If I were OSA I wouldnt want to antagonize actors who were doing my work for me better than OSA itself could do previously....

When a soldier in a war finds his own fellow warriors are stealing his weapons [ his money ] and his boots [ stabbing him in the back at every opportunity, behind his back, patricia greenway style ] - its tends to make for a discouraging outlook, and saps the willingness to fight..

Patricia Greenway and her dingbats disgust me....she has almost single handedly orchestrated the demise of the Lisa McPherson Trust and the participation of our only, one time, once was a 'millionaire'

Patricia greenway doesnt have the guts to take the stand, and removed her name from the witness list.

>2. Is Mike Rinder a nice and trustworthy guy?

All things are relative, compared to some folks, like yourself, and Patricia Greenway I'd even consider Mike Rinder to be more 'nice' and 'trustwoirthy' but it is and was a backward compliment at the time it was made that sailed through the space between your ears where your brains are supposed to be.

>3. Are Stacy Books and Bob Minton telling the truth NOW?

I don't chat with either about details regarding the case,, so don't know, and rarely with bob socially. but Bob assured me at the beginning that all he was gonna do is tell the truth, and I still think he is, all the out of context segments you would like to post won;t change that, especially when you withold some of Ken dandar's gems

>4. Do you think it was OK for Stacy Brooks to go behind Minton's back

>and contact Rinder?

I wasn;t there, and it certainly was not my call, but you do know best so stick to it... But its OK for Greenway to go behind folks backs at every opportunity?

A non disclosure about the details of whatever they discussed to try and settle bob out of this game where his own lawyers, and his own 'freinds' like greenway, turn on him and stab him in the back while he grappling with the evil empire.

>6. Why is Minton suing Dan Leipold when he (Minton) stated under oath,

>that he wanted out of the litigation business?

"the litigation business" as used above, if parsed with the even mninimal understanding that you apparntly lack, means the financing of anti scientology litigation.

The Leipold litigation is about yet another loan and the debt....

If patricia Greenway hadnt screwed bob out of 2.5 million, he might not need that money so badly.... If "The profit" by Greenway had been 1/2 of the movie bob paid for, he might have some of the promised residuals from it instead of a piece of crap in the can that nobody at CANNES, properly, could take seriously, as anything more than an amateurish piece of crap.

>Is COS/RINDER funding

>this lawsuit just like COS/MOXON persuded Jason Scott to sue CAN because

>he (Scott) could make a lot of money?

Wow, you are being driven to flights of fancy beyond the altitude mere mortals might tread, arn;t you, Patty is running outtah ideas??

>7. What other friends does Minton plan to sue? John Merrett? Ken

>Dandar? heh, one can only hope....

Friends? Bob’s “lawyers” got him in front of two judges for criminal perjury while under their ‘care’. Real lawyers dont let their clients get into messes like that. period

Larry Wollersheim? one what grounds, I heard there was no dispute

and dont know or forsee any

Graham Berry? for what? I dont recall graham being involved with Bob anyway, and dont know or forsee any dispute

Gerry Armstrong? ditto... you are running outtah ideas too

Patricia is evidently running outta fine fabrications to keep her groupies fully spun up. while living in stark raving fear that Bob might survive long enough to go after her for the swindle called "The Profit"


PS: Now you describe just one thing for me...

Tell us about that meetings a week before the attacks started on bob minton... and what exactly did patricia greenway ask you guys to do and say on the newsgroup...

And then tell us why she asked you guys to shut the hell up a few weeks ago...

Inquiring minds would like to know

"After we run Bob out of money, we will come after you" said Scientology's OSA PR lady Sylvia Stanard in Washington DC to myself and Lisa Gibson in front of the French Embassy on reservoir road.2 years ago

Scientology's plan is to erase all memory of the existence of the LMT. The name will not be mentioned. It never existed and there was never proof there were no OTs in Scientology right there on Ft Harrisson avenue.

Now, given my view, that all Bob decided to do was to tell the truth. You can now rail, squeal and quack about how arnie was deceived....

The fact remains, that, though the truth might hurt a man named ken Dandar, the acts committed trying to "make the lisa case go right" were greedy if not just stupid.

If the truth bothers the sordid array of players and their dupes left as true believers that Ken Dandar and his side kicks can do no wrong, and if he did, Thou Shalt Not Mention It for the sake of a dead young lady in clearwater.

Now, if Bob only agreed to tell the truth... and the truth might hurt Savior Dandar's case, then the right thing to do would be to try to induce Bob Minton to suicide.

Inducement to suicide would attain what scientology has in fact failed to attain... a state called "Bob Sold Out"

This would also, help erase all memory of LMT for Mike Rinder... and most importantly, set the stage for the new organization, run by Patricia Greenway and her hopes to get her claws into a piece of the Lisa Mc{Pherson judgment-pie-in-the-sky.

Ms. Greenway has been silent in this venue but oh so active behind the scenes, cajoling, jawboning, and leaning upon the Dalnet 'crew', masterminding the orchestration of the Bob SOLD OUT attack line, which was well done, but you guys overplayed your hand. That over-reach made it obvious to me that we dealing with an orchestrated side show production not unlike "The Sting" which I call "The Profit, Part II". Ms. Greenway, having successfully run a scam on Bob Minton to fleece him of 2 million dollars, the cheap production so aptly called "The Profit" was now hooked on dreams of the really BIG MONEY.

Deanna Holmes, Tigger, Starshadow even Diane jumped on the opportunity, after having their own buttons expertly pushed by that master manipulator. And you were taken for the same ride.

To me, as long as my freind Bob Minton, having assured me that all he was going to do was tell the truth...., the effoirt of the Dalnetters was in fact an effort to try and create a self fullfilling prophecy - BOB SOLD OUT.

That effort failed...

Now, I await the announcement of the new "LMT" run by patricia Greenway, with it's webmaster {The Mark Bunker replacement - Deanna Holmes ] and its peanut gallery of hysterical historical revisionists, trying to rewrite history for Mike Rinder, while stealing the blood money of dead young girl's estate.....

Neither bob nor stacy have ever alluded to sainthood.

They are and have been just people, trying to make the best of a difficult situation.

Ms. Greenway has been trying to take control of the LMT from day one. Failing that, Bob and Stacy had to be destroyed, in order that she could get her greedy hands into proximity to the pot-of-gold judgement.. that Dell Librech had agreed, a portion of it, should goto an anti cult group.

We are just watching "THE PROFIT, the sequel.."

And like PT Barnum would say...


Is there an actual written plan, project, or set of mission orders to destroy bob minton while using the 'righteous indignation' of Lisa McPherson's death as a smokescreen?


20 A No. They're going to -- you know, when the time

21 comes to pay back this money, Mr. Minton is going to be the

22 one, even after all this, to tell me who the check is made

23 payable to, and I will make two separate checks for the UBS

24 checks.

25 Q Well, what if Mr. Minton says, "You make it



1 payable to me, Mr. Dandar, 'cause it's my money"?

2 A Well, then he's going to have to prove it.

3 Q So if he says -- so this man that gave you and

4 your firm $1,250,000 in checks written in the United States,

5 you're going to tell him, if he says, "This is my money," at

6 the end of this case, that you've got to prove it before

7 you'll pay him?

8 A That's right.

9 Q But then if he says -- but if he gives you a name,

10 you'll just write out a check to some -- to some name

11 without knowing who the guy is?

12 A I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

13 And it's none of your business how I do it.

14 THE COURT: And we don't need to have that in

15 court. You don't need to tell him --

16 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry.

17 THE COURT: -- it's none of his business.

18 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry.

19 THE COURT: That's really kind of rude.

20 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. That is rude.

21 THE COURT: Not for one lawyer to say -- I tend

22 to agree with you that those decisions and those

23 bridges will have to be crossed at the appropriate

24 time.

25 However, I would say that if Mr. Minton wants



1 to bring a lawsuit on that issue, he'll probably

2 prevail.

3 And -- and you could get a lawyer to take that

4 on a contingency fee, would be my guess. If I --

5 Mr. Minton doesn't have a lawyer, why -- and I'm

6 retired by then and practicing law, I would take

7 that case. I would not take the other agreement

8 case, however.

9 MR. WIENBERG: There might be a line of

10 people --

11 THE COURT: Might be a line of people. I'm

12 going to have to get in line for that.

Schaeffer was responding to Dandar's need to have proof of where the money came

from when it was time to repay but no care about who gave him the money when it

was placed in his hands.