Scope of Work

TDY Information

Title: Team Leader – Emergency Preparedness Team / Supervisor: Director Programs
Country: Pakistan / City/Province: Islamabad
Start date: Immediate / End date: October 31, 2012
Contact person: Nadia Naz, Deputy Director-HR and Admin
Contact e-mail address:
Please note that applicants will be asked to contact you directly at this address.

Scope of Work(Describe responsibilities, tasks, expected results/deliverables, language(s), experience andskills required)

CARE Pakistan responded 2010 and 2011 floods emergencies in various parts of the country in collaboration with local NGO partners. CARE’s response was in emergency medical healthcare, Cash transfers (livelihood), Cash for Work, WASH, NFI distribution etc. During implementation of the emergency response and recovery projects through local NGO partners there have been challenges and best practices as well as learning on: assessments, community mobilization and involvement, beneficiary selection processes, M&E systems, Complaint and Response Mechanism (CRM) as part of Quality and Accountability (Q&A).
CARE International in Pakistan (CIP) has identified emergency primary and sexual & reproductive healthcare and Cash Transfers (livelihood) as its areas of focus for future emergency responses. To review and document the lessons learned CIP has set a team of 4 advisors for facilitating Emergency Preparedness Planning of the country office keeping in view the lessons learned and challenges faced. The process will include developing briefing papers, guidelines/guidance notes, capacity building plans and modules etc. The team of 4 advisers identified for this work remained part of CARE’s Emergency response of 2010 and 2011.
CIP is looking for team leader to lead the process with following lead responsibilities:
a)CARE Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) revised format/structure and contents (by Sep 2012) and process with guidelines for updating the plan in future (twice a year) with budgetary requirements. As best practice, CARE’s local emergency partners need to be involved in the EPP process
b)Provide technical advise, coordinate, roll out and oversee strengthening of the Emergency Preparedness Program of CARE Pakistan country office (based on lessons learned in earlier emergency responses by CARE Pakistan)
c)Based on the lessons learned, collate and synthesize input (best practices) for EPP on partner capacity building, fundraising, outreach to women, minimum standards and guidelines for Quality and Accountability, needs assessments (in different phases), emergency primary and reproductive healthcare, livelihood through cash intervention, cluster coordination, involvement in interagency initiatives
d)Using the lessons learned and documented in various reports (AARs, RARs, CARE’s emergency response strategy etc.) develop a briefing paper (4-pager) on need and importance of gender sensitive strategies/ approaches in emergency response along with a 2 years advocacy (action) plan in-line with country office LRSP
e)Ensure (and advise on) outreach and involvement of women and girls is focused in all Emergency Preparedness and response activities
f)Design simulation exercise for ERT members and guidelines for future simulations
g)ERT functions (as continuous working/standing body throughout the year) and roles elaborated (as part of EPP)
h)Advise (on process and guidelines) for mainstreaming (minimum and advance level) DRR and emergency preparedness in all future programs/ projects undertaken by CARE Pakistan (inclusion in project proposals, community intervention, budgets as cross cutting area
i)In case of Type II or IV emergency during the contract period, act as emergency response team leader and assist in initiating emergency response assessments, coordination with clusters and other agencies, setting up emergency response team etc.
j)Act as direct supervisor of team of 4 technical advisers (Quality & Accountability, Gender; M&E and Capacity Building; Health and Livelihood) and Logistical Support person.
k)Oversee and guide EP Program team of Advisers on process of engaging and capacity building of local NGO (signing MoUs for emergency partnerships)
l)Oversee process of emergency partnership with local NGOs to strengthen CARE’s capacity to respond to emergency
m)Advise on and oversee process of awarding Emergency Preparedness and DRR projects to emergency response partners.

Development opportunity(Describe the competencies and skills the incumbent may develop during the TDY as well as the support and coaching that will be provided)

This TDY opportunity will provide exposure to the incumbent on emergency preparedness and team coordination, including:
-Learning experience in advance level emergency preparedness and coordinating and leading a team of experts from different sectors i.e. health, livelihoods, Q&A.
-Exposure to field level DRR challenges
-Opportunity to work on cross cutting themes (Q&A, Complaint Response Mechanism, Gender, Women outreach etc.) for emergency preparedness.
-Working with local NGOs as implementing partners