NAME ______DATE ______

Project 1.1.3 STEM Investigation


Engineering, Technology, and Science–we use these terms every day, but what do they mean and what impact have they had on past and present lives? For example, some of you may have had an X-ray for a broken arm, or your parents may have a water purification device on your household faucet. Were the products and inventions created because of science or because of technology, by a scientist or by an engineer?

Here is your chance to find out about a product of your choice, maybe a potato chip or the sticky note, or even the color television. While you are exploring, consider asking questions about what effect the various developments have had on the evolution of civilization.


  • GTT notebook
  • Computer with Internet access


You and your partner will investigate a technological artifact and find out about its history and impact on civilization. You will learn how it may be used differently today. You will use various resources to find the information, including print, multi-media, and the web. Be aware that every site on the web is not always reliable, so verify your resources. You will answer the Questions to Guide You o this sheet and then prepare a presentation to share what you found with your classmates. Your teacher must approve the artifact you are researching.

Working in pairs, you and your partner will divide the work between you; be sure to regularly share your findings with your partner.

1. You will gather information about thetechnological development you choseby answering the Questions to Guide You. Your teacher will provide you with websites and book resources to help.

  1. Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation that includes all of the required information to present to your classmates. The presentation aides could includea poster, a 2 page flyer, samples of the technological artifact that show different innovations, or a movie.

Answer the questions below before preparing your presentation. Make sure you share the workload with your partner.

  1. What is your artifact?

2. What is the purpose of your artifact?

3. Who was the original inventor and when was your product invented?

4. How was it used when originally invented? How is it used today?

5. What are some of the innovations that this product has undergone since its original invention?

6. Which of these areas of technology best classifies the artifact?

a.Information and Communication

b.Bio-related and Agricultural



e.Production, which includes manufacturing and construction


g.Energy and Power


7. How has this product impacted society in a positive way?

8. How has this product impacted society in a negative way?

9. Complete a chart like the one below showing how science, technology, math, and engineering were all used in the creation of your technological product.

Example / Science / Technology / Engineering / Math

10. Find a quote about the invention or one of its innovations from the original inventor or one of the engineers who innovated the technological artifact.


Web Sites:

Your teacher will provide you with school-appropriate websites to help you get started. You may go to others sites, but make sure you follow your teacher’s expectations of proper use of the Internet.

Books and Magazines:

During your web search, you may find magazine or newspaper articles or books that talk about the various technological artifacts. You will find the library a helpful source for information.

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2010

GTT – Unit 1 – Lesson 1.1 – Project 1.1.3 – STEM Research – Page 1