Schedule A – RFP Project Proposal & Response Workbook


·  Submissions should follow the format of this RFP Project Proposal & Response Workbook

·  Proponents should review Sections 3 to 5 of the RFP document to ensure understanding of RFP process

·  Do not include unnecessary attachments or documents with your submission unless otherwise indicated

Project Title:
Project Start Date:
Official Agency Name:
Business Address:
Postal Code:
Fax Number:
Charitable Registration Number:

Contact Information

Primary Contact (regarding contract): ED, CEO, etc.)
Email Address:
Secondary Contact (regarding operational/program issues): (Program Director or Manager)
Email Address:

I/We, the undersigned duly authorized representative of the Proponent, having received and carefully reviewed all of the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, including the RFP and any addenda, and having full knowledge of the RFP requirements, and having fully informed ourselves as to the intent, difficulties, facilities and local conditions attendant to performing the services, submit this Proposal in response to the RFP.

I/We confirm that the following appendices are attached to and form part of this Proposal

Schedule A RFP Project Proposal & Response Workbook

Schedule B Operating Budget

Organizational chart of agency and proposed program clearing showing staff

Job descriptions for proposed program

For ‘new’ applicants, or those not currently funded by the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF), include documents listed in Section 4 related to Proponent Information

I/We confirm that this Proposal is accurate and true to best of my/our knowledge at the time of submission.

I/We confirm that this Proposal can be shared with members of a Project Advisory Committee (Panel) drawn from outside the CHF.

I/We confirm that, if I/we am/are awarded the Agreement, the results of this RFP will be posted on the CHF website.

I/We confirm that, if I/we am/are awarded the Agreement, I/we shall not assign this Agreement or any part thereof without prior, written consent of CHF.

A Proponent shall disclose any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest and existing business relationships it may have with the CHF, its elected or appointed officials, representatives, employees, funded agencies or funders.

A Proponent shall disclose any relationship between any Representative of the Proponent(s) and any Representative of the CHF including where:

(i)  the Representative of the Proponent presently or previously serve(d) as a Representative of the CHF;

(ii)  a Representative of the Proponent and a Representative of the CHF are Family; or

(iii)  it is known that a Representative of the Proponent will become a Representative of the CHF in the future; or

(iv)  It is known that a Representative of the CHF will become a Representative of the Proponent in the future.

For the purposes of this Conflict of Interest declaration,

(i)  a “Representative” means an employee, director, officer, volunteer or contractor;

(ii)  “Family” means a spouse, common-law partner, domestic partner. child, grandchild, great grandchild, parent, parent-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, aunt, uncle, great aunt, great uncle, cousin or second cousin and includes foster and step relationships for any of the above.

The CHF may rely on such disclosure

I/We declare no conflicts.

I/We declare the following conflicts.

This Proposal is submitted this ____ day of ______, 2014.

I/We have the authority to bind the Proponent.

Signature of Authorized Signing Officer / Signature of Authorized Signing Officer
Print Name of Authorized Signing Officer / Print Name of Authorized Signing Officer

The following Mandatory Requirements must be met by the Proponent for the Proposal to be considered and eligible for evaluation. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will make the Proposal non-compliant and will result in disqualification from further evaluation.

The Mandatory Requirements should be addressed as follows:

(i)  “Yes” indicates compliance and

(ii)  “No” indicates non-compliance. Note: Responding “No” to any mandatory requirement will make the Proposal non-compliant and will result in disqualification from further evaluation.

The Proponent must provide evidence for each Mandatory Requirement where evidence is requested.

The Panel and CHF reserve the right to permit a Proponent to correct any good faith errors of omission (i.e. missing signatures in mandatory requirements M1 and M2).

Mandatory Requirements / Comply
Yes/No /
M1 / Declaration, including Conflict of Interest declaration, (Schedule A) has been completed and signed by the Proponent according to the instructions in that form and set out in Section 3 of the RFP.
M2 / Schedule A RFP Project Proposal Form & Response Workbook fully complete in accordance to the instructions.
M3 / Schedule B Operating Budget form fully complete and included with submission.
M4 / Job Descriptions and Organizational Chart of Agency, clearly showing staffing for the Proposed Program.
For ‘new’ applicants, or those not currently funded by the CHF, include documents listed in Section 4 of Schedule A related to Proponent Information.
M5 / Proposed Program is providing Housing First or Self-Sufficiency Services to Aboriginal individuals or families experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness through eligible program types.
1.  Program Description and Experience Points Available = 15
a)  State funding request for 12 month period for this program: (select only one)

Housing First: $______

Self-Sufficiency model: $______

b)  Summary Project Description
Provide a one to two paragraph summary of the program, including the purpose of the program, primary goals, who the project serves (target population) and what services are provided. (maximum 250 words)
c)  Expertise and Experience
How many years has the program been in operation? ____
Is this program currently funded through CHF and housing clients?
Yes No
Describe your organizations experience with the project program model (e.g. Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Rehousing, etc.) and address organizational capacity/health to deliver proposed program. (Maximum 250 words)
d)  Accreditation
Is this program currently accredited through the Canadian Accreditation Council for the CHF Case Management Standards (
Yes No Expiry Date:______
If your program is not currently accredited, please describe your plan for accreditation (if applicable):
2.  Service Planning Points Available = 30
a)  Strategic Fit
Summarize alignment with Calgary’s HPS Community Plan ( Point to how the proposed program will impact homelessness and why it is a necessary program within Calgary’s System of Care. (Maximum 250 words)
b)  Housing & Support Philosophy
Choose which of the following principles apply to your program. (Select only one)
Housing First
If you are proposing a Housing First specific program, please describe your alignment with this philosophy (Please refer to Section 2.2 Housing First Service and Housing Model Requirements in the RFP document): (Maximum 150 words)


If you are proposing a Self-Sufficiency specific program, please describe your program (Please refer to Section 2.3 Service and Housing Model Requirements in the RFP document): (Maximum 150 words)

c)  Program Type
Indicate program type. (Select only one)
Rapid Rehousing (RR): Targeted and time limited financial assistance and support to low acuity individuals and families, in order to quickly exit shelter and obtain and retain housing
Supportive Housing (SH): Case management and housing supports for individuals and families who are considered moderate to high acuity, who will be able to achieve housing stability and independence after a period of receiving case management support. While there is no maximum length of stay in SH programs, the supports are non-permanent as the goal is for the client to obtain the skills to live independently, at which point the client will transition out of the program, and be linked with less intensive community-based services or other supports as needed. Average length of stay in these programs is one to two years. This category includes housing called Short-Term Supportive Housing and Housing with Intensive Supports.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH): Long-term housing and support with no time limit for high acuity individuals experiencing major barriers and exhibiting complex needs, and who will require ongoing support to maintain their housing.
Outreach: Engagement with marginalized homeless individuals living on the street who are not using services, in order to engage this population in rehousing and other supports (not eligible for Housing First Proposals). Please describe: (maximum 100 words)
Supportive Services: Services which connect clients to housing placements outside of Housing First and provide other services such as connection to or provision of cultural supports, life skills, pre-employment programs, income supports, or educational opportunities (not eligible for Housing First Proposals). Please describe: (maximum 100 words)
d)  Target Population
Priority Target Population. Indicate priority target population(s) project serves. Ensure fit between program type and target population. (Check all that apply)
Chronically homeless: refers to individuals, often with disabling conditions (e.g. chronic physical or mental illness, substance abuse problems), who are currently homeless and have been homeless for six months or more in the past year (i.e. have spent more than 180 nights in a shelter or a place not fit for human habitation).
Episodically homeless: refers to individuals, often with disabling conditions, who are currently homeless and have experienced three or more episodes of homelessness in the past year (of note, episodes are defined as periods when a person would be in a shelter or place not fit for human habitation for a certain period, and after at least 30 days, would be back in the shelter or place.
e)  Acuity Level
Indicate the level of client acuity your program will target. (Check all that apply)
High Acuity: most vulnerable people in the homeless population, presenting with co, or tri-morbidity. They tend to have high rates of health problems, including severe mental illness and substance abuse disorders, conditions that may be exacerbated by physical illness, injury or trauma. Consequently, they may be frequent users of emergency services, crisis response, and public safety systems.
Mid Acuity: having difficulty exiting homelessness on their own, largely due to financial barriers and may have major barriers (e.g. serious mental or physical disabilities, chronic addictions) but not co-occurring and which may be resolved, and; have lived independently in the past with demonstrated ability to live independently again after a short term intervention.
Low Acuity: have difficulty exiting homelessness on their own, largely due to financial barriers and do not have major barriers (e.g. serious mental or physical disabilities, chronic addictions), and; have lived independently in the past with demonstrated ability to live independently again after a short term intervention.
f)  Priority Sub-population
Indicate priority sub-population your proposed program serves, if applicable. (Check all that apply)
Chronic or episodic homeless singles
g)  Client Selection and Eligibility Criteria
Clearly identify the client population that is best suited to the services provided by your program (gender, Aboriginal status, accessibility issues, mental health concerns, substance use concerns, etc.) and any criteria that would make them ineligible for services (high risk offenders, history of arson, income threshold, etc.). (Maximum 250 words)
h)  Intake and Prioritization Process
Would this program participate in the Coordinated Access and Assessment (CAA) (
Door Agency Participating Agency No
If no, describe rationale for exclusion from CAA and the program’s process of screening, intake and prioritization for target population. (maximum 100 words)
·  “Door Agency” means an agency that not only participates in the CAA by agreeing to have all of its clients placed in accordance with direction of the CAA and by accepting all Clients placed through the CAA into its programs, but who also:
o  have received training as a Door Agency and are authorized to partake in the CAA as a Door Agency by the CHF or its authorized delegate CAA administrator;
o  follow all CAA standard communication strategies and any communication requirements set by the CAA Advisory Committee;
o  are involved in the operation and implementation of the CAA by completing and using Pre-Screens, SPDATs, gathering further client information required and conducting any other additionally required assessments in order to make determinations regarding client placements; and
o  are able to discuss and recommend client placements at all Placement Committee meetings;
·  “Participating Agency” means an agency that participates in the CAA by agreeing to have all of its clients placed in accordance with direction of the CAA and by accepting all clients placed through the CAA into its Housing First Programs
i)  Assessments and Client Safety
Describe client acuity and safety risk (egg. Domestic violence, suicide etc) assessment process including the use of SPDAT, Calgary Acuity Scale (see and other tools. Also include safety planning with clients for substance use, mental health issues, domestic violence, suicide risk, etc.
j)  Ongoing Assessment, Service Planning and Support
Describe the core and support services provided by the program, including:
·  Appropriate service provision for program type, program goals and target population needs.
·  Pre-employment support and bridging to labour market
·  Life skills development
·  Connecting clients to education
·  Income plan for clients
·  Goal planning for clients (client directed, frequency)
·  Tools used for assessment and service planning (e.g. the SPDAT, Calgary Acuity Scale, Outcome Star).
·  Use of a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) ( or related system
(Maximum 500 words)
k)  Community integration
Describe how the program supports community integration for clients, including partnerships with other service providers. (maximum 250 words)
l)  Program graduation or discharge (as appropriate)
·  Planned graduation criteria and process, including assessments used, client preparation and long term sustainability of clients. Unplanned discharge process including reasons for discharge, support planning, and criteria for reassessing services if discharge was unplanned
·  Length of stay in the program (appropriate for the program type) and the process by which extensions are granted.
·  Discharge/eviction guidelines and procedures for place-based programs to ensure all reasonable actions have been taken by the program to prevent eviction/discharge into homelessness.