Help! I can’t think of a project idea!

Here are some ideas that would work for designing a “fair test” using the scientific method. Of course, it is always better to answer your own question, but if you are totally flabbergasted, you can use of these questions.

Sports, Dance, Athletics

Does heavy sweating make you shrink?

Do taller people have greater lung capacity than shorter people?

Is there a relationship between muscle strength and body fat percentage?

Are boys more physically fit than girls?

Which provides more traction, Astroturf, or real grass?

Does turf height affect sprinting speed?

Does the temperature affect the flight distance of a ______ball?

Does the covering on a ______ball affect the rebound height?

Does the barometric pressure affect rebound height of a ______ball?

Does the shape of a skateboard affect a skater’s ability to do an ollie?

Does more weight increase speed in snowboarding?

Does the shape of a sunglass lens affect its ability to block UV rays?

Does the number of dimples on a golf ball affect its flight distance?

Does the size of a bicycle wheel affect the downhill speed?

Does a Frisbee fly farther if it has holes in it?

Which aerobic activity increases heart rate the most?

Does a wet trampoline rebound more than a dry trampoline?

What substance reduces the most friction on skiis (or snowboards)?


Does orange juice lose vitamin C as it ages?

Do all juices contain the same amount of vitamin C?

Does aspartame eat away the stomach lining?

Does blowing bubbles affect the density of bubble gum?

Does cooking time affect the density of cookies?

Does salt concentration have an effect on freezing time of homemade ice cream?

Which citrus fruit is the best electrolyte?

Does adding ______affect the “height” of sugar cookies?

Does temperature have an effect on how much pizza dough will rise?

Which form of sugar will make yeast produce the most carbon dioxide?

Which juice will clean copper the fastest?

Friends / Social Behaviors / Learning

Does the color of light in a room affect reading speed?

Does clothing color affect the perception of “friendliness?”

Do specific facial proportions affect the perception of “beauty?”

Does gender affect teacher attention in classrooms?

Are left-handed people more coordinated than right-handed people?

Does Mozart help students perform better on tests?