NISO Auditions --Auditions for membership in the Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra will be held on Friday, September 8 and Saturday, September 9. Anyone wishing to play in the orchestra for the first time must audition, and all student members need to re-audition each year. For more information or to schedule an audition, contact the NISO office at or712-722-6230.

Advance Notice – 2017 is the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation as marked from the date (October 31, 1517) on which Dr. Martin Luther posted his thesis on the door of the Wittenberg Church. At the Wednesday, July 5, 2017 meeting of the Council the motion to accept the invitation to join in a united service of worship to celebrate this event with the churches of classis Heartland and Iakota on Sunday, October 29, 2017 at 3 pm at Western Christian High School in Hull, Iowa was accepted. This united service will be our second service on that Lord’s Day.

BRUNO'S BACK IN TOWN - Bruno LeVaire, the international art thief may be back in town to get his revenge on Liz and Grandpa Anole, but he’s not the only one to shock the Terrene Community! An old friend returns to help out, but is that a good thing? Subscribe for free at This month, Kids Corner’s offering a free ebook on divorce called “God's Got You Covered.” Using biblical teaching, this ebook provides help for kids and parents talk about divorce. Go to and click on the free stuff page to download this free resource.

THE WEDDING BANQUET - Jesus’ parable of the Wedding Banquet is filled with caution and warning, even for the believer. Join Groundwork as we discuss Matthew 22 to discover what Jesus wants us to know about God’s judgment and what it means for who is welcomed into his kingdom. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.


Serving, PreparatorySunday, August 27, 2017

Coffee Servers: Pastor Bill & Marge VDH ----Gerry & Jo VM

Greeters: Darwin & Mary B ---- Mark & Crystal V

Ushers: Elmer H /Chris S

Nursery:Emily H & Ashley H

Evening Nursery: Pam S & Joyce VW


Librarian: Mary R

Sunday, August 27, 2017

10:00 AM Morning Worship

6:00 PM Evening Worship

Monday, August28, 2017

7:30 PM Elders meeting

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Wednesday,August 30, 2017

6:00 AM Men's Breakfast Bible Study

6:00 PM ATLAS of Osceola Fall Celebration Banquet

6:30 PM GEMS Councilor meet at church to go over the new year

Thursday, August 31, 2017

7:00PM Prayer & Sharetime this weekatPete R’s home

Friday, September 1, 2017

Advanced Notice

September 4- 6:45 PM- Deacons meet

September 4 -7:30 PM- Council meet

September 6- 7:00 PM- Training for the Fair Booth at Willie & Ellen’s home

September 7-5:00 PM- GEMS Leaders Workshop- Immanuel- Orange City

Serving, Communion Sunday, September 3, 2017

Coffee Servers: Gerry & Jo VM --- Alvin & Joyce VW

Greeters: Elders

Ushers: Mike B / Darwin B

Nursery: Annette B & Trent D

Evening Nursery:

Offering: United Christians International (Mompremier’s)

Librarian: Mary R

Congregational Announcements

We Loved You Like a Mother – In the message this morning we look at Paul’s second of three word pictures used to defend himself against the slanderous charges that had been raised against him in his ministry at Thessalonica. Against the slander that the love he, Silas and Timothy had shown to the Thessalonians had been insincere and not genuine Paul claims that their love had been as sincere as that of a nursing mother. We will look at the word picture of a nursing mother first. Then we will draw out of that word picture the essential significance of love that is within the picture. This will lead us to the significance of kindness as an essential requirement of ministry that provides lasting nurture of those among whom we live out the gospel. At all points we will learn how Paul used this word picture to show the genuineness and sincerity of his love for the Thessalonians as well as be challenged to show this same kind of sincere and genuine love for all those among whom we are blessed to bring the challenge of the gospel.

Membership Release –At her request, the membership record of Jodi Hellinga (nee Hibma) has been released so that she can affiliate with the United Methodist Church of Lake Park with her husband, Seth Hellinga. We ask God to add His blessings on Jodi so that she continues to grow richly and deeply in God’s grace among His people in Lake Park and in such a way that God’s people there are also blessed through her.

Moment for Missions Next Sunday Morning– We anticipate welcoming, D.V., to our morning service of worship next Sunday morning, September 03, 2017 JeanJean and Kristy Mompremier. They are our missionaries to Haiti and are on home service. We are so blessed to be able to have them join us in our Morning Service this year. JeanJean will be bringing the message and they will also be presenting an update on their work in Haiti.

A Week of Spiritual Preparation - We look forward to celebrating together the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper next Sunday morning in our time of worship. To get ready we begin this morning a week long time of preparation in which we examine our hearts and our lives to be sure that we are seeking our salvation as God’s gracious gift through faith in Jesus Christ alone and are fully committed to living all of life in every way under His Lordship. May this time of self-examination lead us to a time of joyful renewal that brings us in humble, confident faith to the Lord’s table together next Sunday morning.

Summary of Synod 2017 – A summary of the decisions of Synod 2017 has been placed on the bulletin board by the bulletins.

Council Officers 2017-2018 – Council Officers for July 1, 2017- June 30, 2018 are as follows:

President – Elder David Bootsma

Vice-President – Pastor Bill Van Der Heide

Clerk of Council – Deacon Curtis Visser

General Treasurer – Deacon Corwin Runia

Elder Districts 2017-2018 – The following Elder Care Districts have been established for July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018:

District One – Elder Ken Weg

District Two – Elder Mark Hibma

District Three – Elder Dennis Bosma

District Four – Elder Loren Zevenbergen

District Five – Elder Corwin Slagter

District Six – Elder David Bootsma

Thank you for all who have volunteered to work at theClay County Fair! Training for this eventwill be at Willie and Ellen Bosman’s on Wednesday eve, Sept 6, at 7 PM. Come for prayer and inspiration, your Fair tee-shirt, free tickets, and to view the materials. Looking forward to meeting with everyone then!

Declan Leehan's family would like to thank the congregation for all your thoughts and especially your prayers during Declan's illness. He is at peace now and no longer suffering. We also ask for continued prayers for his family in their time of sorrow.

Do you have any inspirational materials in your home that you no longer have a need for? The Evangelism Committee is looking for gently used or new books,CDs, or DVDs that would be an encouragement to those attending the Clay County Fair. The materials can be appropriate for boys and girls,young adults, and adults. They will be placed in the FREE basket at the fair. Please place your donations in the basket in the Fellowship Hall. Thanks for being a part of the fair ministry in this way!

The annual ATLAS of Osceola Fall Celebration Banquetwill be held Wednesday, August 30, 2017, at the Ashton Legion Building. Doors will open at 6:00 to view items offered for the silent auction and the meal served at 6:30. All those interested in attending can acquire their free ticket from any board member or by stopping at the ATLAS office.