Programme „Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria“ (SEDIN), financed by GIZ
Intervention area 3: “Promotion of agricultural and non-agricultural value chains”
Intervention area 3 supports business relations between primary production MSME (e.g. potato, cassava) and processing MSME in order to set up functioning value chains. Apart from value chains in agriculture, this also includes the non-agricultural value chain construction of affordable housing (taking into consideration the issue of energy efficiency). The project will ensure that in the long run the approach for VC development can be sustainably implemented by public and private bodies on State and LGA level.
The intervention area will facilitate business contacts, promote the introduction of new and improved technologies, and support access to finance. Poverty reduction, decent work, and gender mainstreaming are cross-cutting issues that need to be adequately targeted. Public-private support networks will be set up for the various VC, and training measures will be planned and carried out.
Supported value chains:
State / Agricultural VC / Non-agricultural VCNiger State / As support for shea butter VC runs out, a new VC will be selected before project start, potential VCs could be maize, yam, groundnut / Affordable housing
Ogun State / Cassava / Affordable housing
Plateau State / Potato / Affordable housing
Relevant Objectives:
Outcome / IndicatorThe framework for SME business and investment activities has been improved, particularly with regard to input and market access and to income and employment. / MSME in the supported value chains have increased their revenues by x% p.a. and their number of employees by y% p.a. (out of which z% are women)
Output E
Within the selected VC, business relations between primary producers, processors, and other MSME have been strengthened. /
- X new business relations have been established within the selected VC.
- The financial volume of transactions within existing business relations has increased by x %.
Output F
On State and LGA level, the VC approach will be implemented by a support structure, comprising public and private organisations. /
- For the selected VC, a support structure comprising public and private organisations (e.g. line ministries, business development organisations, SME associations) is established.
- Strategies for VC development have been integrated into work and operation plans of coordinating bodies within each VC.
Team of the Consultant:
1 international long-term expert:1 x 31 months
6 national long-term experts:6 x 31 months = 186 months
2 international short-term experts:2 x 2 months = 4 months
4 national short-term experts:4 x 4 months = 16 months
Tasks and profile of the national long-term experts:
The six national LTE will be based in the three states Niger, Plateau, and Ogun. Two LTE will be deployed to each state: one for supporting the agricultural VC, the other for supporting the non-agricultural VC.
All national LTE should have the following qualifications:
- University degree, ideally in economics or in agricultural sciences
- Long-term experience in value chain development
- Relevant experience in the sector the expert is assigned to (agriculture or housing)
- Fluency in English
- Qualification in Capacity WORKS
Project start will be September 1st, 2014.
Evaluation grid for national long-term experts:
Criteria / Weighting factor / PointsRelevant university degree (economics, agriculture) / 4 / max. 10
Years of professional experience (private sector development, value chains) / 6 / max. 10
Experience in agricultural or non-agricultural value chain development / 7 / max. 10
Management / coordination experience / 4 / max. 10
Team player skills / 1 / max. 10
Regional experience (Nigeria, West Africa) / 2 / max. 10
English language skills / 2 / max. 10