Monday – July 17, 2017 - 170717

Context: Practice

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working on weighted pistols or pistol progressions. Perform sets of 5 per leg.

Strength: 7 x 1 Front BOX squat - 4 of 15 (7 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, approximately 60 - 70% of front squat). Video Here.

Super Set: 7 x 3 weighted strict pull up -or progression- (7 sets of 3 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge as the main lift).

Metabolic Conditioning: “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag”

8 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

Chest-to-Bar Pull-up (Health: 8 ring row / Athletic: 8*/ Performance: 12)

12 Front squat (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb)

40' bear crawl

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 - 6 rounds, about 1:45 per round. Scale up: 15 c2b, 20' hs walk instead of bear crawl.

Compare to: February 9, 2017

Coaching Tips: For the chest to bars, be sure to focus on the legs and the hips to get you up. The better the kip, the easier the pull up. Be ready to drop to small sets if needed to save the hands and grip for later rounds. Aim to complete the front squats without putting the bar down. If you need to rest, try to rest at the top with the bar racked. Don't move slow on the bear crawls. Move quickly and drop to a knee if you need to rest. The longer you are in the 'up' position, the more work you are doing!

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 10 push-ups, 15 Russian Kb swings, 4 minutes

“By the Numbers” Book References: Front Squat p.227

Tuesday – July 18, 2017 - 170718

Context: Competition

Mobility: Ankle

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes or more working on a pause squat clean (pause 3s at the knee) x 2 reps at 80-90% effort. If you want more volume, perform 3 reps on the minute for 7 minutes at approximately 50-60%.

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Evasion“

Cover as much distance as possible in 20 minutes

Row or run split as desired.

You must perform at least 800m of running and 1000m of rowing for the workout to be considered “as prescribed”.

Airdynes/bikes and Ski Ergs included!

Max: 3200m (2 miles) on assault/airdyne (2 miles)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3400-5400 meters

Compare to: March 10, 2017

Coaching Tips: Plan on rotating between movements multiple times. Many people find it beneficial to start with larger ‘sets’, then to decrease the distances as the rounds progress. Starting with 1000m of rowing, then 800m of running, then doing 800m of rowing and 600m of running, etc. As the time comes to an end, don’t run out too far from the clock (to make the distance traveled easier to calculate).

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 8 toes to bar, 40 double unders, 4 rounds

“By the Numbers” Book References: Row p. 142, Running p. 269

Wednesday – July 19, 2017 – 170719

Context: Practice

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working on snatch balance and snatch balance progressions.

Strength: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Squat Snatch or Muscle/power snatch to overhead squat (7 sets of 2 reps, increase weight with each set)

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Ready or Not”

In 7 minutes.

500m Row then max rounds:

8 dumbbell ground to overhead - two dbs - (Health: 15lb / Athletic: 30lb* / Performance: 45lb)

Ring dips (Health: 6 ring push-ups / Athletic: 4* / Performance: 6)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 - 6 rounds, about 1:20 per round after the row. Scale Up: 4/2 ring muscle ups instead of ring dips.

Compare to: June 16, 2016

Coaching Tips: The row can crush you if you don't pace it correctly. Plan on being able to get off the rower and go right into the dumbbell ground to overhead. The two-handed snatch style and the clean and jerk style are both acceptable. Use your hips as much as possible to get the dumbbells overhead to save your shoulders for the dips. Make sure you keep the elbows back and thumbs forward on the dips. Stay away from that internal rotation! Break up the dips more if needed.

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 5 pull ups, 12 lunge steps, 100m run, 5 minutes

“By the Numbers” Book References: Clean p. 404, Power Clean p. 368, Push Jerk p. 4424, Split Jerk p. 470, Muscle Clean p. 313, Clean Variants p. 496, Ring dip p. 363

Thursday – July 20, 2017 – 170720

Context: Mental Toughness

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) power clean, or perform 3 reps on the minute for 6 minutes at 50-60%

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “The Chief”

Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, "The Chiefs" have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. As the induction process for newly selected Chief Petty Officers is now underway throughout the US Navy, we thought it appropriate to inaugurate "The Chief" in honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs. Thanks to them and their families for their self-sacrifice, ability to adapt, tireless dedication to mission and devotion to country.

For max rounds

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

3 Power Cleans (Health: 55lb / Athletic*: 95lb / Performance: 135lb)

6 Push-ups

9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles (five, 3 minute AMRAPs)

For each cycle start where you left off. Log total rounds

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 16-28 rounds, about 4-5 rounds per 3 minute ‘cycle’.

Compare to: The Chief (CrossFit Classic)

Coaching Tips: Try to do these in unbroken sets if possible. If the cleans get challenging, drop to singles. Push the pace on the transitions because of the 1 min rests. Don't let yourself get sloppy on the push-ups and the squats. Make sure you hit full range of motion for every rep! Primarily, no sagging push-ups where your thighs leave the ground before your chest and no squats above depth or without fully open hips at the top.

Optional ‘Cash Out’: none

“By the Numbers” Book References: Clean p. 404, Jumping Mechanics p. 188, Box Jumps p. 351, Push-up p. 126, Air Squat p. 103

Friday – July 21, 2017 - 170721

Context: Competition

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: None (list of fun games to play here)

Strength: 6 x 2 Front BOX squat - 5 of 15 (6 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, approximately 60 - 70% of front squat). Video Here.

Super Set: 6 x 4 weighted strict pull up -or progression- (6 sets of 4 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge as the main lift).

Metabolic Conditioning: “Carjacked“

For time.

12 shoulder presses (Health: 35lbs, Athletic*: 53lbs, Performance: 95lbs)

400m run

12 push presses (same)

200m run

12 push jerks [or shoulder to overhead anyhow] (same weight)

100m run

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4 – 7 minutes. Scale Up: barbell weight 75/115lb

Compare to: September 27, 2016

Coaching Tips: The load should be such that you can't do the first round unbroken (maybe 2-3 sets). Make sure those shoulder/strict presses are legit and there is no hip/leg involvement. Keep the core tight! Go hard on the sprints, they are not supposed to be 'jogs'. The push presses and jerks may be broken up due to fatigue/intensity, but not due to strength.

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 30s plank, 25 cal row, 5 min.

“By the Numbers” Book References: Power Clean p. 368, Press p. 199, Push Press p. 292, Push Jerk p. 424, Run p. 269

Saturday – July 22, 2017 - 170722

Context: Practice

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: None (list of fun games to play here)

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Dog is my Copilot”

For time, 3 rounds

15 partner deadlifts (Health: 85lb / Athletic*: 125lb* / Performance: 185lb)

30 partner wall ball -each 'shot' to the target is one rep- (Health:10lb/8ft, Athletic*: 14lb/9ft, Performance: 20lb/10ft)

30 American kettlebell swings -one partner at a time- (Health:26lb / Athletic*: 35lb* / Performance: 53lb)

30 burpees over partner

800m run together

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

INDY VERSION: 7 deadlifts, 15 wall ball, 15 kb swings, 15 burpees, 800m run

Scaling Guide: 24 - 32 minutes, about 9 min per round. Scale Up: 155/225 bar. Partner planks while burpees are being done over them

Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!

Coaching Tips: The deadlifts are two people on the bar at the same time OR one person at a time. If choosing the 'tandem' lift, make sure people practice ahead of time and that they are very coordinated (this should be reserved for more advanced people). In this case, it is best to always lower the bar to the floor so that one partner doesn't let go while the other partner is stuck holding the weight (and getting yanked to the ground, putting strain on their back). The partner wall balls are where the partner must throw the ball up to the target and then the partner standing right next to them catches and does the next rep. 30 reps means that each partner is doing 15. If one partner wants to do extra reps by themself, that is fine. You can also scale it so that one partner goes to a higher target, and the other partner goes to a lower target. The burpees over the partner can be done with the person laying on the floor, or in an elbow plank (scaled up). If one person gets back to the barbell after the run before their partner, they can do some deadlift reps if they wish!

Optional ‘Cash Out’: none

“By the Numbers” Book References: Deadlift p. 151, Wall Ball p. 430. Kettlebell Swing p. 277, Burpee p. 415, Run p. 269

Sunday – July 23, 2017 - 170723

Context: Practice

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging clean (power or squat) at 80-90% of max. Or perform 3 reps on the minute for 6 minutes at 50-60%.

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Render Unto Caesar”

For time.


squat cleans (Health: 55lb /Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb)


supine ring rows


box jumps (Health: 12” / Athletic*: 20” / Performance: 24”)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 9 - 15 minutes, about half of the reps complete after the second round. Scale Up: 105/155lb bar, strict pull ups

Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!

Coaching Tips: Be careful to keep the elbows up on the squat cleans. Power clean to front squat is acceptable (and encouraged for those who struggle with the movement). Keep the ring rows strict, no swinging hips to ‘kip’. Remember that more than half of the reps will be completed by the end of the round 2 (8, 8, 20), so pace the first two rounds a bit, and plan on going for bigger sets on the later rounds.

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 16 suitcase lunge steps, 16 wall ball, 100m run, 5 min

“By the Numbers” Book References: Clean p. 404, Ring Row p. 122, Box Jump p. 351


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