Graduate Student Senate

General Meeting



I. Call to Order – 6:00 pm

1)  Approval of Agenda and Minutes (~1 min)

II. Introduction of Senators (~2 min)

III. 2:2:2 (4 min)

IV. Graduate College Report (10 min)

V. Voting: ECGPS Delegate & Vice-President (20 min)

VI. Executive Reports

A. President’s Report – stef shuster*

B. Vice President’s Report – Ulrike Carlson

C. Treasurer’s Report – Andy Koons

D. Membership Officer’s Report – Candice Robinson

E. Parliamentarian’s Report – Sam Bouwers

F. Graduate Council Report – Kristi DiClemente, Andy Koons, Lea Ljumanovic, stef shuster*

G. Graduate Student Organizations Liaison – OPEN POSITION

H. ECGPS Delegate Report – Kristi DiClemente, Ulrike Carlson*

I. DGSAC Chair Report – Steve Levillain

J. Webmaster Report – Maneesh Kumar*

VII. Committee Representative Reports

A. Academic Mentoring Committee – Matt Calamia, Jenni McCabe*

B. Computer Resources Committee – Brian Borchers

C. International Student Committee – Emma Hashman

D. Jakobsen Conference Committee – Danielle Dietz, James Skretta, Kate Wohlman, Tiara Perez*

E. Jakobsen Conference Review Committee – stef shuster

F. Legislative Committee – Emma Hashman, Clint Huntrods*

G. Service & Social Committee – Andrew Juhl, Sara Hussain*

H. Travel Funds Committee – Lindsey Thomas, Kristi DiClemente*

VIII. Announcements

IX. Open Discussion

·  Opened by chair - Closed by motion with second and approval by senate

X. Adjournment (~1 min)

* Reports included

I. Call to Order – 6:00 pm

2)  Approval of Agenda and Minutes (~1 min)

II. Introduction of Senators (~2 min)

III. 2:2:2 (4 min)

IV. Graduate College Report (10 min)

Letter from Dean Keller

V. Voting – (20 min)

3)  Executive Council of Graduate & Professional Students (ECGPS)-

a)  Vice President

b)  Delegate to the council

GSS is one of six member governments that compose the Executive Council of Graduate and Professional Students (ECGPS). Each of the six represents The Graduate College, Carver College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Business, College of Dentistry, and College of Law. The ECPGS is the governing body for graduate and professional students.

Each government appoints two delegates to ECGPS, which is led by four Executives: President, Vice President, Executive Officer, and Budget Director. The GSS is a member of the ECGPS and has the responsibility to work with the professional student collegiate governments in order to serve the University of Iowa’s graduate and professional student population.

Because the Grad College represents such a large portion of the members that make up ECGPS, every year GSS alternates in nominating graduate students to serve as the President or Vice President of ECPGS. For next year, we need to nominate a person to serve as Vice-President (we can send two nominations, if we choose, to submit to ECGPS to decide).

VI. Executive Reports

A. President’s Report – stef shuster

Hello hello! The semester is flying by and we have so much to do! The Jakobsen Conference is always something to look forward to in March. This year's conference is Saturday March 24th from 12pm - 7pm in the IMU. Please consider stopping by to learn more about what other graduate students across the Graduate College are doing in their respective fields. Mark your calendars for the Graduate & Professional Student Spring Formal on April 13th. Also, our next meeting is our big elections meeting. We strongly encourage folks (new and seasoned) to consider running for leadership positions. We rely on the volunteer efforts of all folks to keep our senate running. More information about elections will be sent out (again) as we get closer to that meeting (April 9th at 6pm in the IMU Illinois Room).

B. Vice President’s Report – Ulrike Carlson

C. Treasurer’s Report – Andy Koons

D. Membership Officer’s Report – James Skretta

Nothing to Report

E. Parliamentarian’s Report – Sam Bouwers

Nothing to Report

F. Grad Council Report – Kristi DiClemente, Andy Koons, Lea Ljumanovic, stef shuster

Nothing new to report at this time. However, the next meeting on March 22, 2012 will considera proposal to establish a new Master of Arts in Strategic Communication in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, considera request to suspend admissions to the Comparative Literature Ph.D. program, and considera proposal for a combined degree program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Education for a BA in Environmental Science/MAT in Teaching and Learning (Science Education).

G. Graduate Student Organizations Liaison – OPEN POSITION

H. ECGPS Delegate Report – Kristi DiClemente, Ulrike Carlson

At the next meeting of the Executive Council of Graduate & Professional Students on April 3rd at 7:30pm in the UCC Boardroom, elections for many leadership positions will happen. Please consider running for one of those positions. For more information, visit their website at other news, ECGPS is revising their charter. AND, mark your calendars for the annual UI Museum of Art Graduate and Professional Student Reception on April 20th in the IMU Blackbox Theatre. Starting time (estimated) at 7pm. It is always so much fun. This year's theme is showcasing public art. Appetizers and a cash bar will be available.

I. DGSAC Chair Report – Steve Levillain

Nothing to Report

J. Webmaster Report – Maneesh Kumar

Nothing to Report

VII. Committee Representative Reports

A.  Academic Mentoring Committee – Matt Calamia, Jenni McCabe

The Academic Mentoring Committee is preparing for our discipline-wide discussion panel for undergraduates: Applying to Graduate School. The committee hopes to have our panel composed of graduate students representing a wide range of disciplines across the university. If you are interested and have an hour to spare on March 24th at 12:30, please email Jenni (). We are in particular need of grad student representatives from communication studies and speech/hearing sciences.

B. Computer Resources Committee – Brian Borchers

C. International Student Committee – Emma Hashman

D. Jakobsen Conference Committee – Danielle Dietz, James Skretta, Kate Wohlman, Tiara Perez

The Jakobsen Conference is THIS Saturday March 24th from 12pm-6pm. We invite the entire University of Iowa community to stop by the conference and learn more about the exciting research that graduate students are doing on this campus. To register for the conference (to receive a free lunch and to help us estimate numbers) please visit the website:

E. Jakobsen Conference Review Committee – stef shuster

F. Legislative Committee – Emma Hashman, Clint Huntrods

ECGPS is gearing up for the 2012 legislative session and we need your participation! Join us by sharing what you have been working on with your legislator at Hawkeye Caucus and Regents Day. Hawkeye Caucus is an event hosted specifically by The University of Iowa and will be held on March 27 at the Capitol. We have reserved the 2nd floor of the Capitol for Hawkeyes to show our spirit. Regents Day is an event at the Iowa Capitol on March 29 in which Iowa, UNI, and ISU lobby together for higher education.We are interested in having 5 team captains and 3-5 students within each team. Please let us know if you are interested in participating either as a captain or just a member of a team.
Transportation will be coordinated for both events. Please contact Emma Hashman at if you are interested in participating and for more details.

G. Service & Social Committee – Andrew Juhl, Sara Hussain

Our next S&S meeting is this Wednesday night @ 6pm in the Michigan State room at the IMU; come join us if you can!

Our next service event is Thursday, 3/29. It is the Souper Bowl Serving Event and runs from 5:30-7:30pm. We will be sending volunteers to the event if they’re needed. Contact Frances Barnes () if you’d like to volunteer for this event. The next Minds Matter is 4/6 (Friday. Marriott. 7-9:30pm); Andrew will gladly organize and take a team if interest exists. Contact Andrew Juhl () if you’re interested. THE BIG EVENT! Our Spring Formal (co-hosted with ECGPS) and is on 4/13 (FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH! Wooooo!) @ the Sheraton from 8-midnight. Light food, refreshments, music, and fun will be provided. There will be a cash bar and an exclusive specialty drink JUST FOR US! Ooo! La-la, even!

There’s even more events to come after these, but we’ll tell you about those later (our crack scientists are hard at work maximizing these events’ fun quotients!).

H. Travel Funds Committee – Lindsey Thomas, Kristi DiClemente

The next scoring session is nextTuesday, March 27 at 5:00 PM in N186LC (Lindquist Center). All senators are welcome to attend. As always, snacks will be provided, and we are grateful for your help.

The remaining GSS Travel Funds deadlines are on Thursdays, 11:59pm, as follows: March 22 (also the final Supplemental Award deadline for fiscal year 2011/12), May 17, and July 19 (next fiscal year). The committee meetings (scoring sessions) during the spring semester will be held in lab N186LC (Lindquist Center) at 5:00 PM on the following Tuesdays: March 27 and May 22.

VIII. Announcements

* Next GSS meeting on April 9th at 6pm in the IMU Illinois Room (#348) is a MANDATORY elections meeting for GSS executive officer positions. Please consider running or encouraging folks in your department to take on leadership positions.

IX. Open Discussion

·  Opened by chair - Closed by motion with second and approval by senate

X. Adjournment (~1 min)

2011-2012 Graduate Student Senate

Roster of Elected Positions

Executive Officers:

President stef shuster

Vice President Ulrike Carlson

Treasurer Andy Koons

Executive Associate Kimberly Hoppe

Membership Officer Candice Robinson

Parliamentarian Sam Bouwers

ECGPS Delegates Kristi DiClemente

Ulrike Carlson

stef shuster (alt)

Emma Hashman (alt)

Graduate Council Kristi DiClemente

Lea Ljumanovic Andy Koons

stef shuster

Webmaster Maneesh Kumar

Roster of Appointed Positions

Committee Chairs:

Academic Mentoring Committee Matt Calamia

Jenni McCabe

Computer Resources Committee Brian Borchers

International Student Committee Emma Hashman

Jakobsen Conference Committee Danielle Dietz

James Skretta

Kate Wohlman

Tiara Perez

Jakobsen Conference Review stef shuster

Legislative Committee Emma Hashman

Clint Huntrods

Service & Social Committee Andrew Juhl

Sara Hussain

Travel Funds Committee Lindsey Thomas

Kristi DiClemente

Additional GSS Representatives:

Dean’s Graduate Student Advisory Steve Levillain

Committee (DGSAC)

Graduate Student Organizations Liaison OPEN POSITION

GPAC Andy Koons

Benjamin Gillig

Gene Parker