1. Introduction

The purpose of the submission is to obtain the approval for the appointment of a Grade 7 GB CIDB Contractor to improve and convert the North West of the SaulsvilleTrain Station into a fully-fledged Staging yard. On completion, the Saulsville Staging yard will stage the trains commuting the Pretoria North Corridor, train drivers and PRASA’s employees that will be based inSaulsville.

The appointed entity is expected to prepare, coordinate, finalise and monitor a the construction of the

Staging facilities to;

  • Accommodate additional parking space for at least thirty (PRASA) members who will be working at the yard,
  • Office for the Rolling Stock Team including Gibela and PRASA’s employees
  • Security and ICT upgrade for the staging facility, owing that 14 new trains will be stored in the facility,
  • Electrical upgrade including the Standby generator and additional power to accommodate Wi-Fi and CCTV camera’s to be installed at the facility.
  • New Mechanical Storage for Facility Management and Rolling Stock Team
  • Yard Mass Lighting
  • SAIDSA/ PRASA Security Control Room, to be mannered 24 hours a day with UPS and a Generator Backup. The Control Room will have a full communication to all response units/infrastructure within PRASA. All alarms activation will be monitored through the control room.
  • Covering of a maintenance pit of the tracks

The company is expected to monitor the design, construction / implementation of the facilities. The services required of a Contractor include:

  • Construction;
  • Commissioning; and
  • Operation

The contractor will be expected to undertake the improvement and upgrade of the Saulsville Staging Yard and successfully handover the project for use or achieve practical handover by the February 2018.

  1. Background Information

In support of PRASA Rolling Stock Renewal Programme, the condition of rolling stock maintenance Depots and staging yards was found to be increasingly threatening PRASA’s ability to service its customers reliably and safely. Consequently, PRASA has committed to the modern rolling stock maintenance and staging facilities to ensure the new rolling stock and the current fleet are maintained to the required technical levels ensuring operational reliability and availability while performing at its best. The Depots and yards are required to be operational and fully upgraded

In line with PRASA new train deployment plan, Pienaarspoort – Saulsville corridor was identified as a first corridor to run a new train service and therefore all related infrastructure including new service support functions are well prepared and ready to run the new train service. Eerste Fabrieke and Saulsville Staging yard facilities were identified along the above corridor to be improved in preparation to stage new trains.

Status quo

Currently, PRASA only have three staging yards for current fleet of trains, namely, Wolmerton, Pretoria North and Pretoria Station. Whenever there is a system failure like power outages, signalling failures or broken rails, the commuters are badly inconvenienced because of shortage of technical areas to deal with the problems and consequently the trains arrive late or stop between platforms.

With the arrival of new trains from October 2016, it is imperative that the additional staging is built to increase capacity in addition to Wolmerton, Pretoria North and Pretoria and De Wilt Staging Yard.

Saulsville was identified to assist Wolmerton and Pretoria North with staging both the new and old trains. The facility is to be developed and house train drivers that will be transiting from the yards to respective destinations, house security and PRASA’s maintenance team that will be managing the stations and the staging yards, warehouse cleaning and equipment to be used by technicians on site

Saulville layout

  1. Scope of Works and Areas of Focus

Describe what needs to be done

The scope is to obtain a qualified contractor at a 7 GB grading to undertake the upgrade and improvement of the Saulsville Staging yard. The preferred contractor should demonstrate financial and human resources skills in order to implement the project successfully and within the prescribed timeframe.

The determination of capacity will be based on previous experience, CIDB 7 GB grading, physical inspection to the shortlisted bidders to establish plant and equipment, staff compliment and their general financials.

The general works do not involve a lot of new buildings or structural changes, therefore, an adequately CIDB graded contractor should be able to undertake the works. Nevertheless, a well-managed supervisory role will need to be played by both PRASA internal and Consultants appointed for the project.

Targeted areas by this project

  • Creation of additional parking space to accommodate new PRASA’s employees on the Saulsville Staging yards
  • Connect Wi-Fi on the train tracks and the supporting infrastructure- as part of Gibela’ s requirement and the compulsory requirements to have all new trains to be Wi-Fi’ed connected
  • Install adequate CCTV camera to manage and monitor the facility
  • Create additional Office Space to accommodate, Rolling Stock, Facility Management, Technical Services, Train Operations and Security
  • Standby Generator for Electricity backup
  • Fire Safety equipment and infrastructure for the entire yard
  • Landscape the Common Space.

  1. Specifications of the Work or Products or Services Required
  • As per the layout, drawings and Bill of Quantities
  1. Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation should be done in three stages as follows:

Stage 1: Compliance Requirements

Bidders shall comply with the following requirements and failure to comply may lead to disqualification: [List of project specific compliance requirements].

a)Valid Tax Clearance Certificate

b)Valid BBBEE Certificate from a SANAS accredited rating agency

c)Completed and signed Bid Forms of PRASA with all the annexures thereto;

d)Certificate for Attendance of Compulsory Briefing Session;


f)Company Registration Documents;

g)Letter of Good Standing (i.e. COID);

h)Contents of Register of Directors as issued by CIPRO;

i)Joint Venture or Consortium Agreement (whichever is applicable);

j)Proof of Bank Account (i.e. cancelled cheque or letter issued by the bank);

k)Copies of Directors’ ID documents; and

l)Company Letter Head.

m)Proof of Professional Registration by the Required Consultants

n)Professional Indemnity

Stage 2: Technical / Functionality Requirements

NOTE: The Technical or Functionality criteria must be guided by the project scope of works and area of focus.

Scoring of Functionality:

Bidders that meet the stipulated compliance requirements will be further evaluated on functionality. The minimum score for functionality is 70% and bidders who score below this minimum will not be considered for further evaluation in terms of price and B-BBEE.

Scoring of Functionality:

1= Poor, 2= Fair/average, 3= Good, 4= Very Good, 5=Excellent

Main Building Construction Evaluation (7GB or higher)
Organisational Experience Projects)
/ At least a minimum of 5 completed projects of similar nature with contactable reference
Attach letters of Appointment and Completion Certificates
Similar Type – Office Blocks, Tenant Installation, Houses, Building Refurbishments, Building Renovation, each project exceeding equal or exceeding grade 7 / 5 = proof of 6 projects and above
4 = Proof of 5 Projects
3 = Proof of 4 Projects
2 = Proof of 2 or 3 Projects
1 = Proof of 0-1 Projects / 35%
Experience key staff (assigned site personnel) in relation to the scope of work / Submit proof of :
  1. At least one registered professional or Candidate Construction Manager with 5 year experience with CVs and qualifications
  2. Supporting Site personnel – Lower Qualifications such as National Diploma, N3-N6 Certificates, Trade qualifications (Relevant to Construction Projects)
/ 5 = CV with qualifications, BSC Eng. or B-TECH and Professional Registration supported by lower qualifications
4 = CV with qualifications, National Diploma Professional Registration supported by lower qualification including trades qualifications
3 = CV with qualifications, National Diploma supported by lower qualifications including trades qualifications
2 = CV with qualifications, N3-N6 including trade qualification
1 = In adequate qualifications and experience (CV only) (No Professional Registration and no Trade qualification) / 25%
Plant and Equipment / Proof of ownership of plant and equipment or proof of account to hire [100% = 1 Tipper Truck, 1 Tonne Bakkie, Power Tools, Laser levelling tools, Ladder, Hand Tools(shovels, chisels, scrapers, hammers, Hands Saws, measuring tools, trowels, floats and knives)
Ownership = Certified Asset Register / 5 = 100% Proof of all owned equipment
4 = 80% Proof of owned or 100% Proof of account to Hire
3 = 70% Proof of owned or 80% Proof of account to hire
2 = 50% Proof of ownership or 70% account to hire
1 = Less than 50% and no proof of account to hire / 20%
Health and Safety Report / 1. Provide a competent Safety Officer with a minimum of 3 years industry experience and registered with the SACPCMP(Attach CV and qualifications)
2. Provide a project specific and comprehensive baseline risk assessment.
3. Provide a valid Workman’s compensation registration certificate / 5 = All required information
4 = 1,2,3 and 4 without the registration
with the SACPCMP
3 =Provision of item 1 and 2,
without 3 and/or 4.
2 = Provision of 2 and 3 without
1 and / or 4
1 = Provision of only 1 requirement
“Kindly note that you are required to submit a comprehensive safety file for approval on appointment as the preferred bidder.” / 20%
TOTAL / 100%

Stage 3: Pricing and BBBEE

The formula for calculating price scores is as follows:

Pricing Evaluation: Only Bidders who have achieved the 70% threshold for Technical evaluation will be evaluated for the Price component which is 80% of the Evaluation Criteria.

A maximum of 80 points is allocated for price. The evaluation for price will be done based on the following formula:

BEE Evaluation: The B-BBEE component of evaluation is weighted at 20% of the evaluation criteria. Determination of points for B-BBEE is based on the B-BBEE Recognition Level as per table below:

B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor / Number of points( 90/10 system) above R50 Million / Number of points (80/20 system) below R50 Million
1 / 10 / 20
2 / 9 / 18
3 / 8 / 16
4 / 5 / 12
5 / 4 / 8
6 / 3 / 6
7 / 2 / 4
8 / 1 / 2
Non-Compliant Contributor / 0 / 0
Evaluation criteria / Weighting
Stage 1: Compliance Requirements
Security Screening / Compliance
CIDB Grading / 7GB
Bank Rating / Compliance
Stage 2: Technical / Functionality Requirements
Technical / Threshold of 70 %
Stage 3: Pricing and BBBEE
BBBEE / 20
Price / 80
TOTAL / 100

Pricing Evaluation:

A maximum of 80 points is allocated for price. The evaluation for price will be done based on the following formula:


Ps = Points scored for price of tender under consideration

Pt = Rand value of tender under consideration

Pmin = Rand value of lowest acceptable tender

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