ProStart 2Syllabus

Mr. Domenic Mallardi

Charles Herbert Flowers HS Room 1108 10001 Ardwick Ardmore Rd

(301) 636-8000 ex 81199 Springdale, Maryland 20774

Course Description:

ProStart is a two-year culinary/management career-building program for high school students. This program is designed for students who are looking to enter the job market directly after graduating, and/or attend college. ProStart students gain culinary/management experience and recognition in several ways: classroom experience;mentored work experience; and culinary competitions.

ProStart students learn fundamental culinary and business management skills in the classroom. Students apply their learning through qualified on-the-job foodservice operations with industry professionals. Students will receive mentor support, character development and real-world skills that give them a head start toward a career in the industry and college preparation.

Students have the opportunity to put their skills to the test by participating in the Maryland ProStart Student Invitational, the CCAP competition, and other various competitions throughout the program. These demanding culinary and management competitions invite top students to represent their school to compete for college scholarships and industry connections for potential job placement.

Upon completion of the ProStart program, students are required to become ServSafe certified (Professional Food Service Manager) and complete the necessary requirements toearn the ProStart National Certificate of Achievement(Pass ProStart Level One Final Exam; Pass ProStart Level Two Final Exam; Have an Employer Agreement; Complete 400 hours of work experience; Complete a Student Work Experience checklist, complete at least 52 of the 75 competencies). This certificate providesstudentseligibilityfor special scholarships and college credit from colleges and universities across the country. It also provides potential job experience and job opportunities to a growing industry.

Text: 1. Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts, Level Two

2. ServSafe Manager: 6th Edition (NRAF)

Learning objectives

  • ServSafe certification (if student has not already passed)
  • Chapter 1: Breakfast Food and Sandwiches
  • Chapter 2: Nutrition
  • Chapter 3: Cost Control
  • Chapter 4: Salads and Garnishing
  • Chapter 5: Purchasing and Inventory
  • Chapter 6: Meat, Poultry, and Seafood
  • Chapter 7: Marketing
  • Chapter 8: Desserts and Baked Goods
  • Chapter 9: Sustainability in the Restaurant and Foodservice Industry
  • Chapter 10: Global Cuisine 1: The Americas
  • Chapter 11: Global Cuisine 2: Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and Asia

Required material every day you come to class

  • 1: 1 or 2 inch three ring binder
  • 1-2 folder(s)
  • 1: 1-2 subject spiral note book
  • Pen or pencil
  • Chef coat, pants, nonslip shoes, and hat (Academy Uniform)

Classroom Policies

  1. Tardy policy:You are considered late to my class if your body has not entered

my class by the time the bell finishes to ring. The moment the bell finishes ringing you are tardy.

1. You may only be excused from a tardy if you have an excused note or agenda book

signed by a teacher or administrator. 2. You may not leave to go get a pass if you have

already entered the class late. No excuses! Zero tolerance!

2. Journal check policy: Warm-ups and objectives are given to you every day.

You are responsible for keeping all of your warm-ups/objectives neat and organized

chronologically, with the date of the warm-up/objective included. Warm-ups/objectives

are worth 5 points. 2.5 points for a complete objective, and 2.5 points for a complete

warm-up. Warm-ups/objectives are accumulated over time and will be graded atrandom

as a collective part of participation points towards your grade. 1. Please note that you will

receive a Zero for your daily warm- up if you are late/tardy for class; however, you are

still responsible for completing the warm-up for test/quiz purposes.

3. Cooking-Lab policy: Students who have an unexcused tardy on the day of Lab will not

participate in the lab, and will receive a Zero for participation. Students will be given an

alternate written assignment due at the end of class on the day of the lab. If a student has

an excused absence and missed the class prior to the lab, then the student will be assigned

the alternative written assignment, and will be excused from the participation points.

4. Late work policy: I do not except late work, nor do I give work that was missed

unexcused absent students. Excused students must hand in their excused yellow slip the

very same day they return to class in order to receive any make-up work. Make-up

work is do the very next class, or it becomes a zero for a grade.

I have read the above syllabus and policies, and I understand the contents and requirements

stated above.


Parent signature Student print name and sign