Anno scolastico 2016/17

Dal libro di testo “ENGLISH goes live Compact ” PEARSON Editore sono stati esaminati Starter Unit + Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7. Di ciascuna unità sono state presentate le strutture grammaticali e le funzioni linguistiche, svolte le attività di Reading & Listening, Communication and Writing.

Module A Grammar

Starter Unit S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7

Grammar: Present simple of be positive and negative. Possessive's . Plurals Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Present simple of be: questions and short answers Demonstrative pronouns Vocabulary : Numbers, the alphabet , days of the week, countries & nationalities, Everyday things, Cloths & Colours, Fast food & drink, British money Function Give personal information. Order Food &Drink

Unit 1 My home

Grammar: there is –there are. Plural nouns with some –any. Prepositions of place. Vocabulary: rooms, parts of a house and things. Furniture

Unit 2 Family and Friends

Grammar: Have got: positive+negative questions. Prepositions of time . Vocabulary: family, appearance, Months & Seasons. Ordinal numbers.Functions: Talk about your family, appearance and special dates

Unit 3 Jobs Grammar: Present simple: positive and negative. Vocabulary: Jobs, Places of work , adjectives of opinions Functions: exchange opinions

Unit 4 Every day Grammar: Present Simple with fixed time. Adverbs of frequency. Adverbial phrases of frequency. Vocabulary: Clock time, daily routines

Unit 5 Doing things Grammar: Can-can't . Countable and uncountable nouns with some-any. Imperative. Prepositions of places. Vocabulary: verbs of ability. Food. Places in town. Functions. Make and respond to suggestions Unit 6 Activities Present continuous. Present simple and present continuous. Like+ ing . verbs of emotions + ing. Vocabulary: the weather, Sports. Sports & places. Functions: talk about the weather, talk about likes&dislikes

Unit 7 The Past: Grammar: past simple or be . Past simple of regular verbs; affirmative & negative. Vocabulary: past adverbial phrases.

Module B Communication

Family & Friends


Places in town


Likes & dislikes

Daily routine

Hobbies & Free time activities

Talking about past events

Sansepolcro, 5 giugno 2017

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