104 Corporation
一 零 四 資 訊 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司
Credit Card Payment Form of Online Recruit Advertisements
※ Ad Hoc Terms:
1. The Cardholder agrees and authorizes 104 Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “104”) to charge fees of online recruit advertisements which will be used by the Cardholder’s company(ies) (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and provided by 104 from his/her credit card account. Should 104 has any difficulty in collecting the due payment from the credit card account, the Cardholder or he/she should urge the Company to pay the payment in person or wire it within three(3) days from the issuing date.
2. Both the Cardholder and 104 agree to treat the facsimile (or fax) form(s) of Credit Card Payment Form of Online Recruit Advertisements as the authentic original copy(ies).
3. The content of the Credit Card Payment Form of Online Recruit Advertisements is an attachment of the Online Recruit Advertisement Contract between the Company and 104.
4. The Cardholder warrants that the information provided below is true and accurate. Should there be any untrue or inaccurate information, the Cardholder is obliged to all the due legal responsibilities.
5.1. The Rate (the following prices are listed in US Dollars with tax included)
* Ad Rate:
Purchase days / □ 14 days:US$122 / □ 30 days:
US$174 / □ 60 days:
US$270 / □ 90 days:
US$329 / □ 180 days:
US$601 / □ 365
* Rate of Value-Added Product:
□ Corporate Image : days,US$
Corporate Image / Purchased Days / 14 / 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 / 240 / 270 / 300 / 330 / 365Rate(US$) / 22 / 37 / 74 / 100 / 133 / 167 / 178 / 207 / 237 / 250 / 278 / 306 / 333
□ Focus Vacancy: vacancy(ies),US$ 1-6 vacancies: US$ 31 each; 7-13 vacancies: US$27 each;14 vacancies and above: US$24 each
□ Priority Vacancy: vacancy(ies),US$ 1-6vacancies: US$28each; 7-13 vacancies:US$24 each;14 vacancies and above: US$21 each
(The Advertiser agrees that 104 has the right to adjust colors, layouts and/or fonts of the advertisement(s) when in need of layout adjustments or regular layout re-design.)
□ Auto Renew(special offer US$ 1.9 each):
I want to purchase _____ vacancy(ies), total amount: US$_____
(minimum 10 pcs per purchase)
□Hot Business Recommended(original price US$1,185 per week):
I want to purchase _____ week(s), total amount: US$_____
1. The minimum purchase period is one week.
2. Should the Advertiser want to change or terminate the advertisement(s), it shall notice 104 Corporation within seven (7) days before the issuing date. Should the Advertiser fail to notice 104 Corporation within the period, it shall have the written consent from 104 Corporation to postpone (no longer than six months) or terminate the Agreement; otherwise, fifty percent (50%) of the advertising fee should be paid to 104 Corporation as penalty for the breaching, or it shall issue the advertisement as the signed schedule.
* Total Amount:US$ Remark Columns:_
( The following columns will be filled by 104 CR.)
5.2 Information of the Cardholder and the Company:
Company’s Full Name: Unified Business Code :
Cardholder’s Name: Tel: - ext.:
Cardholder’s ID Number:
5.3 Cardholder’s Credit Information:
Issuing Bank:
Card Type:□ VISA □ Master □JCB
Card Number: - - -
Expiration Date: (Month)/ (Year)
Cardholder’s Signature: (same as the one behind the card.): Date : (date) (month) (year)
* The following columns will be filled by 104 CR.
Incoming date: ____(date) (month) (year) ERP_P/O number: CSR:OR052 英文_刷卡單(A類)3.5