Regular MeetingSeptember 10, 2015
The Regular Meeting of the Johnsonburg Area School District Board of Educationwas held Thursday,September 10, 2015beginning at 7:00 PM. Directors in attendance were D. Allegretto, C. Dunworth, T. Fannin, S. Grunthaner, S. Launer,B. Thorwart,R. Warmbrodt, and R. Wolfe. Administrators in attendance were D. Crotzer, J. Hobbs, B. Benson, and K. Wolfe. L. Mahoney, Board Secretary, P. Calkins, Board Treasurer and L. Pura, Payroll/Personnelwere in attendance as well as Solicitor Rick Brown. Media was represented by theJohnsonburg Press and theRidgway Record.
After the agenda review, representatives from Nutrition, Inc. made a brief presentation to those in attendance in regard to their foodservice management company.
Public Comment began at 7:10 PM. At 7:13PM, Vice President Warmbrodtcalled theregular meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Allegretto moves seconded byThorwartto approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on August 13, 2015as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Allegrettomoves seconded byLaunerto approve theTreasurer’s Report for General Fund including Disbursements and Revenue for07/15as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Allegrettomoves seconded by Launerto approve the High School Activity Account for 07/15, the High School Athletic Account for 07/15,the Elementary Activity Account for 07/15 and the Cafeteria Account for 07/15as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copies inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Allegretto moves seconded by Launerto approve the Safety Committee minutes from the meeting held on 08/24/15. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Allegretto moves seconded byLaunertoapprove the bills list as presented. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth,Fannin, Grunthaner, Launer,Thorwart, Warmbrodt,and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Minutes from the Seneca Highlands IU #9 dated 08/17/15 and minutes from the Elk County Tax Collection Committee dated 08/19/15 were presented to the Board.
At approximately 7:16 PM, the board entered into executive session for matters of personnel, collective bargaining, and litigation. At 8:00 PM, the regular meeting was called back to order.
Regular MeetingSeptember 10, 2015
Agenda Item 1:Resignation – A. Freeburg: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to accept, with regret, the resignation of Ms. Alayna Freeburg as instructional aide, effective immediately.All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 2:Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to add Ms. Vicki Hanes to the cafeteria substitute list, for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 3: Mentor: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to approve Mrs. Stacey Dickerson as a mentor for Ms. Jessica Krug, for the 2015 – 2016 School Year with a stipend of $300.00. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 4:6th Grade Trip Advisor: Launer moves seconded by Thorwart to approve Mr. Beau Iorfido as 6th grade trip advisor for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, with a stipend of $300.00.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 5: Assistant Softball Coach: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to approve Mr. Mike Herzing as assistant softball coach for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, with a stipend of $1,500.00, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried
Agenda Item 6: Volunteer Softball Coach: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to approve Mr. Mike Sherry as a volunteer softball coach for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 7: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to add Ms. Vicki Hanes and Mrs. Jennifer Hartnett to the custodial aide substitute list for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 8: Volunteer Volleyball Coach: Allegretto moves seconded by Launer to approve Ms. Raimi Akers as a volunteer volleyball coach, for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Regular MeetingSeptember 10, 2015
Agenda Item 9: Advertisement: Dunworth moves seconded by Grunthaner to grant permission to advertise for an anticipated individual student aide position. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Agenda Item 10: Volunteer Tennis Coach: Dunworth moves seconded by Grunthaner to approve Mr. John Paul Allegretto as volunteer girls’ tennis coach for the 2015 – 2016 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.
B.Education and School Activities
Agenda Item 1:Request from Knothole: Dunworth moves seconded by Allegretto to table action on the request from the Johnsonburg Knothole Board for a donation of $5,000.00 for field repairs. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 2: Policies: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to approve the following policies:
Policy No. 302; Section: Employees; Title: Employment of Supt. /Asst. Supt.
Policy No. 304; Section: Employees; Title: Employment of District Staff
Policy No. 305; Section: Employees; Title: Employment of Substitutes
Policy No. 306; Section: Employees; Title: Employment of Summer School Staff
Policy No. 307; Section: Employees; Title: Student Teachers/Interns
Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minutebook.)
Agenda Item 3: Worker’s Compensation Physicians: Allegretto moves seconded by Dunworth to approve the panel of designated physicians approved by worker’s compensation. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Regular MeetingSeptember 10, 2015
Agenda Item 4: Revised Bus List: Allegretto moves seconded by Dunworth to approve the revised school bus list for the 2015 – 2016 School Year. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Launer, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
Agenda Item 5: Softball Field Relocation Project: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to table action on the softball field relocation project until the October meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)
At 8:32 PM Allegretto moves seconded by Grunthanerto adjourn the meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried.
Read and approved this______day of ______, 2015.
Lisa J. Mahoney
Board Secretary