
Unprepared and somewhat knowledgeable!