Program Details


RHL Referral Company, LLC (RHL) was established for the sole purpose of referring prospective purchasers and/or sellers to Roy H Long Company. RHL’s objective is to provide agents who choose to no longer actively participate in the real estate market a way to leverage their income based on their prior investments. In some cases agents choose to retire, while in other situations agents choose to simply follow a different career path. In both situations it behoves agents to join a referral company in order to leverage the investment they have made in obtaining and maintaining their real estate license and developing their sphere of influence.

Under RHL’s program, an agent activates their license with RHL and becomes eligible to legally receive commissions (upon closing) for the referral of clients to RHL. Since this is a “Referral Only” program the RHL agent is no longer actively involved in any part of the real estate business other than the referral of clients and the receipt of commissions through RHL. Therefore, the RHL agent no longer incurs any of the many costs associated with being an active agent. These costs include such things as E&O Insurance / Board / MLS / Entry Device / Lock Boxes / Advertising / Mailings / Gas / etc. Clients referred to RHL are assigned to experienced Long Realty agents (approximately 1,150 agents in Southern Arizona) or, in areas where Long is not directly active, to professional agents with our network brokerage partners (approximately 170,000 agents). So, you can refer clients looking to buy or sell anywhere in the United States. Upon closing, referral commissions are paid to RHL and by RHL to you as the RHL agent.

RHL Commission Plans

When joining RHL, you have a choice of two commission plans:Standard Plan and Prime Plan.

Standard Plan: This plan was designed for agents who are looking to do an occasional referral and want to minimize up-front out-of-pocket expenses. There is NO up-front cost to this plan.

When you have a referral client (buyer or seller), you simply enter your RHL Client Referral information online or complete a Referral Form and submit it to the RHL Coordinator. At that time you can select the Long agent you would like to work with your referral client or allow RHL to select the agent.

When the transaction is closed, Long will pay RHL a referral fee and RHL will pay you 70% of the respective fee.

Standard Plan Transaction Example:

Sale/Purchase Price / *Sale/Purchase Commission % / Gross Commission / Referral Commission % / Referral Commission / RHL Referral Agent Commission Split 70% / 30%
$200,000 / 3% / $6,000 / 25% / $1,500 / $1,050
*Note: % may vary

Prime Plan: This plan is designed for the agent whose goal is to maximize their referral income. Under this plan you pay RHL $250 annually and maintain your license in an “Active” status.

When you have a referral client (buyer or seller), you submit your referral online at or complete the RHL Client Referral form and submit it to your RHL Coordinator. At that time you can select the Long agent you would like to work with your referral client or allow RHL to select the agent.

When the transaction is closed, Long will pay RHL a referral commission and RHL will pay you that entire respective commission, less a $99 transaction fee.

Prime Plan Transaction Example:

Sale/Purchase Price / *Sale/Purchase Commission % / Gross Commission / Referral Commission % / Referral Commission / Transaction Fee / RHL Referral Agent Commission
$200,000 / 3% / $6,000 / 25% / $1,500 / $99 / $1,401
*Note: % may vary

Joining RHL

Joining RHL is as easy as picking up your phone and contacting the RHL Coordinator at520-918-2437. The RHL Coordinator will answer any questions you have and explain exactly what it will take for you to become an active, revenue producing, Referral Agent for RHL. The sooner you call, the sooner you can start collecting referral commissions. You probably know someone right now whom you could refer.

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