/ Building Partnerships…
…Promoting Wellness
Changing Lives…



The Collaborative implements an array of health promotion and disease prevention programs, public health surveillance systems, and a variety of capacity-building and networking activities.


Allied Healthcare Workforce Partnership Pilot Program

With funding support from the San Joaquin Valley Workforce Funders Collaborative, the sector initiative model pilot program connects a low-wage and relatively unskilled population with the allied healthcare workforce to produce recruitment, hiring, and retention opportunities for employers in the health care sector.

Contact: Steve Ramirez (559) 244-4524


Patient Navigation and Support Project

Project is funded by a 2010/2011 grant from the Sacramento Valley Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, to provide uninsured/underinsured breast cancer patients who reside in 17 counties that comprise the Sacramento Valley Affiliate service area with [preapproved] financial assistance and transportation to cancer treatments, support groups, and connects patients with services and products that support treatment compliance and an opportunity for the best possible outcome.

Contact: Julie Ruiz (559) 244-4554

Cancer Partnerships – Bay Area, Central Valley, Gold Country & Northern California

California's Cancer Detection Programs: Every Woman Counts provides free comprehensive breast and cervical cancer screenings to age and income eligible, uninsured or underinsured women, community outreach and education, as well as clinical provider management serving 44 counties from the Central Valley to the Oregon border.


Barbara Clifford – Bay Area and Northern California (530) 345-2483 ext. 203

Debbie Garrett – Central Valley and Gold Country (559) 244-3613


Cancer Registries of Central & Northern California

Registries collect and disseminate all state and federal mandated cancer data for the 25 counties of Central and Northern California. Fee-for-service data collection is available for acute care facilities, treatment facilities, and physician offices.

Contact: Mignon Dryden (530) 345-2483 ext. 204


Hmong Community Partnership Project ~ Butte County

Project provides a variety of health, wellness and self-help activities for the Hmong refugee community. Funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the program is expected to increase the Hmong community’s self-reliance regarding a number of community indicators.

Contact: Deborah Wigely (530) 534-1944


California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program

Program provides education, training, and technical support to program providers to promote healthy lifestyles of pregnant women with diabetes through preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum. Diabetes management guidelines and resources are shared in nine Central Californiacounties to help reduce the incidence of infant and maternal complications associated with diabetes and pregnancy.

Contact: Susan Yoshimura (559) 244-4546 syoshimura@healthcollaborative

San Joaquin/Sierra Regional Perinatal Program

Program provides education, training and technical support to public and private healthcare providers by promoting regional quality improvement activities that improve the well-being of mothers and babies in the San Joaquin valley and Sierra regions of California.

Contact: Julie Barker (559) 244-4512


Network for a Healthy California-Sierra Cascade Region

Program provides education and resources for low income communities, primarily with (SNAP-ed) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program education eligible populations with the goal of increasing fruit and vegetable consumption; promoting daily physical activity; increasing California’s food security, including participation in federal nutritional assistance programs; and increasing chronic disease prevention.

Contact: Patty Mannel (530) 345-2483 ext 215

Network for a Healthy California-North Coast Region

Program provides education and resources for low income communities, primarily with (SNAP-ed) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program education eligible populations with the goal of increasing fruit and vegetable consumption; promoting daily physical activity; increasing California’s food security, including participation in federal nutritional assistance programs; and increasing chronic disease prevention.

Contact: Jennifer McClendon (707) 543-5810


Community Network for Tobacco Relief (CØNTRØL) Project

Project offers tobacco cessation services to parents and caregivers of children 0-5 in Merced County and coordinates a countywide tobacco cessation workgroup of community organizations.

Contact: Evi Hernandez (559) 244-4527

Smoke-Free North State Project

Project advocates for comprehensive secondhand smoke protection for Northern California communities. The project provides advocacy training for youth and adult advocates enabling them to create smoke-free spaces, with a focus on smoke-free building entryways in Orland (Glenn County) and Chico (Butte County).

Contact: DeAnne Blankenship (530) 345-2483 ext. 213


Rural Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program ~ Butte, Fresno, Kings & Merced Counties

Programs that collaborate with schools, community-based organizations and youth in the agricultural communities of rural Fresno, Kings, Merced and Butte counties to reduce the incidence of teen pregnancy through comprehensive sexual health education, leadership training, service learning projects, and other value-based activities.


Butte County - Deborah Wigely (530) 534-1944

Contact for Fresno & Kings Counties - Evi Hernandez (559) 244-4527

Contact for Merced County - Celeste Ramos (209) 725-8240

Lock It Up Project

Project partners with school districts, pharmacies, medical and behavioral health professionals, parents and youth to increase awareness of the risks and consequences associated with illicit use of prescription painkillers by teens and adults ages 12 – 20 in Fresno County. This community-based project provides information through town hall meetings, outreach events, and media messages to address this issue. Project is funded by the Fresno County Substance Abuse Prevention Program.

Contact: Rolando Valero (559) 244-3612


1625 East Shaw Avenue, Suite 155 – Fresno, California 93710-8100

Office (559) 221-6315 – Fax (559) 221-6219 –

Contact: Stephen Ramirez, Chief Executive Officer,


Chico – Merced – Oakland – Oroville – Santa Rosa


August 2010